Paul Craig Roberts: There Is No Ukrainian Crisis

The task of the American media is not objective journalism. The task is to support the official narrative. The two main narratives at the present time are: vaccination is necessary to control Covid and Russia is about to invade Ukraine. This article is about the latter. Following Bloomberg, New York Times, CNN, now it is the Washington Post’s turn to bleat the false message.

The official narrative on Ukraine is that a Russian invasion of Ukraine is imminent, “as soon as tomorrow,” to use the words of Biden’s national security advisor.

No such invasion will take place. The question is why has the Biden regime painted itself into a corner? When no invasion occurs, Washington is going to look very silly.

Possibly Washington is making invasion accusations in order to block Nord Stream 2. But this would hurt Europe, not Russia.

There is no crisis. If there actually was a crisis, Washington and NATO would be doing more to get ready than to make token troop deployments.

The Russian position is also difficult to understand. The Russians see a crisis because Washington did not agree to keep Ukraine out of NATO and not to expand NATO further. But this is just a face-saving refusal. In actual fact, Russia made it extremely clear that Russia would not permit NATO membership for Ukraine. Washington got the message and has no intention of putting Ukraine in NATO. Washington is saving face by claiming a right it will never dare use. Already Washington has moved Ukraine’s NATO membership to the distant future. In other words, it is merely a possibility in some distant future. Ukraine knows she is abandoned by the West and will make a deal with Russia.

The Kremlin’s insistance on a signed mutual security agreement makes no sense. If Washington’s word given to Gorbachev that NATO will not move one inch to the East is no good, neither would Washington’s signature be any good. Indeed, Russia thought she had resolved the Ukrainian situation years ago when she obtained signatures to the Minsk Agreement, but the signatures meant nothing, and the agreement was not implemented.

Look at it this way: If there really is a crisis and a likely Russian invasion of Ukraine, Washington can prevent it by agreeing to exclude Ukraine from NATO.

Or Russia can prevent the Ukrainians from causing a crisis by reincorporating the Donbass Russians back into Russia. Not even Ukrainians are foolish enough to attack Russian territory.

Russia has overwhelming military superiority in Europe. The Kremlin does not need any agreements and could not trust them if it had them. All the Kremlin needs to do is to state publicly that Russia would consider NATO membership for Ukraine a declaration of war and would take the necessary action to end the threat. Privately, the Kremlin needs to tell Poland and Romania that the American missile bases on their territory have to leave. Period. No discussion. It can be done as quietly and in as face-saving a manner as desired, but they do have to go.

Russia will have obtained her goal, and the Baltics and the rest will have understood the message.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. Chris February 10, 2022 at 11:03

    History says…
    You Make a deal with the US Gov’t ….
    Better bring your Vaseline cause they don’t.

  2. Zorost February 10, 2022 at 12:25

    One theory I’ve heard that makes sense of the US position is that it’s real worry is Europe slipping out of it’s control. The US wants Europe to commit to sanctions against Russia not to hurt Russia but to keep Europe trading with the US. Especially for US LNG which greatly profits Biden Inc and other powerful players. Russia annexing E Ukraine could result in those sanctions, which Putin doesn’t want partly due to hurting Russia but mostly because it would put a hamper on his plans to split off Europe from the US.

    If Russia doesn’t invade, “Biden” can still declare Total Victory over the Tatar Menace, since everyone in media knew that Russia was about to attack. They knew because they reported it, which means it must be true.

    • NC Scout February 10, 2022 at 12:39

      This makes a lot of sense.

  3. ReluctantMillennial February 10, 2022 at 13:10

    I can’t shake the sense of deja vu bringing me back to the lead-up to the Iraq invasion. The US media is hyping up a threat that anyone with a shred of critical thinking can see doesn’t pose a threat (hell in this case the hype is CREATING the threat to the mainland US).

  4. boss21 February 10, 2022 at 13:44

    Russia is also selling gold into the London exchange. Protection money so call off the dogs of war? Prop up the ponzi to give the technocrats time to shift gears? Throwing Russia out of SWIFT also gives more ammo to the CBDC pushers in the Eurasian integration faction.

  5. Rob157 February 10, 2022 at 23:40

    Headline Yahoo news:

    The very last sentence in the article is very telling. Prepping the battlefield, at home and abroad…

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