Converging World Forces, by Scipio

Converging world forces are moving inextricably to, what Sam Huntington characterized, as a “remaking of a new world order”.  The term “new world order (aka ‘NWO’)” is a loaded term meaning many things to many different people. Unfortunately, most pundits miss the enormity of the momentous events unfolding, and the new world that will emerge is greater than the sum of its parts of the (NOW) most people imagine. This is not going to be a group of new characters within the same world structures hawking the latest fad of socio/economic/political utopia. No, we are on the cusp of a collapse of major societies around the world hurtling us back into a Middle Ages type scenario, or something worse. When Rome collapsed, Western Civilization was brought down with it, only Byzantine remained of Western Civilization before it was conquered by the Ottomans in the 15th century. Muslim expansion would cover the entire Iberian Peninsula and spread right up to the gates of Vienna. The futile and misguided Crusades were a reaction to Constantinople’s collapse and the Muslim (NOW) cutting off trade and pilgrimage routes East. Western mankind took a backward step of 400 years of societal atrophy after the fall of Rome.

The problem today is the same, that is, all that goes into keeping a culture/society together is in rapid decline.  Worldwide, mostly in the West, we see all that represents stability, common interests, being replaced by self-interests, ignorance, and greed.  Add that to the fact that the wasteful non-sustainable features of the West are driving the world toward a Wyle Coyote like killer cliff ending. Everyone is ignoring what’s going to happen except for a few “road runners” who know the terrain. Others are pointing to segments in decline and upheaval while not seeing the big picture of Damocles’ sword hanging over their heads. The world is running headlong into a complete breakdown in all forms of order: political, economic, geographic, societal, and religious.

If one word would suffice to describe contemporary Western Civilization, it would be “unbalanced”.  Everything is wobbling now like a spinning top losing its center of gravity.  When it all grinds to a halt interspersed with scattered limited blowoffs, the Western world will descend into a societal wasteland.  There will be smaller “blowoffs”, before the decline becomes precipitous.  I see the realistic possibility of nuclear war in some limited capacity (if limited capacity is possible in a localized nuclear conflict), I see massive regional conflicts similar to WW II scenarios, I see massive immigration and emigration, and I see cataclysmic natural events (not man-made climate change BS) before the death rattle of Western Civilization is heard.

Why have I said all this?  The world patterns unfolding in the West today have happened repeatedly throughout recorded world history, and I am sure it happened before recorded history.  History has documented the sudden disappearance of many cultures, without a trace in many instances. Recent advances in linguistics, carbon dating, and advanced archeological imagery have allowed us to discover what we once considered “myths” are really not myths at all. There is strong empirical evidence attesting to their veracity.

It’s not just historians who see this but contemporary observers are pointing out societies’ growing vulnerabilities.  Author, Charles Hugh Smith writes extensively about the threats to highly developed systems to systematic failure as a result of just one simple component breaking down.  The more sophisticated the system, the more catastrophic and sudden its collapse.

When I was in school, most of the Trojan War was considered a myth, today most of it is considered a historical fact. When I was in earth science class we laughed at the idea of a “floating continent theory” but today Plate Tectonics is considered the foundation (pardon the pun) of geology. The discovery of the Rosetta Stone over a century ago opened up the interpretation of Egyptian Hieroglyphics and verified much of the so called “myths” of the Bible and other culture’s ancient texts.  Archeology, literature, art, oral traditions, and artifacts have established beyond a doubt that the world has seen a parade of rising and falling cultures throughout world history.

Why would today be different?  Is our hubris so strong we can’t see where we are in our civilization’s life cycle?  The West is preoccupied with the concept of a linier progressive society where the belief in the future will always be better. History has proven otherwise. The factual nature of cyclical history is in plain sight.  It tells us mankind is capable of taking gigantic steps backward, even for centuries. The “Great Fire” in the Library of Alexander, for example, saw documents known to men at that time to have been lost for eternity.  For instance, we have no idea what “Greek Fire” is although it was once common knowledge. Every time it was mentioned in battle during ancient times, it was the decisive factor.

We may be at one of those historical inflection points presently.  What we may be facing will be much more of an upheaval than the conservative/liberal paradigm or the East/West fracture lines, or existential threats, or the zeitgeist of the day, or the degenerative world-wide standards of decency, fairness, and living standards. The great cities and edifices of the West may become ruins for future generations of tourists.

What societal arrogance says “This time is different”? The Coliseum Rome,  The Acropolis Greece, Stonehenge England, Palmyra Syria, Bosra Syria, Baalbek Lebanon, Persepolis Iran, Petra Jordan, Ephesus Turkey, Troy Turkey, Casa Grande USA, Chaco Canyon USA, Gila Cliff Dwellers USA, Chan Chan Peru, Machu Picchu Peru, Malacca Malaysia, Tikal Malaysia, Carthage Tunisia, Babylon Iraq, Jerusalem Israel, Karnak Egypt, Taj Mahal India, Papa Nui Chile, Bagan Myanmar, Prambanan Indonesia, Plain of Jars Laos, Vat Phu Laos, Ayutthaya Thailand, Angkor Columbia, , Polonnaruwa Sri Lanka, are examples of advanced civilizations who all said, “this time is different”.  But it wasn’t different, it was the same thing at a different time.  So, it is with us today.

It is the nature of man to not see these cycles, and as long as the nature of man doesn’t change, these cycles (so called “history repeating itself) will continue.  Are you ready for the (NOW) new world change coming?  It is far bigger than all the conspiracies one would want to string together or live with in delusional psychological dependence. In 1177 BC, the world as it was known at the time suddenly collapsed and disappeared. Many theories have been postulated as to why, but the main thing is it all disintegrated rapidly.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:

One Comment

  1. Rick September 9, 2022 at 17:24

    But we have Communism this time…so it will be different..LOL!

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