There’s a New World Order (NWO) and there’s a “new” world order. Do You Know the Difference? by Scipio

The (NWO) version, is a geopolitical ideology. The other lower cased “new” world order is a geopolitical reality. The New World Order (NWO) is a group of worldwide elites, mostly located in the West, who want to control the world through oppressive and authoritarian means using various (fascist & communist) socialist ideologies.

In this post I will be discussing the “new” world order, NOT the NWO.

What we are seeing mainly in the Ukraine presently is an outworking of the “new” world order NOT the NWO. Don’t get me wrong, Klaus Schwab and the NWO (See Fox News story 3/3/2022 by Kira Rudik, Ukrainian Parliament Member: We fight for this New World Order) is knee deep in it, but fundamentally what’s happening in the Ukraine and the world is the formation of realigned nations, and more importantly, cultures, as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union and end of the Cold War.

To fully comprehend what is developing today you need to understand the historical backstory of the Cold War era. At the time of the Cold War the world was divided between the East and West. (There is an explanation for that term, which has nothing to do with geography, but I won’t get into it). Basically, it was the “Free World” vs the Communist world with each of their proxies. The primary heavy weight nations involved were the USA VS. USSR. (Sounds like a MMA headliner fight now that I view it in hindsight BTW).

Samuel P. Huntington brilliantly laid out the coming “new” world order in his landmark book, “The Clash Of Civilizations and the Making of World Order”. Published originally in 1993 as an article in Foreign Affairs magazine. His book and George F. Keenan’s book “Containment” are considered to be the two most influential foreign policy books of the last half of the twentieth century.

In 1993 Huntington presciently described the world we live in today, March 2023. He predicted that after a brief time the USA will be the only super power. However, because of extreme ethnocentrism (American exceptionalism for example) and internal pressure the US power will wane and others will form alliances of a “new” world order. He specifically singled out multiculturalism and diversify as the twin headed dragon that would weaken and possibly destroy America as we know it.

He predicted a “new” world order would emerge not on nation states or centered on the ideological conflicts of the twentieth century but a clash of civilizations, i.e. cultures. Peoples groups would begin to exert their own identities, their own nationalism.

Historically cartographers drew lines on post war maps carving up the world among the powers that followed geographic features rather than ethnic and cultural groups. Today we are seeing those lines blurred, ignored, and physically attacked. A realignment based on these common interests would bring geographic areas together based on commonality and also unified in one thing, overthrowing the lone remaining super power power: America.

If culture instead of geographic physical features were taken into consideration by the map makers (aka governments) then the Kurds in Turkey & Iraq would have their land, Shias in Iraq would have their land, Tamils in Sri Lanka would have their land, Palestinians in Israel, The Fur in Darfur would have land carved out of the Sudanese and Chad borders, and maybe, just maybe 1 million Rwandans, mostly Tutsi, would not have been slaughtered in the 1994 ethnic conflict, and many other worldwide atrocities not occurred. Payday is coming to the West and old grievances don’t die easily. Look at the conflicts around the world today and you will see they are happening where differing cultures meet geographical. Huntington called them “fault lines”.

Peoples of the world are beginning to realize they need to band with other like-minded and culturally similar people and step outside the lines that have restrained them for so long. They are forming alliances, seeing areas of solidarity, rejecting the overlordship of the old ruling elite. They are forming areas of hegemony and hegemon are emerging. That is one of the main reasons we are seeing an emerging alliance of three culturally different nations; Iran, Russia, and China increasingly working together in areas of mutual interests, most notably the Belt Road Initiative (BRI), a 21st century version of Marco Polo’s Silk Road. Then there are the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), who continue to work together with their currency payments to one another, bypassing the world reserve currency, the US Dollar. The Wests kicking Russia out of SWIFT, the international financial clearing system, will only force them to accelerate that change. If the US Dollar is replaced by another world reserve currency, America will quickly become a second-rate power just as Great Britain did after the Pound Sterling was replaced as the world’s reserve currency by the US Dollar as a result of the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944.

The world is reordering itself along the lines of culture (religion, language, tradition, etc.) and nationalism. America on the other hand is going in the opposite direction, emphasizing its differences. My home state’s (North Carolina) motto is “Esse quam videri” which means “To be, rather than to seem”. But the creed has become the opposite today, it more resembles “Let’s pose and preen” because it’s too hard to be real and honest.

After witnessing the rapid cultural decline of America after publishing his “Clash of Civilizations” in 2004 Sam Huntington wrote a follow up book titled “Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity”. He lays the case for the regional breakup of the United States based on internal domestic divisions. Thus, in some parts of the world we are seeing a coalescing of like-minded culturally compatibility bringing groups together. In other places like the European Union (EU) and American they are tearing apart. These are multi-generational forces at work in the days we live in, perhaps even a new epoch in time. Understanding them will help you avoid getting caught up in the trees of propaganda and miss the forest of “new” world order change.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. Centurion_Cornelius March 3, 2022 at 13:30

    Good read.

    The UKR dustup? US, EEC + UK vs Russia

    See what the USA, EEC, and UK support and you’ll see why Putin invaded UKR:

    Who knew Ukraine was run from a bagel shop in Miami Beach?

  2. boss21 March 3, 2022 at 14:36

    Great article. I remember when Huntington’s book came out the back flap advertised ‘that Pres Clinton kept this book on his nightstand’. Young naive me thought this was good- he will see the danger in his policies. We read books like this and 1984 or Tragedy and Hope and see danger- these wackos see a blueprint.
    Huntington is not a neutral observer- he advised ( not well it turns out) the Apartheid Government of SA. He also wrote the ‘Soldier and the State’ to seduce military and police types to involve themselves in politics. That worked out well.
    N(n)ew World Order is just Ancient World Disorder. It’s like a ship with hidden ownership who from tim to time have to change the crew for incompetence , dereliction or bad weather ie now.

  3. ConSigCor March 3, 2022 at 17:59

    Babylon rising.

  4. Art Simpson March 4, 2022 at 21:45

    There are 2 New World Orders. NWOEast and NWOWest. They are vying for control of the earth. Biblical prophesy has the answer. The Russians, (&China & others) NWOE invade Israel and 1/6th of their forces are not killed. They are decimated. The U.S. NWOW is also wiped out by NWOE same time. Then China, NWOE who held back from war, launches their army of 200 million and kills 1/3rd of the remaining on earth. China, NWOE wins. Angel Apollyon, anti-Christ reigns over the world from his throne in Jerusalem.

  5. RP March 5, 2022 at 08:31

    Notice how the nutbags with their face diapers and 3-4 booster shots up their @$$ are now clamoring for further escalation that will lead to nuke war and WW3. Nutbags.

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