Hi NC Scout,
Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our misinformation policy. We’ve removed the following content from YouTube:
Video: 137. The Fight for Faith and Liberty with Matt Jesuele
We know that this might be disappointing, but it’s important to us that YouTube is a safe place for all. If content breaks our rules, we remove it. If you think we’ve made a mistake, you can appeal and we’ll take another look. Keep reading for more details.

How your content violated the policy

Content that advances false claims that widespread fraud, errors, or glitches changed the outcome of the U.S. 2020 presidential election is not allowed on YouTube.

How this affects your channel

Because it’s the first time, this is just a warning. If it happens again, your channel will get a strike and you won’t be able to do things like upload, post, or live stream for 1 week.

What to do next

We want to help you stay on YouTube, so please:
  • Make sure you understand YouTube’s Community Guidelines and strikes basics.
  • Review your content with our policies in mind. If after reviewing your content you think we made a mistake, let us know. You can appeal this decision.
The YouTube Team

This is why, for starters, I give zero cares Youtube, only have a channel because it was made by default through Podbean’s sharing program, make no attempt whatsoever to do anything with their dog and pony show and have a massive level of contempt for any of the phony ‘patriot’ types who use it to ‘put their message out‘ while shooting fast at stationary targets. Ask yourself why they exist unimpeded. Don’t think too hard.

From anyone who listened to that episode, which was many, Matt Jesuele discussed the voting irregularities he personally saw and the measures the mass media took to cover it up which led him to not just becoming politically active but also finding Christ.

Because they did, and he would know.

So go to hell Google. And you may be joined in good company by your blue haired oxygen thieves.

If you tell a lie enough times….the people get fed up when pushed.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. Crusoe March 3, 2022 at 22:15

    Love it!!! What a great response!!!

  2. Robert F Gamble March 3, 2022 at 22:20

    YES ! … Exactly ! Way too many of these issues have been proven in way too many of the election results.


  3. Quietus March 3, 2022 at 22:28

    Good deal, it’s a feather in your cap to be noticed by the censors at that place.

    You are already doing well with the parallel narrative (meaning the effort all should do in the social and economic realm, to bypass the Other People and make them irrelevant as our lives are lived.) As you recently said, your sites are already beating some of the mainstream outlets like a bastard stepchild.

    Perhaps you are working on an episode that will result in a permanent purge from that site, an episode for the ages.

  4. Not So Free March 3, 2022 at 22:50

    Imagine, if you will, a world in which You Tube, Twitter, and Facebook merge to become known as YouTwitFace.

    • Pineslayer March 4, 2022 at 08:48

      Thank you for the laugh

  5. E/325 March 3, 2022 at 23:45

    “Oxygen Thieves,” I love it… Haven’t heard anyone other than myself use that in a very long time.

    • Encouraging Angels March 4, 2022 at 19:16

      God bless you sir. The enemy is just smart enough to know whom to be scared of. Viva AP!

  6. spinerah March 4, 2022 at 00:02

    There will be a reckoning the longer it takes the bigger it’ll get.

  7. Centurion_Cornelius March 4, 2022 at 04:18

    an old Native American warrior adage:


    Bro–you are in GREAT COMPANY!

  8. James Carpenter aka "Felix" March 4, 2022 at 05:33

    I’ve been put in “jail” three times now by FaceBook, am surprised not banned completely.
    Why even _have_ and _use_ a FB account? Because we should not simply cede ground that claims to be “public” and that purports to be interested in “facts” and “safety”.
    All of the systems censoring narratives counter to their aims are deeply evil.
    Keep probing the wire, always. Make them censor you and ban you – these then are examples that _might_ open a few eyes now and then.
    Besides, tell me it ain’t fun to poke the bear with sticks now and then…. :-)

  9. Rooster March 4, 2022 at 09:34

    Whats a google?

    In a more perfect world.


  10. Romeo Foxtrot March 4, 2022 at 09:45

    Congratulations, a badge of honor bestowed upon you..

    Just means you over the target…

    Plenty of other platforms out there…

    Brighteon is a great platform too…

    • NC Scout March 4, 2022 at 11:13

      Brighteon, et al are great if I had a team to convert the data and upload it. Flying solo I have neither the time nor the patience to do that.

      YouTube autopopulates and makes it easy, and I largely ignore the entire process.

      Seriously I don’t have the time to care, but everyone out there should wonder about these other clowns grandstanding on it.

  11. Chef March 4, 2022 at 11:23

    Oxygen thieves and bugs!!! It is a de-evolution of the human mind. In the book Ordinary Men, author Christopher Browning shows how the average German and most Europeans prior to WWII were the most educated humans on the planet. Yet they quickly devolved into beings capable of horrendous acts. How much more so will the barbarism be as we head into WWIII? Make no mistake… It has begun. Arm your spirit and ready your body.

  12. Überdeplorable Psychedelic Cat Grass March 4, 2022 at 12:52

    Well done. As you said, any of the other clowns still on it that have not been touched are controlled opposition.

  13. Scipio March 4, 2022 at 15:00

    Proud of your response Scout! I am proud of you. It brought a smile to my face but a cloud to my heart to see how deep we are falling.

  14. vyt1az March 5, 2022 at 11:32

    Sounds like an occasion worthy of some Diplomatico and a good cigar.

  15. Jefferson Thomas March 5, 2022 at 14:21

    There is a special place in hell for google – right next to child molestors and people who talk in the theater.

  16. Chris March 5, 2022 at 17:41

    Congrats ! A Badge of Honor.
    Means your on the correct track.

  17. ConSigCor March 6, 2022 at 11:37

    If you’re taking flak, you’re over the target.

    I’ve run a website for 21 years. Our provider recently took us offline because a couple of leftist trolls reported us for “abuse”. They don’t appreciate being blocked for spam. If they can’t take the heat they should stay out of the kitchen.

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