Geoengineering Startup Begins Releasing Sulfur Particles Into Atmosphere In Attempt To ‘Stop Climate Change’

Authored by Naveen Anthrapully via The Epoch Times,

A startup is launching weather balloons capable of releasing reflective sulfur particles into the earth’s atmosphere, with the stated aim of combating climate change through solar geoengineering, while disregarding the negative consequences of such actions.

In solar geoengineering, attempts are made to manipulate the climate by reflecting more sunlight away from earth. Theoretically, releasing sulfur and other such compounds is believed to potentially cool down the planet. Back in 1991, for example, when Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted, it released large amounts of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere that spread around the world and triggered a 1-degree Fahrenheit cooling for the next 15 months. The California-based startup, Make Sunsets, is believed to have launched the weather balloons from Mexico.

In an interview with MIT Technology Review, Make Sunsets CEO Luke Iseman said that he expects to be characterized as a “Bond villain” for what the company is doing. But he insists that climate change is a threat, and that since the world is moving slowly to address the problem, a more radical solution is needed.

“It’s morally wrong, in my opinion, for us not to be doing this,” Iseman said.

What’s important is “to do this as quickly and safely as we can.”

Make Sunsets is attempting to make revenue out of its efforts, seeking to sell $10 “cooling credits” for releasing a gram of particles into the atmosphere. The startup has raised $750,000 in funding. It plans on raising the sulfur payload in the future as well as using telemetry devices and other sensors.

Climatic Downsides

A 2018 blog by David Keith, a leading expert on solar geoengineering, explains that he is opposed to commercial work on such technologies due to the fact that commercial development cannot achieve the transparency and trust that is necessary for the world to make decisions on the matter.

Solar geoengineering must only be done by “transparent democratic institutions,” he insisted.

“Solar geoengineering is large-scale climate modification which inherently has global consequences that are difficult to quantify even after deployment. DAC [direct air capture] results in emissions reductions (carbon-neutral synthetic fuels) or net CO2 removal (sequestration), with local impacts that can be measured with reasonable accuracy,” he wrote.

In an interview with MIT, Shuchi Talati, a scholar-in-residence at American University, says that Make Sunset’s actions could end up negatively affecting scientific study on the matter, even leading to reduced funding, boosting calls for restricting such studies, and decreasing government support for it.

“The current state of science is not good enough … to either reject, or to accept, let alone implement [solar geoengineering] … To go ahead with implementation at this stage is a very bad idea,” Janos Pasztor, executive director of the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative, said in an email to the media outlet.

Widespread Dangers

Solar geoengineering can have devastating consequences for human beings. Such attempts can end up altering the global hydrological cycle, affecting monsoon activity. This can affect agriculture and food security.

Reflecting sunlight to cool down the earth might also make people carelessly pump out more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Excessive CO2 can cause acidification of the oceans.

Moreover, if solar geoengineering were to be stopped suddenly after using it for some time, it could lead to global warming at 10 times more speed.

Solar geoengineering can reduce rainfall on some parts of the earth, thereby affecting the local ecosystem. This would be particularly harmful to evergreen forests and tropical ecosystems.

A change in rainfall, for example, can negatively affect vegetation, which would be bad news for the wildlife that survives on them.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. plankmember December 29, 2022 at 09:51

    OK Here we go Mr Patriotman……the Epoch times puts this forth as it is something new, it is not whatsoever. Totally misleading Epoch guys WTF ? The aerosol spraying has been going on for over a decade that I am aware of ( much longer actually) and is Largely responsible for crazy weather. Heavy Spraying which accomplishes what they purport the want to do Now….Now ? The burning of heavy “Bunker Fuel” in large ocean going ships and our naval fleet was ramped up with Obama s Allowing the use of such fuel Intentionally for the purpose of releasing massive amounts of sulfur into the atmosphere – magnitudes more than their newest plan to accelerate Massive Depop. repeat Massive Depop. ( SEE Above Ground News youtube channel, Mike Morales) And Why “The Dimming” – Dane Wiggington was not mentioned in the article. Remains a more than curious omission. Normally I do not tend to comment on things that are extraordinarily DARK and which I cannot affect any change, which serve to delegitimize other things mentioned And Further the Satanic Goals of the psychos ruling over us – And that is their favorite – demoralization of us which is Now much more of a humiliation and ridicule phase.. The blatant openness which with they conduct this shit – from the election theft to dragqueen- Hunter and Fetterman all of it IS Absolutely Intentional and not hardly incompetence or stupidity as much as an intentional Processing of the Group mind by Truly Evil fucks The good people need to see the Dimming posted on AP. ( and Above Ground News LIVE streams) Sorry rant over, and thank you for all your effort which I can never repay.

  2. Truth in Tension December 29, 2022 at 10:34

    Geoengineering is the biggest threat that faces all humans, of course, the non thinking people refuse to understand this. We breathe the air that the Geoengineering project is intentionally poisoning. As is always the case with pull pullers and looters they fall back on – “it has to be done for safety and the greater good.” Who is $ John Galt? TEXIT!

  3. Oughtsix December 29, 2022 at 17:21

    Don’t these eugenicists realize that they have to breathe the air too?

    Face panties ain’t shit. Wait till whoever is left has to wear a real mask with eye pro and O2 supply.

    Forgive me Father, but may God remove these insane demonic creature soon.

    Or, just maybe, some Good Men will step up to the Duty!

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