India Will Drop the Dollar to Trade with Russia, Replacing SWIFT

As predicted, the extraordinary sanctions against Russia will in the long term hurt the West and damage or destroy the value of the US dollar.

In lieu of SWIFT – a Western financial system now blocking Russia – Russians will soon use a new system that allows direct rupee-ruble payments between Russia and India.

That is according to the president of the Federation of Indian Export Organizations (FIEO), A Sakthivel, speaking with CNBC on Wednesday.

The arrangement would allow India and Russia to carry out financial operations bypassing the US dollar. Russia is effectively blocked from using US currency due to Western sanctions over the conflict in Ukraine.

The US will become poor overnight as this becomes a pattern thanks to Biden and The Great Reset. Don’t think for a minute that the people behind Biden didn’t know they would destroy the US dollar with these sanctions. They are pushing The Great Reset, a feudalistic global system of governance.

According to the official, the Indian government is working on a proposal to allow up to five nationalized Indian banks to be engaged in the rupee-ruble trade mechanism, and discussions between the central bank governor, the finance minister, and the banks on the matter have already been held. The arrangement would let Indian exporters continue doing business with Russia despite sanctions banning, among other things, international payment mechanisms in the country, such as SWIFT. It would also let India continue buying Russian energy exports and other goods.

According to Sakthivel, the Indian economy could profit from sanctions Russia is facing, as they give Indian exporters an opportunity to expand on the Russian market.

Export to Russia is not much, only in agriculture and pharmacy products. Now that the whole of the West is banning Russia, there will be a lot of opportunities for Indian firms to enter Russia,” he stated.


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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. Centurion_Cornelius March 30, 2022 at 05:56

    1.4 BILLION mouths in India to feed–(and increasing daily) you’ve got to ACT and do so quickly, or things get mighty ugly, very fast. Modi, the PM there, has got to do what he has to do.

    Funny, ain’t it — Communist RUSS making money selling India grain, while Free Market US closes markets, loses profits, and “virtue signals” its crops, ag jobs, and economy straight into the ground.

    Even at the height of WW1–German banks paid English banks their contractual money payments, and vice-versa–yet the Royal Navy blockaded Germany to starve out the Kaiser’s civilians and U-boats torpedoed grain ships headed to the UK for civilians.

    Sanctions work very little–except to greatly harm the “little people.”

    Gents–this is a titanic struggle to first destroy RUSS, then move on to hobble and destroy CHINA, and in the process, cripple the EEC, leaving ‘the West’ of London and America to continue to rule a uni-polar world, IMHO.

    RUSS=#1 has vast natural resources, oil, NG, coal, timber, vital minerals, which #2 produce and easily support a healthy and effective national defense structure, and parenthetically #3, still has some vestiges of Christianity.

    THAT really pisses off D.C. and London!

    (no, I’m not a Russian-backer, Putin-lover, or America-hater, just the facts, Ma’am.)

  2. Centurion_Cornelius March 30, 2022 at 06:12


    “You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!”

    RUSS just simply told the EEC: “You want RUSS nat gas, pay in rubles, gold, or Bitcoin.’ End of story.

    EEC weenies replied, huffing and puffing: “But, but…our people will freeze.”

    Well, Yeah! Buyer and Seller–two parties must make mutual deal which benefits both, or NO DEAL!

    Joe Biden & Co. “assured” EEC: “We got your NG back! Fook RUSS and its oil and gas. Buy USA NG. We are the “boss man” of energy–do as we say vassal lapdog, or else.”

    Oh yeah? Joe Biden & Co, is PURE BULLSHIT!

    Weaning EEC off RUSS’s nat gas titty: got some REAL ISSUES:


    (again, I’m no RUSS booster–just talking dollars, cents, rubles and energy needs.)

  3. Not So Free March 30, 2022 at 21:47

    **”The US will become poor overnight as this becomes a pattern thanks to Biden and The Great Reset.”**
    I have absolutely no doubt that this has been the plan all along.

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