Semifinalist for the 2023 John McCain Memorial Warmonger of the Year Award Just Announced, by Scipio

With all the bellicose blustering threats coming out of the USA toward anyone who doesn’t follow America’s self-created “Rules Base Order” (not international law, but unilaterally made up “rules”, this year’s warmonger field is crowed.

The following semifinalists (in no particular order) will include names you know, and perhaps some you don’t. They are each certifiably warmongers.

The selection committee, (me), decided to leave off the main stream media because they are all, Red Pilled or Blue Pilled, full-fledged propagandist for warmongers. Left off this list also is members of the military because their job depends on having enemies, and if you don’t have any, you have to be a warmonger until you do. Their motto is a modification of Chick-Fil-A’s slogan, its “Eat more countries!” Therefore, they are not included.

The talent pool is made up mostly of bombastic, hubristic, narcissist, psychopathic politicians with some journalists thrown in the mix.

First, let’s define exactly what a “warmonger” is. It is someone who urges or attempts to stir up war or fosters warlike ideas or advocates’ war. They have an excessive bias in judging their own country as superior to others. Common synonyms are; “hawks”, “hardliners” or “jingoists”.
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, ‘Jingoism’ originated during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 when many Brits were hostile toward Russia, and thought Britain should interfere in the conflict against Russia (sound familiar?). Supporters of the cause were called “Jingoists” and their sentiment was expressed in a music hall ditty with this refrain: ‘We don’t want to fight, but by jingo if we do, we’ve got the ships, we’ve got the men, we’ve got the money to’.”

Imperialism has changed little since those events in the 19th century and what is happening in Ukraine and elsewhere in the current 21st century. In both cases you see two imperial powers at their peak trying to destroy Russia. It didn’t work then; it won’t work now. Forty years later, England’s empire had collapsed. What will the USA’s empire look like in forty years?

Here is the Warmonger Semifinalist List: (In no particular order)

-Lyndsey Graham
-Hillary Clinton
-John Bolton
-Tom Cotton
-Richard Blumenthal
-Victoria Nuland
-Anthony Blinken
-Joe Biden
-Jake Sullivan
-Bill Krystol
-Paul Wolfowitz
-George W. Bush
-Lynn Cheney
-Dick Chaney
-Mike Pompeo
-Darrell Issa
-John Podesto
-Dan Crenshaw
-Nancy Pelosi
-Sheldon Whitehouse
-Amy Klobuchar
-Mitch McConnell
-John Thune
-John Barrasso
-Joni Ernst
-Elissa Slotkin
-Jamie Raskin
-The CIA (they are BORG, one personality, many faces)
-The FBI (they are BORG II, one personality, many faces)

Warmonger finalists will be announced later this year. Let’s see how these semi-finalists get red faced, with blood vessels pumping out of their necks, charged up with dreams of death and mayhem.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. spingerah February 2, 2023 at 15:31

    Didn’t see Romny, or does he only qualify for sleezeball of the year, er decade.

    • Chef February 2, 2023 at 17:28

      Scipio gettin good at this!

    • Scipio February 2, 2023 at 20:26

      Definitely should have been on the list toward the top. Perhaps others also. I will talk to the “committee” about the oversight. Also the term “neocon” was left out. Sloppy editing I think.

  2. Oughtsix February 2, 2023 at 19:24

    Many of these same people, and a great many others at all levels and institutions of America, are at war with We, The People. We didn’t monger for this war. They are waging it upon us nonetheless.

    So, I volunteer to nominate my self as the leading Trad-American Patriot warmonger for the War to Save America… from Her domestic enemies.

    FJB and all who support “him”. Death to bureaucrats, Ideologues, turncoats and traitors, politicians and their propagandists, academics, community organizers, pantyfa skinnyjeanstatfacedmanbun basement dwelling doper pussies and BLM grifter racists.

    Feel free to add to this list. It’s a big job. We had better get started.

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