“The Denominations Go Shooting”— Because we all could use more laughter in our lives

I hope y’all enjoy this as much as I did. In times like these, I sometimes forget to take a minute and laugh. Well, for me, this makes me laugh. Enjoy

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About the Author: Trevor Zantos

A modern Renaissance Man, amateur writer, aspiring Appalachian, purveyor of guns, designer of gear; whom “M” calls for gear. @usgeneral25 on socials


  1. Überdeplorable Psychedelic Cat Grass January 23, 2023 at 17:24


    That was great! We Catholics would be shooting M1 Garands and Thompsons because of tradition. Then again, if we take it to its logical conclusion, we’d be using arquebuses or swords with archers in the background.

  2. Sven January 23, 2023 at 17:54

    This was great for a laugh. Much needed. Thank you.

  3. Sell Your Cloak January 23, 2023 at 17:57

    The shooting range next to Howie Longfellow park is hopping lately and you can tell the big one shot stopper rounds from the poppers.
    Snuck up within two feet of some does and said be careful out there, they started to run off but continued grazing.
    Had camo gear on from head to toe due to the cold with balaclava, pants, mittens.

  4. rto-jerry January 23, 2023 at 19:27

    Haha now that was a good laugh!

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