The Elders Duty in the face of Tyranny [must listen]

“When Elders fail, the Church fails, and when the Church fails, the nation falls.” Why do we live in a fallen America? It is because of the failure of modern day Christianity. Their compliance and false piety has led to our current circumstances.”

About the speaker: Derek Carlsen is a pastor from South Africa. He experienced firsthand the oppression of a tyrannical government. He confronted the killer tyrant Mugabe with the Word of God. In this speech he confronts the failure of Christian elders to address the tyranny they see in society. He gives you – the people – actionable items to bring to your leadership. SHARE this Talk, especially with your Pastor and Elders!


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About the Author: Parachutin Frogman

Sinner saved by Christ JESUS, "The LORD our Righteousness," by His amazing free and sovereign grace to save wretched, poor and needy sinners by His perfect/FINISHED work on the cross; by the shedding of His precious blood to wash our sin away; by His imputed righteousness in clothing His people with eternal righteousness and that He saves sinners from Hell. TRUTH -ex Special Boat Unit #13 / BUD/S Class #126 / SEAL Team TWO / NAVSPECWARDEVGRU [Red] assaulter


  1. Parachutin Frogman February 22, 2022 at 20:52

    This must see sub-18 minute video can also be viewed at:

  2. sparkmakeractual February 22, 2022 at 21:49

    Outstanding and powerful. Most grateful for this.

  3. Parachutin Frogman February 22, 2022 at 22:18

    Roger that SierraMikeAlpha. Reckon it’s good for us all to get this video out to LOADS of our loved ones, neighbors, contacts (etc.) via whatever means of COMM’s you currently operate in.

    It’s imperative that our primary focus with a holy reverential awe [-fear] be upon the LORD JESUS Christ, not mere flesh-and-blood men nor their threats. May He please give us gifts from on high: wisdom, understanding, love, faith, hope, prudence, sagacity, discretion and help us to walk circumspectfully in these perilous and evil times.

    Glad this was encouraging for ya’, S.M.A. Cheers… “Salvation is of the LORD.” -Jonah 2:9c [KJV]

  4. Chris February 22, 2022 at 22:31

    I downloaded that.

    Thank You

  5. Shinmen Takezo February 22, 2022 at 23:22

    Carlsen should have confronted the tyrant Mugabe with AK47’s, L1A’s and squad automatic weapons–instead of religious yammering and blabbering. Now look where the people of European stock lay in South Africa.

  6. Chef February 22, 2022 at 23:30

    I have been pushing the doctrine of the lesser magistrate hard with my local Commonwealth Attorney, (DA), and my sheriff. We are very lucky to live in a county where they at least give lip service to DoLM. When push comes to shove we will see. As a Commonwealth Virginia is a Dillon’s Rules state, so even though elected their power flows through Richmond and at least on paper can be stripped away by Richmond. Like we saw with 90% of Virginia’s Counties declaring themselves “2nd Amendment Sanctuaries,” Richmond and the Governor openly stated that the state police and even the Guard could be used if necessary. We did not get to ever see and actual test of that, because Virginia just barely flipped back Red, (whatever that means anymore). They have altered Virginia’s Constitution and passed legislation at odds with our tradition of Common Law Jurisprudence. It remains to be seen if any of that is going to actually be rolled back, not that matters with the Federal Supremacists in DC. and with what is coming with the Great Reset. Then a healthy does of fear is just prudence as we go about settling all accounts.

  7. Parachutin Frogman February 23, 2022 at 21:43

    Good job Chef for taking action and reaching out to your civil magistrates and “constables.” You brought up a good point there, that it’s important to talk to LEO personnel as well. Cheers man… “Salvation is of the LORD.” -Jonah 2:9c [KJV]

  8. Dan February 24, 2022 at 13:28

    Thank you! Simply outstanding.

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