Latest Storm Warning Gospel MSG: 15 minutes

Here ya’ go hombres.

The LORD JESUS be magnified!


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About the Author: Parachutin Frogman

Sinner saved by Christ JESUS, "The LORD our Righteousness," by His amazing free and sovereign grace to save wretched, poor and needy sinners by His perfect/FINISHED work on the cross; by the shedding of His precious blood to wash our sin away; by His imputed righteousness in clothing His people with eternal righteousness and that He saves sinners from Hell. TRUTH -ex Special Boat Unit #13 / BUD/S Class #126 / SEAL Team TWO / NAVSPECWARDEVGRU [Red] assaulter

One Comment

  1. Noah Was A Knower July 31, 2022 at 23:21

    Order out of chaos is the will of the beast.
    One worlders are nothing new under the sun.
    Only the King of kings who holds the keys to hell and death can deliver us from the evil one, that old serpent who speaks with forked tongue.

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