Trudeau’s latest attack on peaceful Freedom Convoy is straight from Communist China’s playbook
(Natural News) This is the most important Daily News note that I have ever written. Read on and you will understand why I wrote this to go out with the LifeSite Daily News email to subscribers last night.
(Article by Steve Jalsevac republished from
Monday was a wild, roller coaster day for Canadians and the Convoy 2022 movement that has attracted immense international attention and support. One nation after another has seen the rise of a trucker movement imitating the incredibly successful Canadian one. Each one verifies similar citizen disgust and desperation over covid mandates in their respective nations.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced end to vaccine passports mandate
The day started out with an astonishing press conference from COVID tyrant and Ontario premier Doug Ford. Ontario is Canada’s most populated and wealthy province. Ford announced a completely unexpected, supposed end to the province’s vaccine passports mandate. I use “supposed” because he is also going to allow businesses to continue to demand proof of vaccination if they so wish. That is a contradictory policy of giving with one hand while taking away with the other.
He also vaguely indicated that masks will stay in place until “a later date” and threatened Truckers with “serious consequences” for “lawless activity,” ignoring his own constantly failed, massively lawless COVID policies that have been catastrophic and resulted in thousands of otherwise preventable deaths and severe injuries that are ongoing.
Trudeau/federal government invocation of Emergency Measures Act
Then there was the carefully staged Justin Trudeau and various aids’ press conference, where for the first time in Canadian history the extreme Emergency Measures Act (EMA) was invoked. It gives this chronically lying prime minister frightening dictatorial powers to crush terrorists or similar threats to the nation.
Trudeau has never been known to be consistent on his beliefs and policies which back in 2020 would have strongly supported today’s truckers’ actions – even if they lasted a year. See the following excerpt from the New York Times editorial board noted in an illuminating Hot Air column today:
“Entertaining the use of force to disperse or contain legal protests is wrong. As Mr. Trudeau said in November 2020, in expressing his support of a yearlong protest by farmers in India that blocked major highways to New Delhi, “Canada will always be there to defend the right of peaceful protest.”’
The Hot Air author logically concludes, “Trudeau’s sudden grasp of emergency powers to shut down peaceful protest is not just a clear case of hypocrisy, but also a warning sign for authoritarianism.”
LifeSite’s Kennedy Hall writes that what Trudeau has actually done was to give himself new powers to “squash a freedom movement that is engaging in civil disobedience peacefully.” And that civil disobedience has been a sacred, traditional right in Canada.
Trudeau political clone Doug Ford also expressed complete support for the PM’s extreme reaction to the peaceful, patriotic protesters. They have been gaining support from millions of Canadians desperately seeking relief from the COVID mandates that have devastated Canada’s economy and society.
Ford seems to have a political death wish which the provincial Liberals will take full advantage of in the upcoming provincial election.
Tucker Carlson was quick to respond last night to Trudeau as having declared Canada to be a dictatorship, which, as he explains, is not an unreasonable charge.
The Canadian Civil Liberties Association has thankfully announced last night that Trudeau has gone too far. They added, “the federal government has not met the threshold necessary to invoke the Emergencies Act. This law creates a high and clear standard for good reason: the Act allows the government to bypass ordinary democratic processes. This standard has not been met.”
They are correct. There is no justifiable, honest reason for its invocation. This is major fraud involving massive exaggerations and lies about the truckers and supporters.
At an earlier truckers’ press conference, Canadian Senator Brian Peckford, the last remaining drafter of Canada’s Charter of Rights, and a great Canadian expressed dismay over the expected invocation of the EMA. Both Peckford and a trucker organizer stated that Convoy 2022 “will hold the line” and the protests will continue to try to free Canadians from the destructive mandates.
Canada’s federal police, the Mounties, have engaged in overnight, Mafia-like violent sabotage of three huge excavators on private property in a field near the Coutts, Alberta truckers’ blockade which they only “suspected” would be used in the blockade. They also claim to have arrested persons connected to the blockade who allegedly had a large number of guns and planned violence against the Mounties when they moved to dismantle the blockade.
At the truckers’ press conference a journalist asked a question about the arrests and guns. There was an immediate outcry from the truckers shouting “lies, lies, lies.” Almost everyone related to the truckers has long been expecting a false flag setup of this type by the Mounties in order to turn the public against them and to justify extreme actions.
The Conservative parliamentary motion to end the COVID restrictions was unfortunately defeated Monday 185 to 151, with only all the Conservatives supporting the motion.
Dr. Robert Malone warns Canadians to defend their nation from Globalists
This is the big one: Dr. Robert Malone posted an article on his bl