Guest Post: Daily I Sit Outside The Gate
I am deposited at this gate by my friends
As they go off to work.
What a blessing to have such friends
Since my twisted birth.
They do all they can
And will return and take me home
At the end of their day.
I lay here
At this beautiful gate
Since I cannot walk.
This beautiful gate
Is where I live.
I wish I could go in.
I hear the people who are inside.
I hear their prayers.
Does God hear mine?
Every day I am outside this gate
But I want to go in.
Blind people walk past but
They don’t hear me as I cry out.
They don’t see me
Because I am always been here.
I’m a fixture
In this mixture called life.
I try to throw my prayers over the wall
But they fall back to the ground.
Another day outside
As I lay on the ground.
It’s the 9th hour of the day
And here comes two men.
What do they have to say?
Looking at me they see me,
Listening they hear me.
Speaking they tell me to stand.
But I cannot
But now I can!
Written after reading Acts 3:1-10