Scipioisms, by Scipio
- Many people are dumb and proud of it. Others are stupid and unaware of it. A chosen few are aware of it and have to live with the other two.
- Waiting on God is the best prayer you will never pray.
- Life has a surprise ending. None of us are going to get out of it alive.
- Politician’s answers to tough questions are always, “Whaw, Whaw, Whaw, we’ll look into that later.”
- If you insist on the truth, you’re going to be intimidated, investigated, and eliminated.
- Life is like an Etch-a-Sketch. To get a different view you have to turn it upside down and shake it.
- I shoulduv, coulduv, woulduv, if I woulduv.
- Spring Fever is not a seasonal virus.
- If you are fortunate, you will grow old. If you are fortunate and cultivate yourself, you will grow old and wise.
- Today we live among a legion of liars.
- No treasure is dug up and found without much effort. Things acquired through much effort is appreciated the most.
- Everyone needs a good ranch dressing recipe.
- Sleep jumps out of my head like a slippery fish jumping out of a net.
- People need a personal grievance or general cause, a method or plan of action, and finally at leader.
- I didn’t know getting old was going to be so slow.
- Children don’t walk from place to place when they are playing, they run.
- Don’t be quick to believe a lie.
- I heard this over the Home Depot PA system, “Customer needs assistance in the blind isle.”
- I own up to my own failures because I did them 100% on my own.
- Is there death in your future? If so, live like it.
- We are all on God’s clock and it has no months or years, just days.
- Let your life speak for itself.
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