Democrat leaders try to punish Saudi’s for making Biden look bad and possibly cause WW3 with Russia by Trevor Zantos

When the Biden administration was accused of asking the Saudi’s to delay their oil production cuts of course denied this but then the Saudi’s confirmed it, officially.


Not content with the utter humiliation, that their party had wrought on our country and the vulnerable position their disastrous policies had put the United States of America in to allow the Saudi’s to be able to dictate terms so flippantly to the US, the Democrat party doubles down on this move and their house and Senate leadership now are suggesting even more crazy punitive measures.

“Senator Chris Murphy and Rep. Ro Khanna are leading the charge to get advanced anti-air missile systems which the Pentagon has stationed in Saudi Arabia removed and transferred to Ukraine


Hold on, what the hell does Ukraine have anything to do with this? Removing the Patriot Missile Batteries, those are American units, American missiles. That is something that we could actually use to protect American interests, I still have yet to have any elected official, whether with an R or a D behind their name explain to me how sending billions in arms to Ukraine and being a belligerent against Russia in a proxy war is in the vital National Security Interest of the United States?

“‘For several years, the US military has deployed Patriot missile defense batteries to Saudi Arabia to help defend oil infrastructure against missile and drone attacks. These advanced air and missile defense systems should be re-deployed to bolster the defenses of eastern flank NATO allies like Poland and Romania — or transferred to our Ukrainian partners.”‘

Has anyone checked our force posture currently? The US has shifted massive amounts of assets  to the European theater leaving other areas under strength and we already know we do not have the proper arms back supplies that we are supposed to keep on hand in case of war. Yet the Senator, a member  head of Foreign Relations committee, one of the most powerful in congress is suggesting giving one of our most powerful missile interceptor systems to the Ukrainians. I’m sure in the middle of Nuclear threats and “destroying Russia” by various western leaders this type of rhetoric is sure to lower tensions in the room. Also, back to the original premise, what the hell does this have to do with punishing the Saudi’s for making Biden look bad after Biden artificially manipulated the oil market by just flooding it with stocks from our reserves, time after time?


Ahh yes, My bad, I should listen to the experts. Sen Murphy and some Politico reporter named Andrew Desiderio who specializes in national security and foreign policy. Its a 1-2 punch, to whom its not entirely clear.


Additionally, Senator Murphy, like all politicians, enjoys using ambiguous language when discussing

“As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Murphy also lent his voice to ongoing calls to “freeze new military aid to Saudi Arabia”

Except what he’s talking about is actually Foreign Military purchases, they do have to have congressional approval because of the nature of the arms sales but they aren’t being paid for by the US tax payer, unlike Ukrainian arms shipments.


It also feels slightly disingenuous this bellicose talk regarding Saudi Arabia and our generous military presence in the region but somehow no other member states of OPEC + get mentioned. What also seems more odd about this is not only did these states also agree to the recent cuts but they also have been fostering very close ties with China. Which I have been told by the Biden administration is a very serious national security interest.  Which if that is the case, then shouldn’t we also be reviewing the extensive military assets, financial and other assistance we provide to other OPEC nations like UAE and Qatar?

List of OPEC countries

Here is a high profile example of the US deploying very scarce resources to the UAE to protect it from the same war that Sen Murphy was referring to earlier, an element of F-22s.

And yet their behavior with China is:


Another one of our great allies in the Middle East, they were so very helpful with Afghanistan, Qatar.

We are being a great friend and sending the US military and other resources to help safeguard the 2022 World cup.


Meanwhile this was last year:


Fortunately eastern China will do well economically with the World Cup in 2022


Is it too much to ask for politicians to have a shred of consistency or honesty on any issue?


Again, how does placing the removed Patriot missile batteries, and their associated personnel since the Ukrainians are not trained to run the launchers nor the other complicated equipment that goes with the battery, punish the Saudi’s for their bad behavior at making Biden and the Democrats look bad before the Mid-Terms? Also, why has no democrat dared to suggest the most obvious thing that should have been done this entire 2 years vs depleting our strategic oil reserves, tanking our economy, begging the Saudi’s, proposing that we buy more from the Communists in Venezuela, allowing the Iranians to sell more on the market? Drill our own damn oil!


I think we all know the answer to that.


-Trevor Zantos

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About the Author: Trevor Zantos

A modern Renaissance Man, amateur writer, aspiring Appalachian, purveyor of guns, designer of gear; whom “M” calls for gear. @usgeneral25 on socials


  1. The New Civility October 16, 2022 at 00:48

    Internals weakening us for attack from their external comrades.
    Saudi Arabia owns huge chunks of the economy and MBS loathes Brandon after being called a murderer over the Jamal Khashoggi killing.
    Isolated and alone besides the EU thanks to the CPUSA who hate America with a psychotic passion and want it burned to the ground.

  2. Ghostmann October 16, 2022 at 05:29

    On the list of OPEC countries, Algeria is also in talks to join BRICS.

    Putin is also going to be meeting with the leader of the UAE.

    Lest we forget about the fact that the Saudis have a big say in the petrodollar.

    What these policy wonks, who have never had even so much as a shoving contest on the playground, are going to find out is that having a money printer and an obedient media doesn’t mean shit when your currency becomes Zimbabwean.

    Seriously. Remember January 6. Where were they? Hiding under their seats like cowards. That’s where they were.

    For the crowd who views AP as just entertainment… man, you’re going to make a good bread line dweller when this all goes down and it’s fixing to go down fast.

    • Another Nobody October 16, 2022 at 20:48

      Hiding under their seats? Lol. For the sake of the cameras, may be.
      Nunes says those who were in on it were laughing and high-fiving each other:

      For those counting on bread lines, I fear they will find the bread stocks woefully short. You make good points, Ghostmann.

  3. scout October 16, 2022 at 10:43

    Oil spike prices were planned to simply force Americans to think about hoax green. Everything else is nothing but drama also aimed to hoax Americans. Everything.

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