Squad Organization by Mike VonSteuben

One of my biggest goals for the classes that I teach and the articles that I write is to get patriotic Americans in the mindset of working with others in a team. A key element of this is learning how to task-organize a group into an effective squad, which is something I cover in the Team Leader Class. In this article I will discuss considerations for organizing a squad of volunteers, list some common billets for specialized roles and duties, and present my proposed “Jäger Squad” model for the modern American Minuteman.

Click here to read the full article.

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  1. Stay STrapped or Get Clapped December 6, 2022 at 11:50

    It must be nice to have a squad.
    Slim pickins to work with as the capitol city blob expands with some New Jack replacement transplants who think the place was built just for them last week.
    They are here to improvementate and show us rubes the way forward to the egalitarian workers utopia.
    Head on a swivel, round in chamber, safety off, four extra magazines at all times.

    • Mike VonSteuben December 6, 2022 at 12:01

      As I said in the article, this is a goal to strive for. I acknowledge that most groups are small, which is fine. Start with a buddy pair, work up to a fire team, and when you get to 5 split into two small teams and work your way up.

      The right people are out there, it’s just a matter of finding them.

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