Chemical Debris from Ohio Train Derailment now Contaminating Ohio River

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. Überdeplorable Psychedelic Cat Grass February 13, 2023 at 16:35

    Although I do not live near there, my wife used to live on the West Virginia side of it. She has plenty of family that still lives both on the West Virginia side as well as maybe 25 to 50 miles removed on the Ohio side.

    We got married several years back on the Ohio side. I just saw this posted from Vox Day’s website:

    I haven’t touched a chemistry book since my year of genchem in undergrad. It’s good to know that they are lying to us; a friend of a friend did a co-op on the Indiana side of the Ohio River. It was cheaper for the factory he worked in to dump into the Ohio river and get fined $30,000 per day by the EPA than to fix whatever the issue was at the factory. Once the stuff makes its way to where that dumping site is, it’ll be interesting to see if there is any chemical reaction.

    I feel for the people of East Palestine not to mention everyone else who is going to get into serious trouble healthwise because of this.

  2. Reader February 13, 2023 at 17:05

    Derailments in TX & SC too.

  3. Reader February 13, 2023 at 19:57

    Beaver Valley nuclear plant is south about 15 miles and sits on the Ohio River. Bet those chemicals are gonna have to be mitigated for their condensate feedwater (what cools and condenses the steam flowing thru the turbine). The river is their ultimate heat sink.

  4. Encouraging Angels February 13, 2023 at 23:08

    The EPA and the Politburo of Ohio are just so full of it with their press conferences and their ‘monitoring’ of the situation. They were ‘worried’ that the tankers would blow so they drain the poison and then sent it into the atmosphere to broadcast the contamination. A government that acts to protect its people should have had a pre-thought out answer for containment. This situation is close enough to me that we have to worry about the wind direction. The people in East Palestine are apparently going to lose in some fashion life, limb, livelihood and life savings as who is going to buy a house in that town? What will the long term health effects? If I didn’t know better I swear that new facets of 5th Gen warfare are being rolled out every other day! Train derailments in Texas and North Carolina this week (

    God bless Scout and the whole AP team. You were born for such a time as this…

  5. Ghostmann February 14, 2023 at 05:19

    Apparently there was also another derailment in Tennessee as well. Short on details, however.

  6. Ghostmann February 14, 2023 at 06:44

    “The last month of peace, as in other wars, has an almost palpable air of crisis about it.
    Incidents, accidents, small disasters add to the tension. Two trains collide on a railway bridge
    in Cologne because the signalling system is out of order. The bridge is seriously damaged
    and there can be no traffic over it for the next two months.
    In the port of Rotterdam a Polish supertanker bursts into flames. Because of an error by
    the captain the tanker is far too close to the oil storage tanks on the shore, and the burning oil
    spreads around the harbour. For two weeks fire brigades summoned from practically the
    whole country fight an heroic battle with the flames. The port suffers tremendous losses. The
    fire appears to have spread at a quite incredible speed, and some experts are of the opinion
    that the Polish tanker was not the only cause of the fire, that the fire broke out simultaneously
    in many places.
    In the Panama Canal the Varna, a Bulgarian freighter loaded with heavy containers, rams
    the lock gates by mistake. Experts reckoned that the ship should have remained afloat, but for
    some reason she sinks there and then. To reopen the canal could well take many months.
    The Bulgarian government sends its apologies and declares itself ready to pay for all the work
    In Washington, as the President’s helicopter is taking off, several shots are fired at it from
    sniper’s rifles. The helicopter is only slightly damaged and the crew succeed in bringing it
    down again safely. No one in the craft is hurt. Responsibility for the attack is claimed by a
    previously unknown organisation calling itself `Revenge for Vietnam’.
    There is a terrorist explosion at Vienna airport.
    A group of unidentified men attack the territory of the British military base in Cyprus with
    A serious accident takes place on the most important oil pipeline in Alaska. The pumping
    stations break down and the flow of oil falls to a trickle.
    In West Germany there are several unsuccessful attempts on the lives of American
    In the North Sea the biggest of the British oil rigs tips over and sinks. The precise reason
    for this is not established, although experts believe that corrosion of main supports is the
    In the United States an epidemic of some unidentified disease breaks out and spreads
    rapidly. It seems to affect port areas particularly, such as San Francisco, Boston, Charleston,
    Seattle, Norfolk and Philadelphia.
    There are explosions practically every day in Paris. The main targets are the government
    districts, communication centres and military headquarters. At the same time terrible forest
    fires are raging in the South of France.
    All these operations — because of course none of these events is an accident — and
    others like them are known officially in the GRU as the `preparatory period’, and unofficially as
    the `overture’. The overture is a series of large and small operations the purpose of which is,
    before actual military operations begin, to weaken the enemy’s morale, create an atmosphere
    of general suspicion, fear and uncertainty, and divert the attention of the enemy’s armies and
    police forces to a huge number of different targets, each of which may be the object of the
    next attack.
    The overture is carried by agents of the secret services of the Soviet satellite countries and
    by mercenaries recruited by intermediaries. The principal method employed at this stage is
    `grey terror’, that is, a kind of terror which is not conducted in the name of the Soviet Union.
    The Soviet secret services do not at this stage leave their visiting cards, or leave other
    people’s cards. The terror is carried out in the name of already existing extremist groups not
    connected in any way with the Soviet Union, or in the name of fictitious organisations.
    The GRU reckons that in this period its operations should be regarded as natural disasters,
    actions by forces beyond human control, mistakes committed by people, or as terrorist acts
    by organisations not connected with the Soviet Union.
    The terrorist acts carried out in the course of the `overture’ require very few people, very
    few weapons and little equipment. In some cases all that may be needed is one man who has
    as a weapon nothing more than a screwdriver, a box of matches or a glass ampoule. Some of
    the operations can have catastrophic consequences. For example, an epidemic of an
    infectious disease at seven of the most important naval bases in the West could have the
    effect of halving the combined naval might of the Soviet Union’s enemies.”

    This is an excerpt from Viktor Suvorov’s book Spetsnaz. Chapter 15 continues even more than this.

  7. Joe February 14, 2023 at 08:29

    The Ohio watershed provides water to the Ohio river, not the other way around. This tweet has it backwards.

    • GK February 14, 2023 at 12:18

      Had signed off, but came back to ask a question. You may have a valid point, but didn’t flesh it out so the rest of us could follow/learn.
      So the train leaked Ethyl Chloride and chemicals other into the Ohio river. Basically, it became part of “the watershed” at that point. It is definitely a “Point Source” of pollution. Can we say “Holy Total Maximum Daily Load Batman?!” However, as it travels down the Ohio, it absorbs into the banks (part of the watershed) and becomes part of the watershed itself as it reenters the river system in subsequent years.

      So if you could, please explain how “the story is backwards.”

      • Joe February 14, 2023 at 15:02

        you don’t really think that contamination in the ohio river is going to absorb thorough HUNDREDS of miles of soil on both sides, do you? Explain the mechanism of action that would take a chemical from the water in ohio and fight it’s way against gravity all the way to the edge of the watershed at the peak of the appalacian mountains? The image in the tweet is an outline of the watershed. The perimeter of the watershed is defined as the high point at which water on one side flows towards the given river, and water on the other side flows into a different watershed.

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