Cartel “Stewmaker” Dissolved 600 Bodies in Acid…

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About the Author: mechmedic

MechMedic is the owner of Stuck Pig Medical and medical instructor for Brushbeater Training and Consulting. After 5 years in the beloved Corps, Mech joined the National Guard where he became a medic. Lifelong survivalist, and overall outdoorsman. When not being a family man, he enjoys good bourbon and good cigars.


  1. Ralphie July 9, 2022 at 13:05

    Well…not acid so much as lye. It’s pretty amazing that they went through all the trouble of dissolving bodies and then got sloppy in dumping the residual products.

  2. Turning Points July 9, 2022 at 14:11

    Did he get his green card and CPUSA voting kit yet? (s)
    In the underrated 1981 movie Thief with the great James Caan his safe cracking buddy played by James Belushi gets the acid bath treatment from the mob.

  3. Tim July 9, 2022 at 15:04

    20,000 people going missing in 6 years. 600 dissolved in 10 years equals about 2% of the bodies were dissolved. Why focus on the 2%?

    A factory is usually a term used to describe a building whose purpose is to make a product. Daily shifts (sometimes 3 shifts/day) where the design of the building allows a fast, efficient, and cheap production of that product.

    The “stewmaker” has numbers equating to around 1 body per week. Not much output in that factory. I suspect that he worked in batches (as needed) so did this job even less than weekly. This compound certainly couldn’t be called a “death factory” if you are using an reasonable objective method of classification. Cartel members lived there and on occasion they dissolved bodies.

    Who cares whether they buried, cremated, or dissolved the bodies. Shouldn’t the emphasis be on the fact that they murdered the people and were part of a drug cartel operation that spreads corruption, misery, and death?

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