ANNOUNCING: Tactical Signals Exploitation Course

Brushbeater Training has added an entire new course to the line up! I’ve been honored by NC Scout  definitely NOT twisting my arm to come voluntarily on my own free will without coercion or threat of physical violence to instruct this class! I happily and again, of my own free will accepted this offer. All bad jokes aside, allow me to explain.

As a follow on to the SIGINT Course, the Tactical Signals Exploitation Course will offer students with an unclassified deep dive into how professionals Collect, Analyze, and Action intelligence in the real world. We will be going over some material from the SIGINT course, naturally, and refining it. The goal is to have students leave feeling confident that they are able to go nearly mirror these Guidelines and Techniques and how to Minimize them. Finally, fitting it all perfectly in place in the bigger picture of your requirements and goals.

Be Armed, Be Smart, and I’ll see you all November 20th 2022.



By Published On: October 17, 2022Categories: UncategorizedComments Off on ANNOUNCING: Tactical Signals Exploitation Course

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About the Author: Madman Actual

Baltimore City-slicker by birth, Country soul by the Grace of God. 7 years Active Duty in the United States Army as a Signals Intelligence Analyst. Madman_Actual was actually driven Mad in the depths of the NSA headquarters. Now preparing for the unexpected and unusual, Madman rides again to educate the masses on real world applications of Intelligence principles and tradecraft.


