MSNBC Suggests Trump Is “Trafficking” Nuclear Secrets To Putin And Saudis

This is their new narrative. Wonder why all the Nuclear Attack PSAs?

via Infowars

Following the FBI raid on President Trump’s estate last week, and the suggestion that Trump could be indicted under the Espionage Act, an MSNBC panel claimed that Trump could be “trafficking” nuclear secrets to Vladimir Putin or Saudi Arabia.

Host Tiffany Cross asked guest Andy Weber, a former Department of Defense official, “who on the world stage would have the most to gain from this information?”

“You think about Donald Trump’s relationships with the Saudis, his relationships with the Russians, and the fact that he really appears to have no allegiance to America,” Cross added.

Weber responded, “we don’t know what information was in these documents. But my best guess would be, President Putin would stand the most to gain, to having access to our most classified nuclear weapons information.”

Labelling that a “frightening thought,” Cross then suggested “that this could really be a situation where you’re a traitor! He is actually a traitor to America.”

The panel then fantasied about what the punishment would be, with legal analyst Glenn Kirschner claiming Trump could be looking at 10 years in prison.

“The punishment, under the statute that is cited in the search warrant materials, it’s a ten-year federal felony,” Kirschner stated, suggesting Trump committed “a violation of 793, which is gathering, transmitting, or losing national security or national defense information.”


These latest accusations come in the wake of the network labelling the Republican Party “treasonous” for criticising the FBI raid:


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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. goatmoag August 15, 2022 at 10:15

    I have been seeing this all coming together I think them not just setting up Trump but “MEGA” as well. They have to have an enemy that nobody will bat an eye at when they go after them and who is going to care when a bunch of traitors are being rounded up that were in league with Trump to sell the country out and deliver national security nuclear weapons plans and material, etc. to Russia and the Saudis, etc. Especially if they have some dirty bomb attacks or said attacks to really drive the stake in the rest of the way. Pretty classic so far.

    • goatmoag August 15, 2022 at 11:46

      Seems Adams has the same idea today on his reports. Not that it is all that hard to see what cup the ball is under, at least we think it might be under.

  2. Muh Teevee August 15, 2022 at 11:07

    Emmanuel Trumpstein was building a dirty bomb in Melania’s lingerie closet.
    I saw it on teevee and now the two minutes hate. (dar derp drool)
    Enemedia is why the world burning to the ground is now built into the cake of corruption.
    External enemies will pounce after the Uniparty weakens the US to the point of no return and that is a feature to them.

  3. Greg R August 15, 2022 at 11:47

    Here’s the truth. This is a character assassination by the media. They (the FBI and related “collusioners”) have two choices. 1) They have boxes of documents from Trump’s residency and can spend months speculating everything from kid porn to nuclear secrets are in those boxes. The gas lighting possibilities are endless without even ever opening those boxes. 2) With no judicious oversight the FBI can easily stuff those boxes with lies and threaten (blackmail) Trump with anything they decide to. The goal here is to prevent Trump’s name to be on the ballot in 2024 with constant smear campaigns.

    This character assassination of Trump comes on the heel of the “virtual assassination” the left performed on him by removing him from all available social media platforms at the time. If they they couldn’t kill him, they would instead erase him from the public view. It was applauded by all the media clowns mentally masturbating from that victory. You can disagree with me, but I stand by that very distinct gift that Facebook, Twitter, and Google gave to the Democrats. It was also a “virtual” campaign donation worth millions of dollars in my opinion.

    So what’s next? The hope from the left is that someone with right wing affiliation will do something stupid. They want a volunteer to give them material to show how evil Trump supporters are. At some point I’m guessing they will get what they wish for and it will play into their hands perfectly. The next possible dilemma will be for some violation to be “found” that can prevent Trump’s name to be on the 2024 ballot. At that point, we might be able to perform a write in, but that will likely also split the Republican vote and allow Sloppy Joe to sleep in the oval office another 4 years.

    There is a game being played here gents. We are all pawns in this. I have this feeling that it won’t matter what any of us think or do. Most of us will just be left with the burning dumpster that results.

    prepare, practice, and pray

  4. Brad August 15, 2022 at 13:46

    David Nunes and Kash Patel claim the same agents that were involved in Benghazi have been the same agents behind Pee Gate, and all the Russian Collusion stories. They thru out a couple last names. I hope that grows some legs. These people are destroying the country and deserve to be treated like the traitorous vermin they are.
    Sometime in the near future we’re all going to be loaded on box cars and some guy in the backs going to be yelling, Don’t fall for it, no violence.
    I’m not advocating violence, but dang, how far do they think they can push us?

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