Nothing Sacred, by NC Scout

(NC Scout / American Partisan) Much is made of the rapid decline of the American Empire. Behold the creature in its final form, decadent, full of hubris, and approaching its twilight economically as much as culturally. There remains questions inherent in the minds of many. How did we get here? How much further do we have to fall? The questions to ponder are rooted in the problem itself; an answer cannot be generated because the problem cannot be understood.

The older generations in the West clinging to relevance view the world with a drunken stupor, only able to blame the younger generations. Their descendants’ answer in turn is to blame them. And they are not wrong. Laying blame, however, cannot resolve the issue of moral decline, nor will it reverse the destruction. The concept of western civilization itself is to blame and specifically the concepts of egalitarianism and freedom, both perverted to suit the conditions we find ourselves in today. Those moral constructs laid the foundation for subversion on part of the Left and will continue to do so mostly unabated, so long as those moral constructs remain unchallenged.

Egalitarianism, or the belief of equality inherent in all peoples, does not account for the entirety of history, driven by the peoples both known and forgotten (sometimes purposefully so) and certainly takes no responsibility for the havoc it wreaks. Lost in the pages gushing over the ideals of the French Revolution are the bones of the dead, relics of the culture it destroyed. But that chaos would not be isolated to France alone. It would lay the foundation for all of Europe, Asia and the New World alike.

What is ‘freedom’? This is a fundamental philosophical question. Is it an assertion of free will, as Christianity suggests? Or, perhaps it is liberation from an authority figure? It is no longer a clearly defined construct in the Western cultural consciousness, purposefully created. Freedom, as Hegel would assert, is indeed Liberation, dismissing entirely the role of the Free Will of man. Saint Aquinas becomes a mere footnote in creating the philosophy of law, itself a reflection of that primary belief system. As Hegel becomes would become more relevant in the halls of academia, the decline of Aquinas in the face of positivism would nearly perfectly correlate with the decline of morality. And thus, nothing remains sacred.

A secondary, but popular question, is exactly how history’s atrocities were allowed to occur, both those well known and those conveniently forgotten. How did we get here? That answer becomes clear. Objective Morality has begat this reality. With moral underpinnings now diminished or, at worst, erased entirely, the discipline of yore satisfying that moral code becomes a throwback to a culture not worthy of preservation. Hatred of ancestry necessitates desecration lest it stand in the way of progress. That hatred cannot be forgotten but sternly reinforced, creating a bottomless spiral giving way to ever more impressive levels of depravity. It is a repeating pattern.

How can reverence of the dead be acceptable or expected when the sexualization of children is increasingly being forced into commonplace? Who are you to stand in the way of progress, in the face of the culture of Western self immolation? A society that tolerates any degree of it is a society already in steep decline. Having no first principles to stand upon, no level of depravity is too low. They’ve indeed come for your kids, while murdering your culture, and you and I shall be next.

The answer to the questions originally posed; how did we get here and thus, how far do we have to go becomes simple. We got here through the rotten philosophy of Hegel and all he begat. Marx, Lincoln, and their contemporaries. How far do we have to go? All the way until it is stopped, by force. Those lines are being drawn now. No political solution can be had until it is recognized that one party is not interested in such a thing. Theirs is nothing but raw power, itself a reflection of evil in its purest form. Nothing can be held sacred, as the labeling of such would be apostate to core beliefs of the Left.

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By Published On: December 16, 2022Categories: Uncategorized19 Comments on Nothing Sacred, by NC Scout

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