Brendon Lee O’Connell : James O’Keefe & The Deep State, Ukraine, Mike Gill & The Nation Of Corruption

We discuss Ukraine and the impending Russian blows to fall, and why the United States is there. But the first 30 minutes is dedicated to a voice over on how two top Democratic operatives in new Hampshire brought down James O’Keefe with their drug trafficking and drug money laundering operation that James O’Keefe forgot to pass onto Donald Trump.

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About the Author: Johnny Paratrooper

Born and Raised in Baltimore City, Maryland. History Degree. 8 Years Airborne Infantry and Scouts Platoon. Iraq Veteran. 4-5 Years as a doorman, bar back, and bouncer in Baltimore. Worked in Construction, Heavy Equipment Demolition, Corporate Security, Sales, Forest Service contractor, and the Hospitality Industry. Raised Catholic. Hobbies are race cars and sport bikes. Side projects are HAM radio credentials and long range shooting. MY EMAIL IS [email protected]. Founder of Green Dragon Academy

One Comment

  1. D. Calderon February 26, 2023 at 13:22

    I have a policy brief for govt officials to inform them of the national security risks of allowing Israel (partners with China & Russia on the Belt and Road) to contract with state critical infrastructure projects. I worked with BoC on it. We need people to help mail in the brief to govt officials. It’s also pinned on my Twitter @DCinTejas

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