Amnesty? Where was the compassion two years ago.

By now you have all seen the Atlantic article begging for amnesty over what they did to us during the plandemic they started. If you haven’t, go read it, and I’ll wait here.

Now that you are sufficiently pissed off after reading that bit of propaganda, let’s dive into it. First, the author starts with a tale about her family wearing masks while hiking outdoors. This alone was almost enough for me to stop reading but it gets worse. She goes on to say that not only did they have a symbol for when someone else was walking up the trail so that they could don their masks (made out of cloth no less) but her child yelled at another child for wanting to interact with him. So not only are you wearing a piece of cloth that actually would worsen the spread (indoors though since outdoor transmission was moot like many said since the beginning.) but you trained your child to yell at other children for simply wanting to play with him. I bet you are a blast at parties.

All of this is brushed aside as simply a misunderstanding due to a lack of knowledge. “We didn’t know,” she says as if that will free them of any social or even potential criminal consequences. I’m surprised she went with that route and not the age-old, “we were doing what we were told”. Probably because some other guys got in trouble for that in a military tribunal in the late 40s? Weren’t they also demonizing a group of people and practicing medical experiments without consent? “I didn’t know” didn’t work when you were a child, it doesn’t get you out of a speeding ticket, and it will not get you out of everything you and your “we have to do something” spineless kind did to our country over the last 2 years.

Do not forget that they wanted to make things as locked down as Australia did or as locked down as China still is. They wanted us jailed for simply questioning the narrative they put out. Questioned our sanity for not worshipping government entities and employees the same way they did. Any time we used facts or science to back our claims they said “the science is settled!” in a complete mockery of the scientific method and centuries of scientific discovery.

I lost a grandfather to the mishandling of a disease no more deadly than the flu. When he was on his deathbed, only my grandmother was able to visit, and only while she was in a surgical gown, gloves, and a mask. She had just recovered from Covid and arguably could not catch it again. But hospital policy became totalitarian and immune to common sense. His funeral was held over zoom because we couldn’t hold one in person. I will never get more time with him, he will never get to play with his great-grandchild again. And THEY took that from me. There was no treatment plan for covid. All of the teaching hospitals had the exact same treatment plan for covid. They should have been trying to figure out something different at each one. There is a reason why they call it practicing medicine. But doctors were too scared to try something different since what they were doing wasn’t working. But it was making the hospitals buckets of money for simply placing someone on a ventilator.

People were given unchecked power and went mad with it. Shutting down businesses for perceived or made-up infractions. Small businesses were targeted because they did not have the ability to get themselves exemptions for blanket policies or could not meet the guidelines. Over 60% of the small businesses that closed have not reopened. All while Amazon and Walmart saw record profits.

The education of children has been destroyed by this. We pulled kids out of school and expected them to be able to handle the intricacies of online school with no set standard even from teacher to teacher. Test scores have dropped to record lows. But there is a silver lining here. More families are homeschooling than ever and those that aren’t are actually being more active in their child’s education than ever before.  But for those with parents who simply don’t care, they will be trying to catch up and may have to repeat a grade or two. We forced kids to wear masks knowing it would impair younger children’s ability to learn how to talk and to learn proper social interaction. But don’t worry, the FBI decided to investigate parents that questioned the school boards too heavily.

Amnesty. It would be laughable if the results of their actions were not so serious. They chastised us, mocked us, belittled us. Wanted us thrown in jail, or even killed for our opinions. And now they see that fear only led to ruin. They let fear control them and now they are going to lose everything.

The Lord’s prayer has a part where it asks us to “forgive those who trespass against us”. I don’t know if I will be able to forgive them. But even if I can, that doesn’t mean I can not hold them accountable for their actions. And I suggest you do the same.

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About the Author: mechmedic

MechMedic is the owner of Stuck Pig Medical and medical instructor for Brushbeater Training and Consulting. After 5 years in the beloved Corps, Mech joined the National Guard where he became a medic. Lifelong survivalist, and overall outdoorsman. When not being a family man, he enjoys good bourbon and good cigars.


  1. Oughtsix November 7, 2022 at 10:09

    Forgiveness is earned by confession and repentance, not by whining and explaining.

    Forgiveness does not invalidate Karma……..

    The writer of said article, aside from being a willing propagandist for the greatest evil ever perpetrated, is not a prime mover. For those who planned and executed the “pandemic,” there will and should not ever be any forgiveness, only the noose.

  2. Chris November 7, 2022 at 10:18

    I am a Right Wind Terrorist i am told by the US Govt, a pedophile pant crapper, a blowjob queen and a drunken ol’white broad with a Homo Husband that enjoys underwear hammer play.

    🖕🏻Forget it ! Never.🖕🏻

    MORBARK is the extent of My compassion.

  3. boss21 November 7, 2022 at 10:23

    Contrition and then forgiveness, maybe. After the law suits, trials etc , that will be a feature of the rest of our lives. Abusers always demand forgiveness- so they can do it again.

  4. Hedge November 7, 2022 at 10:30

    There is no accountability. Nobody is going to jail. They got away with it. All of it.

    • Not So Free November 7, 2022 at 20:03

      Officially., they probably won’t pay.
      But as more and more people realize they were poisoned, there will be payback on a scale the MSM can’t/won’t admit..
      Think “Unintened Consequences”.

  5. Peter. November 7, 2022 at 14:21

    In relation to the final paragraph of this good article I will say that of imperative importance is the key fact that Forgiveness Starts With Oneself = If we have not forgiven ourselves & are not remaining emotionally detached from them then the mirror of hatred will jump up in front of us again & again. Once we are understanding of this key fact then streams of hatred towards our perceived enemy will mitigate. Love can be enduring & deeply bonding but alas, hatred can also bind us to another like a piece of unbreakable steel & will eat away at us like a cancer if we are not vigilant, therefor it is up to each individual to learn the art of weeding ones garden – our mind – by being heart centered. Forgiving others DOES NOT MEAN that we must associate with them & be their friend but rather practice mental detachment. In blaming others we give our power away. It is a fine line of understanding but deeply calling on Jesus mentally for help in a mantric manner by simply repeating his name should help.
    Like so many folks I am aghast at the evil manner of millions of our so called leaders & sincerely hope that their rule be stopped by force, as this is the only answer. The kid gloves need to come off & God has given us a Right to do this as it is the only way to stop the negative forces from killing us all.

  6. brandur November 7, 2022 at 14:45

    The fact that they ask for amnesty shows that they are fully aware of their wrongdoings. Nothing short of a full investigation and punishment for crimes against humanity is good enough

    • Oughtsix November 7, 2022 at 23:36

      That is the short and the crux of it all, Nothing good going forward can happen until justice is meted out to the monsters who planned and executed the biowar against all humanity.

      No restoration of sanity, personal and professional responsibility, civility; no restoration of Liberty, no rescinding of evil proclamations like the Patriot Act, no reform of corruption top to bottom, throughout every institution…….

      In short, no restoration without demonstration…

      of consequences.

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