ADVChina: China’s Massive Food Shortage Problem
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Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations.
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Yes–eye-opening video. CCP cares not one iota about its land or people. Hint: formal religion is BANNED, as THE STATE is their “god.” So, there’s no ultimate spiritual consequences for evil or bad actions. No hope, no higher authority–other than the CCP. Transcendent authority not on their menu–nope.
If you watch these two guys’ prior videos (“Serpentza” and laowhy86″) you will learn that the CCP in China, absent any moral or religious code, offers two things: unlimited SEX and honoring Mammon ($$$) as their god. So, if you have sex with three dozen others and make a few bucks–you are looked up to as a “success.” WHOA!
Sex and money, money and sex…these are all that count.
Remember how the CCP’s factories “enhanced’ the protein content of their powdered baby-milk formula with a cheap chemical POISON? Yep–it killed hundreds of Chinese infants. They care ZERO about life, limb, and land.
But–and here’s my .02–you have “gatekeepers,” called politicians here in America ON THE TAKE from the CCP. A recent Breitbart story highlighted the graft, corruption, greed, and treason of current and ex-American politicians.
So–the MSM, colleges, tee vee, Hollyweird, and social media platforms are all bought off with CCP bribes, favors, and “cultural exchanges,” which perpetuate this poisoning of Chinese land, its people, and eventually the US. Yeah–chew on summa dat “Alaskan wild caught fish–PRODUCT OF CHINA” sold at COSTCO.
Ladies and gents–FOLLOW THE MONEY. Cui bono.