‘We cannot be told what to do by Government’ Neil Oliver on the state of Britain’s democracy-Video

Pretty sure this applies to all of the west. Also, these rights come not from our constitutions or from governments, we were given them by our Creator.

‘We cannot be told what to do by Government. That truth is final and can only be denied by those who either don’t know it … or who do know it and are lying.’


UK Psy ops unit referenced by Neil



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About the Author: Trevor Zantos

A modern Renaissance Man, amateur writer, aspiring Appalachian, purveyor of guns, designer of gear; whom “M” calls for gear. @usgeneral25 on socials


  1. Surly Belligerent Rabble February 4, 2023 at 23:00

    Obedience uber alles?
    Go F’ yourself.

  2. RP February 5, 2023 at 08:14

    He’s much more eloquent that I. I would just say I’m not going to stand for you F’n bastards to tell me what to do. And he’s not wrong.

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