Lawfully Opposing Tyranny: The Lesser Magistrate Doctrine

I trust this will help greatly. It’s very simple to understand. This info is timely and important to understand. Please forward this to all your contacts including county Sheriff’s, mayors, city council members, etc. Cheers, lads. Have a swell weekend but stay frosty and well armed with extra mags, ay?

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About the Author: Parachutin Frogman

Sinner saved by Christ JESUS, "The LORD our Righteousness," by His amazing free and sovereign grace to save wretched, poor and needy sinners by His perfect/FINISHED work on the cross; by the shedding of His precious blood to wash our sin away; by His imputed righteousness in clothing His people with eternal righteousness and that He saves sinners from Hell. TRUTH -ex Special Boat Unit #13 / BUD/S Class #126 / SEAL Team TWO / NAVSPECWARDEVGRU [Red] assaulter


  1. Parachutin Frogman June 24, 2022 at 19:18

    The Lesser Magistrate Doctrine teaches that when the superior or higher ranking civil authority makes unjust/immoral law, policy, or court opinion – the lower or lesser ranking civil authority has both the God-given right and duty to refuse obedience to that superior authority; and if necessary, actively resist the superior authority.

    The doctrine was first formalized by Christian men in Magdeburg, Germany in 1550 A.D..

    The lesser magistrate doctrine is rooted in the historic Christian doctrine of interposition. Interposition is where one steps into the gap – placing themselves in between the oppressor and his intended victim. Interposition can take place verbally or physically.

    The law of God is the objective standard to which all men and all governments of men are accountable. If civil authorities make law, policy, or court opinion that is contrary to His law – the lesser magistrates are to interpose and stop the evil.

    America’s founders established this nation as a true federalism. In a true federalism there are multiple levels of government and multiple branches on each level. They did this because they held to a Christian view of man – that he is wicked and in need of a Savior.

    They did not want power to rest in one man or a small group of men.

    The intent, therefore, of federalism is: if any one branch begins to play the tyrant, it is the duty of the other branches to interpose and resist that branch – and stop the evil. The duty of the people is to rally with the interposing magistrates.

    All public authorities (magistrates) possess lawful authority. If federal authorities do wrong, it is the duty of state, county, and local authorities to step in and stop the evil. If state authorities do wrong, it is the duty of county and local officials to step in and stop the evil.

    State, county, and local magistrates take an oath to uphold both their State Constitution and the U.S. Constitution. They do not take an oath of subservience to the federal government, nor do they take an oath to blindly obey the authority above them.

    Rather, they take an oath to uphold the constitutions. If therefore, another authority makes law, policy, or court opinion repugnant to the state or federal constitutions – they should not obey them.

    God has established four realms of government to which He delegates authority. They are: (1) self-government; (2) family government; (3) church government; and (4) civil government. Each has its own role, function, and limits.

    The authority an individual possesses in any one of these four realms of government is delegated authority. In other words, they derive their authority from God. Their authority is not autonomous or unconditional. Their authority is God-given, and thus, they have a duty to govern in accordance with His rule.

    When someone in authority makes laws or decrees contrary to God’s law, they are in rebellion to God’s rule. Those under their authority are NOT to obey them when they do this. They may even have to actively resist them.

  2. boss21 June 24, 2022 at 20:13

    This is important. Here in NYC they claimed we couldn’t work without the clot shot. Legal crap makes my hair hurt but I got a NY State honcho to back down with the religious exemption. My daughter did the same with a university. By any means necessary. We are sovereign men, time to start acting like it. God helps those who help themselves.

  3. Rooster June 24, 2022 at 20:38

    Be good and do right!

    Grandma Yost always spoke these words when parting company.


    • Parachutin Frogman June 25, 2022 at 17:31

      Rooster, I have heard it put this way, “Do right and risk the consequences.”

  4. Madman Actual June 24, 2022 at 20:53

    Thank you for this, brother.

  5. Scipio June 24, 2022 at 21:45

    We have gotten so far away from this OP that many have forgotten, far to many do not even know. Our founding father’s knew the evil intent of men’s hearts and drew up a federal republic so that political powers would be so diffused it would be difficult for it to become tyrannical, as is the nature of all governments. Unfortunately since around WW I those checks have slowly been removed and/or eroded. This week SCOTUS has reaffirmed itself as one of those checks as it handed down three significant victories for liberty (religious school funding, 2nd amendment rights, and abortion on demand overturned). Nevertheless, the real power is in the hands of the individual. We must all learn to be like Martin Luther when facing the church’s (church government) threat of excommunication and possible assassination did not recant (take back) his 95 Thesis. He famously said, “I can not, and I will not recant. Here I stand.” We need to know that we need to take our personal stand according to God’s law and man’s magistrate laws.

  6. Parachutin Frogman June 24, 2022 at 23:59

    Great hearing from you guys. More to follow:

    “If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering. But if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.” -Daniel Webster, American statesman (1782 – 1852 A.D.)

    “Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual… Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.” -John Hancock (1737 – 1793 A.D.) American merchant, smuggler, statesman, and prominent patriot of the American Revolution.

  7. AK49 June 25, 2022 at 11:33

    I was first introduce to this concept when I was fortunate enough to to listen to Matt Trewhella speak at an event hosted by a local group at a church. It is essentially the opposite of what we have been taught all our lives to appeal to a ‘higher’ (read: more powerful) authority as opposed to expecting lesser authorities to stand in the gap. Matt is a great preacher and and even for the non-church going dissident would probably be a good listen.
    You can get his sermons online with a quick search of his name.

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