BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Trump Got’em – Huge Concerns About Peter Strzok Working for the CIA Are Likely at the Heart of Mar-a-Lago RAID

via Gateway Pundit

The brazen raid of President Trump’s home in Florida, Mar-a-Lago, likely has its roots in the Russia collusion story with a particular focus on Peter Strzok and his affiliation with the CIA.

We reported back in May 2020 that Peter Strzok was somehow connected to the CIA.  General Michael Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell even said so on Hannity’s show on FOX News at that time:

Sidney Powell was on Hannity last night on FOX News after the breaking news that her client, General Michael Flynn, had his case dismissed by the DOJ earlier in the day.  Powell shared:

This was a deliberate, malevolent, concerted effort to destroy an honest man and thereby get to the President of the United States to destroy him.  There’s no doubt about it whatsoever.  I would encourage people to read the actual documents themselves.  The governments own reports,  the agents own notes, they’re all attached as exhibits to the government’s filing today and our filings in the last 10 days or so.  It’s important for people to see it for themselves, the actual evidence in the government’s own handwriting and documents….

TRENDING: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Trump Got’em – Huge Concerns About Peter Strzok Working for the CIA Are Likely at the Heart of Mar-a-Lago RAID

Hannity asked what did Obama know and when did he know it, to which, Powell replied:

Probably Susan Rice and Peter Strzok, who was working for both Mr. Brennan in the CIA and the FBI on the quote ‘counterintelligence investigation’.   We have to go back to at least August 15, of 2016 when Strzok and Page text each other about the insurance policy they discussed in McCabe’s office.

It’s the very next day, August 16, 2016, before the election when they opened the file on General Flynn.

The day after that they slipped an agent [believed to be Joe Pientka] into the Presidential briefing to spy on General Flynn.

Could Peter Strzok have worked for both the FBI and CIA, or only one entity?  If that entity was the CIA, how could Peter Strzok have been fired from the FBI if he never worked for the FBI?

These are HUGE questions.  Did the Deep State lie to President Trump when they claimed they fired Peter Strzok from the FBI because he never worked for the FBI?  How could he have been fired from the FBI if he worked for the CIA?

There is no evidence that Peter Strzok ever worked or served in any FBI field office.  Nor is there any evidence that Strzok attended the FBI academy in Quantico, Virginia.  There is no evidence Strzok ever graduated from Quantico.  Any of these would indicate his attachment to the FBI but they cannot be found.

Strzok’s history shows that he left the Army and was immediately assigned to the White House.  (See picture above of Strzok in the late 1990’s in the Clinton White House.)   When did Strzok have time to attend the FBI academy if he went directly to the White House?

Another indication of Strzok’s connection to the CIA is that he signed a document with the title not of an FBI employee but with a CIA title.

It appears Peter Strzok was under the FBI to allow the CIA to operate in the US and that Crossfire Hurricane was a political operation by the CIA disguised as an FBI operation.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. Paulo August 17, 2022 at 22:49

    There was also info years back that Strzok was
    doing the lie detector tests in the eff bee eye while
    engaging and recruiting agents? As if putting agents
    or future agents into compromised positions to perform
    a certain way, or even recruting agents with certain

  2. X-Beast419 August 17, 2022 at 23:27

    Why am I not surprised by this? This is what they do. They destroy everything they touch. Peter Strzok is obviously possessed by demons. That picture looks like something out of the movie the Exorcist.
    Here is what they represent.

    • Chef August 18, 2022 at 20:23

      What in the actual fuck!?

  3. Chris August 18, 2022 at 03:46

    Well thats interesting

  4. KBYN August 18, 2022 at 06:44

    I’ll have to carefully go over the documents before I believe a single word that falls from the lips of a grifter like Sidney “Release The Kraken” Powell.

    Of all the myriad clowns and attention-whoring scam artists who turned the final months of Trump’s first term into a dumpster fire, Powell has to rank in the top five at least.

    • NC Scout August 18, 2022 at 20:38

      Agreed. However, its important to at least pay attention to the narrative being spun.

  5. T August 18, 2022 at 09:29

    Well f*ck me, aint this just fascinating as hell. Is anyone in this entire shitshow who they actually say they are?

  6. Just Me August 18, 2022 at 12:40

    Our government is filled with these crooks, Strzog is just one of the thousands of miscreants in unelected positions of power in our government. They answer to no one in their 40 year career as deep state instigators, retire wealthy on government salaries and pensions with their security clearances intact to go on to some NGO contractor position and/or talking head on a fake news propaganda machine….

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