This Disease has the Potential to be a Mass Extinction Event, by Scipio

The CDC just announced their latest in a long line of disease warnings, this time about the deadly Marburg Disease. Marburg is a rare virus that infects both humans and animals. This warning follows hot on the heels of Covid, Monkey Pox, and Mad Cow Disease. Earlier the CDC called attention to the world wide spread of the deadly Avian Flu (H5N1) where hundreds of thousands, potentially, perhaps millions may die.  Yet a more deadly disease has rapidly spread over the USA and Western Europe that has the potential to kill BILLIONS. It’s called Russophobia. So far it has proved impervious to rationale, reasoning, and factual evidence. The only defense against it is non-politicized education. Lions and tigers and Russian bears. Oh my!


It’s the Red Scare all over again, only Russia isn’t the old Soviet Union and it’s not “Red” anymore.  Today the West is the true “Red Menace”. I venture to say with a high degree of confidence there are more Marxists in the USA presently than in The Russian Federation. When Russia began its SMO (Specialized Military Operation) in February, 2022, Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin spelled out Russia’s objectives of the SMO at the beginning of hostilities. They were: 1) demilitarization of Ukraine, 2) denazification of Ukraine, 3) protection of culturally Russian speaking people of the two breakaway Ukrainian oblasts. Nowhere does he list acquisition of Ukrainian land as an objective.  Meanwhile the West criticizes his military for taking over so little Ukrainian land after a year of fighting.  Go figure.


Western pundits, talking heads, and high-ranking US officials including the head diplomat, Anthony Blinken, continue to say Putin has stated he wanted to rebuild the old Soviet Union and has dreams of a Russian empire. Putin has said no such thing. Read his speeches and read what he is as saying now. Don’t listen to what people tell you Putin says, read it for yourself. It’s all on the internet. Videos of Putin’s speeches with subtitles are also on the net. It will take some effort looking up things on the net. You can’t sit in your easy chair and listen to the talking heads in the mainstream media. Just don’t use Google’s search engine.  Its algorithms are designed to steer you to Anti-Russian propaganda.  If you watch MSM, you are believing the same people who lied to you about COVID, RussiaGate, J6, “mostly peaceful “demonstrations, Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, and the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution et al. Unfortunately, Fox is in the Russophobia camp as well.  If you haven’t figured it out by now, anytime both the liberal and conservative media and the Republican Party and Democrat Party are in almost total agreement on perpetuating the Russian narrative as the aggressor, this should be a red flag to you. Remember when Biden made the statement of how he had spent his whole life backing down bullies? It seems to me Biden is more interested in browbeating then in what Putin has tried to do diplomatically.  Ask yourself, do you believe Joe Biden, the self-proclaimed “Bully Slayer”, or Putin the so-called “Bully”?


Let me explain why Russia may not be the “bully” portrayed in the West.  Putin has criticized Lenin for the government monstrosity, the USSR, that he created. The current structure of The Russian Federation allows for greater autonomy in local affairs, which is the opposite of the heavy handed centralized local interference coming from The Swamp in America.  There is, however, some of the old Soviet System that is yet to be replaced.

Russia’s main objective today is to defend its borders after thirty years of Western encirclement and provocations spelled out in Putin’s SMO announcement.  Remember, NATO was created to counter the threat of Soviet expansionism, Once the Soviet Union collapsed, NATO’s mission was officially over.  Instead of standing down, NATO continued to expand adding eleven more nations moving right up to Russia’s border. NATO is even talking about expanding to have a Pacific NATO arm. (

In 2008 US Ambassador William Burns was called into Russian Secretary of State Sergey Lavrov’s office when rumblings of the US pushing for Ukrainian NATO membership was rumored.  Burns is presently Director of the CIA. Back in 2008, Lavrov asked Burns, “Do you know what “nyet” means? Ukraine’s entry into NATO would be a red line to us just like the Soviet’s putting missiles in Cuba was a redline for the USA in 1962. That’s what a Ukrainian membership into NATO Is to Russia. We are alarmed at NATO membership moving closer and closer to Russia. No, we will not accept it.”

The Russian Orthodox Church plays an influential part in the Russian government presently. The head of the Church, Patriarch Kirill, sits front and center in the audience when Putin gives a major public speech.  The proposed Christmas Ceasefire in Ukraine, this past December, which was opposed by Kiev, was suggested by the Greek Orthodox Patriarch, and Putin took his advice and proposed a cease fire. Compare that to Lenin/Stalin’s persecution of religion and the establishment of an atheist state. Now, contrast that with the USA’s current persecution of Christians or their slow walking investigations of terrorist attacks on churches and synagogues. America has become extremely secularized; a form of atheism.

Russia has strengthened itself in the face of Western aggression from NATO. They no longer will be bullied by the Empire of Lies. The Allman Brothers made a song about what Russia has gone through since the collapse of the Soviet Union. It’s called “Whipping Post”.


