The National Guard Vaccine issue, from the perspective of a Guardsman.

It is not a big secret that I am still in the National Guard, it’s also not a big secret that I have refused the shot-that-shall-not-be-named. It is a part of why I am leaving the National Guard with a total of 11 years of service when combined with my time in the Corps. Most people would say why flush all those years down the toilet? Ignoring all the other issues currently facing the US Military, when you disagree with the handling of the shot, it is a fairly easy choice. I have seen other members who denied the shot chastised and even face harassment because of their decision.

The Guard is currently facing a crisis. Almost 40,000 troops haven’t received the shot. And the Guard has decided to prevent them from attending training or receiving payment for it. This is their way around the requirement that troops that deny the shot can not be processed out with anything less than an honorable discharge. So they will make you become AWOL and then they can kick you out for that. But at the same time, they are facing a recruitment crisis. Very few people want to join anymore. Most people used to join because of a love of country and a desire to serve. Now they get people in with the lure of benefits. Naturally, the quality of enlistees will decrease when you start attracting people for what they will get instead of what they can give. I alluded on the last SOL podcast that NC is hurting with retention. The last deployment for most of the state took place during the Covid panic. It was SEVERLY mismanaged and most got tired of all the crap involved with a non-combat deployment combined with the hysteria of the “pandemic”. Add to that this mess with the vaccine and it is no surprise that people don’t want to stay in.

The Guard is not just some group of weekend warriors that don’t matter to overall US Military capability. The US National Guard traces its history back to the “minutemen” that kept themselves ready to respond within one minute during the build-up to and during the American Revolution. During WW2 National Guard Divisions were involved in the landing at Normandy. One earned the nickname “FDR’s SS” from the German troops they faced. Air National Guard F-15s were scrambled in response to 9/11. National Guardsmen made up 1/10 of all combat deaths in the GWOT.

The National Guard makes up 1/5th of all US Army Mechanized Combat Brigades. This is even more important when you consider the current changing of Army doctrine once again returning to a Peer/near-peer focus. This is a huge loss of experience, not just manpower. And consider the amount of experience the military has lost in the past 10 years due to the forcing out of combat experienced troops that didn’t fit the “garrison” environment. Remember the Marine Corps tattoo policy that seemed to almost focus on combat-experienced troops simply because they didn’t fit some sort of “aesthetic”? I remember the posters that they had up everywhere. Warning of how tattoos would affect future employment! Look at how accepted tattoos are nowadays, and how that policy cost the Marine Corps.

This shot issue is to help preserve the “health and safety” of the force. Yet how many troops died as a result of covid? How many died as a result of suicide? 34% of all recorded Active Military suicides have happened under Gen Milley. And look at what has happened under his tenure. Have we forgotten about the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle? I used to tell people I knew that if they wanted some discipline, to serve for something larger than themselves, and to learn some important skills while they were at it to join the Military. I do not tell anyone to join anymore. The military at large is sick, but it’s not from covid. It is from something much worse.

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About the Author: mechmedic

MechMedic is the owner of Stuck Pig Medical and medical instructor for Brushbeater Training and Consulting. After 5 years in the beloved Corps, Mech joined the National Guard where he became a medic. Lifelong survivalist, and overall outdoorsman. When not being a family man, he enjoys good bourbon and good cigars.


  1. Rob157 July 4, 2022 at 12:42

    Those being forced out of the military today will be replaced with the 3rd world military age males who are invading the southern border. I’d wager that this is part of The Great Replacement, that the left talk about among themselves, but if anyone else mentions it, it’s a just a “conspiracy theory”. Those people have zero connection to traditional America, and could’nt care less about the U.S. Constitution, or your Freedom. They will be happy to do what their leftist masters order them to do…

    • vagabond July 4, 2022 at 20:47

      That makes sense. Apparently, no more requirement for a high school diploma, and tats are ok, so the door is opening for what you foresee.

    • Rick July 5, 2022 at 11:31

      The question that I raise is WHO EXACTLY will be training these 3rd world fighting aged males. From what I know, the Sargents that actually run these men through boot camp have a great love of this country, the American military and the values that make America great. They are not stupid men. When they realize what is happening, and make no mistake, they will, then this turns into another government run boondogle.

  2. red_tailed_hawk July 4, 2022 at 13:18

    “Very few people want to join anymore. Most people used to join because of a love of country and a desire to serve. Now they get people in with the lure of benefits.” Sounds like an army of mercenaries. Now its a matter of who is the highest bidder.

  3. Shane Connor July 4, 2022 at 14:45

    Unintended Consequence is that we’ll have more of the good guys who’d left NG still here in US honoring their oath to support & defend rather than be shipped off to some Biden nonsense overseas.

    • Rick July 5, 2022 at 11:33

      Exactly. America is a wild card that will be in play very soon. Count on it.

  4. SouthernAZ July 4, 2022 at 15:50

    County sheriffs would be wise to organize their former military, especially the under-50 crowd, into the ‘county guard.’ Especially in the western US, they could be funded by donation and serve as coordinated volunteers. They could be a great asset in a myriad of situations.

  5. vyt1az July 4, 2022 at 18:59

    Glad you’re making the right choice.

    Funny how the folks I know that are staying in now only seem to be able to share “news” with me from their MSN or Apple News feeds and can’t handle hearing anything outside of that narrative.

    COVID either got people to where you are or they went farther to the left.

  6. Mas Casa July 5, 2022 at 04:45

    I recently retired after several years in the RegAF and active Air Guard. The National Guard has been the “operational reserve” since 9/11. The Guard was a good change from Active Duty, however I’ve seen the Guard take on a quite a bit of the culture over the years that you mentioned, especially on the topic of leadership. I served, was happy to, and worked with some good people. Today though, I’d recommend people just do a term or two.

  7. Rick July 5, 2022 at 11:25

    Those men still took their oath, and I suspect will still honor it regardless of what the WOKE management says. They represent a large group of trained men that are able and willing to defend America and I think they will be joined by many more former military veterans and non military trained patriots willing and able to make a difference. All good news as far as I am concerned.

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