Davos Attendee Says ‘Quiet Part Out Loud’: Agenda Is To Create A “New World Order”

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

A Davos speaker explicitly outlined the World Economic Forum’s agenda when he stated that the goal was to create a “new world order.”

The remarks were made during the annual elitist confab yesterday by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Pakistan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs.

“Here at WEF…there’s a lot of discussion about what the new world order will be…how do we work towards that new normative international order that allows us to address our differences and disputes as the civilized world,” said Zardari.

“I believe that at the moment we are in such a hyper partisan, hyper polarized time that we’re not going to be able to form that new Helsinki today, but going forward…we must form and improve our normative and international institutional order internationally so that we can address these complaints,” he added.

“I hope this time around, once we’re building this new world order or new rules based order, the voice of the global south and the developing world is included,” said Zardari.

Another speaker complained about countries valuing their own sovereignty over the interests of the “world order”.


The establishment media still treats the ‘new world order’ as a conspiracy theory that doesn’t exist, apart from when actual globalists use the phrase, in which case it does exist and is a good thing.

What will life look like under the New World Order?

We don’t have make wild guesses, numerous other Davos attendees have explicitly outlined how it will be manifested.

So-called 5 minute cities which look like prisons.

The end of all car travel.

Implanted brain chips.

A digital database to monitor who has been vaccinated and who hasn’t.

A new “COVID-scale” pandemic.

A crackdown on “disinformation” that is preventing people from taking vaccines.

The end of free speech.

LGBT subversion of all culture.

A one world religion based on environmentalism.

The acceleration of environmental hysteria to seize more power and reduce living standards.

Elon Musk recently tweeted that the “WEF is increasingly becoming an unelected world government that the people never asked for and don’t want.”

Davos globalists don’t seem to have received the memo.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page: http://bit.ly/BrushbeaterStore


  1. Oughtsix January 20, 2023 at 11:41

    Either individual human rights or globalist tyranny…

    The first will require the fight of and for our lives. The second will require and will result in the deaths of billions of human souls.

    Choose wisely.

  2. Truth in Tension January 20, 2023 at 16:04

    All of the Davos attendees are pull pulling destroyers. They have never produced anything of value and certainly cannot produce anything of beauty, therefore, all they can do is destroy what thinking productive people have created and produced. All of the Davos attendees desire to destroy humanity, the world and most importantly, they want to destroy themselves because they in fact realize that they are non-thinking non-productive zeros. We should not fear them. They are all helpless pathetic zeros. The support they have comes from the jewish Rothschild’s central banking syndicate and their backed by nothing funny money. Millions of people are waking up to the fact that the Rothschild central bank funny money is a scam. Take away their central bank funny money and all of their power evaporates then all of the Davos WEF attendees will then crawl back into the sewers that they came from. Who is $ John Galt? TEXIT!

  3. Tommyboy January 21, 2023 at 10:46

    The thing that blows my mind is the arrogance, that these people feel they are better suited to determine how you and i live our lives.
    I swear, as i live and breathe i will never conform or comply with anything these turds put forth as law

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