Jack Lawson Sends: Variola Versions of Pox Affecting Humans REVISITED
Monkey Pox and Hypnotism
“You’re getting sleepy… very sleepy!
Like hypnotizing you, the Mainstream News Media relentlessly bombards Americans with the following issues …
- A surge in crime. home invasions, protest movements and rioting
- The potential for Nuclear War
- That Americans want this “Cancel Culture” and “Woke Society (the backlash shows they’ve already lost that one)
- More intense talk of an American Civil War #2
- Marxist agendas being forced into government, schools and American Citizen’s lives
- Growing supply chain failures and shortages of everything
- Increasing fuel costs
- The continuing assault on Individual Liberties and the Constitution
- The probable invasion of Taiwan
- The ongoing Ukraine War and how the Ukrainians are winning… not.
- Abortion
- The purposeful use of differences to divide and destroy America
- The obvious beginning of the collapse of the U.S. Dollar and the Western economies
- Increasing inflation and loss of buying power of our money
- The uncontrolled flood of illegal aliens being encouraged and assisted by our federal bureaucrats at our cost to come into America and further consume our taxes
- Waaa! waaa! NONE OF US ARE EQUAL! Waaa! waaa! Sob! Sob!
- Election fraud (if you believe the last election wasn’t fraudulent, go back to watching your Captain America movies)
- Transgender and LGBXYZ issues. The advocates of these causes being people THAT EVERYONE SHOULD ADMIRE (the backlash shows they’ve already lost that one too)
- Legislation against gun rights
- Increasing loss of respect for and assaults on law enforcement personnel
- Deliberate assaults on the American Family, Christians and their values
- Predictions of coming food shortages
- Talk of more pandemic/epidemics, especially Monkey Pox
- Blatant lies presented as fact which leads you to realize you can no longer believe anything you read or hear… from the Right or Left
- …and more…
Constant barrages of stories on these issues is done purposely by those who intend to destroy America and the American Middle Class… the Globalist ‘Elites,’ their Mainstream News Media and their current U.S. Administration. By you focusing on and worrying about these issues, many of them utter nonsense and a waste of your concern, your mind is lulled into state of distraction and hopelessness… like hypnosis.
This paralyzes your thought and prevents you from preparing for what you can. Don’t allow your brain to be cluttered with a bunch of garbage issues and wasteful thought. As overwhelming as many of the above issues seem and as hopeless as they may make you feel, you can do something about all of them. You can prepare!
Understand that these situations ARE NOT as bad as Mainstream News Media wants you to believe. Their purpose is a typical Psychological Operation such as I studied in Special Forces Training… to convince you that you’ve lost before the fight even begins. Read Sun Tzu… The Art of War. 50% of Americans want change!? How about the reality of 15% of ‘Americans’ have this woke thought or want radical change?
You must concentrate your thoughts and energies on your Area Of Influence… which is people you trust and where you live. Your ‘tribe.’ Your ‘village’
Your Area Of Influence is your home, your family, friends, neighbors… and your neighborhood!
Start to do these…
- Get to know your neighbors. Just initially get to know them and offer to help them if they need. Eventually talk with them about cooperating to organize to protect and defend your neighborhood as outlined in the Civil Defense Manual titled the “CDM Neighborhood Protection PlanTM.” Be a good neighbor… like we all used to be.
- If you value your life and your Family… start buying and reading every instructional book you can get your hands on about survival and Preparedness.
- Stock up on water. Lots and lots of cases of water. ‘Blue Barrels’ and large garage HDPE storage tanks if you can afford them. Water treatment for storage and how much you’ll need is explained in detail in the Civil Defense Manual.
- Stock up on dry and canned food.
- Stock up on life essential medicines. Get your doctor to prescribe you for a six-month supply. I’ve read that All Day Chemist (in India) is trustworthy and handles most prescriptions. Understand that 95% of our medicines are now foreign made, mostly in China… so I don’t know how much quality difference they’d be, being made in India.
- Stock up on meat and have a means to immediately cook it if electricity goes off.
- Stock up on propane bottles for your grill and or buy an outdoors metal ‘fire pit’ that you can cook on and stock up on wood. Have metal pots and pans without plastic handles for use over a fire.
- Have plenty of blankets, cold weather clothing, waterproof winter overshoes, and one warm sleeping bag for each family member.
- Have your essential electronics in a Faraday Cage to protect against ElectroMagnetic Pulse events. I show you how to build one for very little money in the Civil Defense Manual.
- If you don’t have a firearm, get one… you should have one per person. Preferably a shotgun and lots of shotgun shells and slugs if you’re new to firearms. Read the Chapter in the Civil Defense Manual titled “Firearm basics, safety, surviving a gun battle” and practice your marksmanship and read about tactical movement with firearms and strategy.
Get the Civil Defense Manual, which will instruct you on how to deal with much of the above.
Monkey Pox
If monkey pox becomes widespread, this may help you…
Sarracenia Purpurea (An oily extract from the Pitcher Plant-Which is an insect devouring plant such as the “Venus Fly Trap” plant).
This is not a prophylactic and does not prevent infection from pox diseases… but will lessen the effect of the infection and or cure infection, by application of Sarracenia Purpurea on the pustules, which stops the virus from replicating. Replication of a virus in your body is what makes a virus harmful and or deadly to humans. The virus overwhelms the body’s immune system and shuts down the body’s organs. Once the spread of the pox is stopped on the human body, an immunity develops.
SMALL POX Survival Tip: Buy a plant extract called Sarracenia Purpurea. This is an extract made from the Pitcher Plant, that grows in Quebec and devours insects like a Venus Flytrap plant does. Topically applied, it kills the Small Pox virus.
Read this article: https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/rediscovered-native-american-remedy-kills-poxvirus/3003420.article
The Position Paper: W Arndt, PLoS One, 2012: 10.1371/journal.pone.0032610
Search Etsy.com for the Amish version or www.amishwaysusa.com:
Sarracenia Purpurea, the Purple Pitcher Plant Extract. 60 milliliters costs $35 and will help more than one person.
The use of Sarracenia Purpurea is not a prophylactic preventative, but when applied to the pustules (fluid filled bumps from a pox like in the photo), the Sarracenia purpurea, stops or slows the replication process of the virus.
Bingo! The beginning of a human’s cure and maybe an immunity.
Variola versions of Pox affecting humans (including Small Pox and Mon