Not only is official Washington spreading Russophobia, but so is American culture. Movie’s such as Red Dawn, The Hunt for Red October, and Rocky IV were heavily Russophobic. Tom Clancy’s books were a delight to the military-industrial-complex who gave him unfettered access from the President all the way down the Department of Defense food chain. Clancy spawned a huge Russophobic cottage industry of other authors churning out fear mongering anti-Russian novels. That started in the Cold War. We find ourselves now in a New Cold War and nothing has changed.  If anything, it has been ratchetted up. Even Wikipedia shows heavy anti-Russian bias.  Russophobia is the one entity that conservative and liberal media are in complete agreement in what the USA should do: stop Russia. But they never explain specifically what Russia is doing that should be stopped.

Russia, under Putin, has revived its cultural past. Going all the way back to the foundation of the Russian people as “Russ” in Kiev, Putin has reminded Russia where its roots are. The great of Russia’s past are being honored. People like Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, scientists like Sergey Botkin, the first to recognize Hepatitis (Botkin’s Disease) was caused by an infection, artists like Ivan Kramskoy’s famous “Portrait of an Unknown Woman”, and authors like Tolstoy, Chekhov and Dostoevsky.  On the other hand, Ukraine is reviving its NAZI past by erecting a statue and renaming streets for the alleged WWII war crimes criminal, Stephen Banderas. ( and (

Meanwhile American leaders are trashing the nation’s foundation and its founding document, the US Constitution. The American people, on their own, have forgotten the Declaration of Independence, a far more significant founding document in my opinion.  America’s leaders are dividing the nation while Russia is uniting itself. When hostilities began with Ukraine, Putin’s popularity was in the 60% range. Since the fighting began it now hovers around 80%.  All the while tearing down Russia and Russian culture, the USA is denigrating its own culture, allowing acts of public immorality to go unchecked, even encouraging them (see how Russia responds to such things;, allowing statues of great Americans to be torn down while simultaneously glorifying a statue located in Philadelphia of a man that doesn’t even exist, Rocky Balboa!

What is Russia doing that the West has to stop?

Maybe it was their opposition to the US overthrow of the 2014 Ukrainian presidential election by the CIA which set up a USA puppet regime led by the world’s highest paid actor. (

Maybe its Russia’s opposition to Russian speaking Ukrainians being burned alive in Odessa. (

Maybe it was openly violent hostility toward ethnic Russian Ukrainians, especially in Luhansk and Donetsk regions. (

Maybe it was because Russia expected those Donbas republics to be recognized like Kosovo was when they broke from Serbia. ( Also, (

Instead of being recognized by the international community, the Ukrainian government, over a period of eight years, shelled civilians in the east killing and estimated 6,000 women and children in addition to 8,000 men who fought against Kiev.

Maybe it is because Russia sent special forces in Luhansk and Donetsk to help them defend themselves. The genocidal bombing that took place was headline international news at the time but has been memory holed since the Russophobia infection has swept the West.

Maybe its Ukrainian persecution of the Orthodox Church by confiscating churches, arresting priests, snipers targeting priests, or outlawing the Russian language to be used in church services. (

Maybe its NATO’s expansion into Asia.



Russophobia, unlike most diseases, attacks the brain instead of the body. Its clinical evidence of brain entropy. Trying to make a Russophobe realize they are Russophobic is like trying to explain water to a fish.  It causes those affected to accuse Russia of things that they themselves would do; like violating sovereign borders, waging war in the name of “democracy” while extracting that nation’s resources as the USA is presently doing in oil rich northern Syria. It’s a form of blame shifting technique where one blames others of what they are doing themselves, like Biden’s “bully statement”.

In other words, its shear hypocrisy. It causes those infected to ban average Russian citizens from travel outside Russia for their profession or vacation or tourists to visit Russia. It violates international law by confiscating Russian Oligarch’s assets who are sympathetic to Vladimir Putin, while on the other hand, giving expat Russian Oligarchs who were kicked out of Russia for corruption a pass on asset confiscation.


This disease has a way of winnowing through a population and raising its most dangerous psychopaths to the top levers of political power. They have their hands on nuclear triggers thinking it’s just political brinkmanship.  They think they are playing a thermonuclear war game with the computer W.O.P.R. In reality it is international hari-kari. Billions may die because of a disease that is easily cured, but instead it’s spread by deranged politicians and lemming like minion followers led by evil pied pipers.

You may be asymptomatic and not know it because the disease is so ubiquitous. Even if you do not engage in overt Russophobia talk, you may mentally acquiesce to it. There is a simple home test you can take to see if you have some degree of Russophobia. You can even take it where you may be reading this. Unlike the bogus COVID PCR test that produced up to 80% false positives, this test is 100% accurate. The USA has ten times the military bases worldwide than Russia. ( Ask yourself, is Russia the threat to world peace today or is the USA? Your test result will be instantaneous.


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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:

One Comment

  1. Mark. April 12, 2023 at 11:53

    Robert E Lee warned after the defeat of the Confederacy that the USA would next turn its aggression to the plains indian tribes and from there outward to foreign powers. It has done all that and now it is also turning its aggressions back to its own citizenry. DOD was much involved with the covid hoax and the subsequent vaccine campaign. I consider the US Governmment the biggest theat to my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, far greater than China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Cuba or all of them combined.

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