Video surfaces of CDC official calling for WHITE GENOCIDE to eliminate all white vaccine refusers in America
(Natural News) An official who served on the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization during the Obama administration has been captured on video calling for genocide against white people in America in order to eliminate those who resist vaccines.
The video, shows below in today’s Situation Update podcast, features Dr. Carol Baker offering her “solution” on camera:
So I have the solution. Every study published in the last five years, when you look at vaccine refusers… I’m not talking about… hesitance, most of them we can talk into coming to terms. But refusers. We’ll just get rid of all the whites in the United States… Guess who wants to get vaccinated the most? Immigrants.
This story was reported by and several other alt media outlets. The video clip appears to be branded We aren’t certain who first discovered this video clip, and we would be happy to credit them appropriately.
Dr. Baker reportedly has ties to Pfizer as well as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. As NewsPunch reports:
Notably, Baker was appointed Chair of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization by Obama’s Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in 2009. The Houston doctor was also honored with the Sabin Vaccine Institute’s 2019 Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal at a Washington D.C. ceremony sponsored “in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Pfizer.”
Dr. Baker’s apparent calling for genocide against whites in America — where all white people are to be eliminated and replaced by immigrants — is consistent with the nefarious aims of both the Biden regime and globalists. They seek the outright elimination of billions of human beings on planet Earth and a one world government ruling over the enslaved, impoverished masses. While vaccines provide an easy way to eliminate the gullible, obedient, ignorant masses, those who refuse to take the vaccines are now being subjected to other forms of attempted genocide.
In the following short podcast, I explain why dodging the bullet of vaccines doesn’t mean you’re in the clear yet when it comes to surviving depopulation genocide:
Food and energy infrastructure are being dismantled to achieve collapse
Both food and energy infrastructure are being deliberately dismantled in order to collapse the US economy and drive the masses into destitution and famine. From the point of view of the anti-human globalists, this tactic ensnares the vaccine refusers who are too smart to be easily tricked into committing vaccine-assisted suicide.
Since everyone eats, a collapse of the food supply chain impacts everyone, vaccinated or otherwise.
As I mention in the podcast below, Democrats are also working on unleashing mass violence in the cities as another way to kill Americans and replace them with immigrants. This is being accomplished by de-funding police, releasing violent criminals from prisons (something the Democrats repeatedly do), and preparing for a financial reset that would lead to near-instant lawlessness and chaos in the streets as banks, ATMs and food stamps stop working.
In this short clip from the new Breaking Point documentary series, David DuByne explains how we’re going back to a 19th century existence as western deindustrialization kicks in:
The CDC, FDA, Biden regime and globalist leaders are AT WAR with the human race
Understand that vaccines are just one vector being deployed to achieve global depopulation. Food collapse, energy collapse, financial collapse and global war plans encompass other vectors. This is why it’s critical to watch the new Breaking Point documentary series, being released in 12 parts over the next 12 weeks. Episode one, covering financial collapse, has just been released. You can watch it here. (There are 11 more episodes yet to come…)