Costco Reports Large-Scale Shortages As Essential Items Are Impossible To Find At Stores

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. Paulo December 6, 2022 at 11:13

    Besides Costco,
    I have noticed frozen meats mixed with organs, vegetables & bone broth (lightly cooked)
    dog food limitations in chain pet stores. Will start making it myself and turning into paddies,
    and storing in deep freezer..

    Stay Strong & Persevere

    “Every man to his family and his possessions”

  2. Zimbabwe Yes WE Can December 6, 2022 at 11:46

    Driving to surrounding counties when shelves are empty.
    Dumpster diving now and only if it is sealed and new in pack.
    Local church pantry has a line around the building with a smaller selection.
    Bottled water, coffee filters, peanut butter, TP, paper towels, pet feed, at any given time these are gone from the shelf.
    It is best to go on a Monday AM and now there are people waiting for the stores to open like a rock concert from before FUSA times.

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