Trump Rips Manhattan DA in First Remarks Since Unprecedented Criminal Charges

Original article here.

Back in Palm Beach, Florida Tuesday following his arraignment earlier that same day in New York City, former President Donald Trump had strong words about the unprecedented criminal charges against him and those who labored to bring them about.

Trump did not speak to the sea of reporters in New York, “saving his vitriol for primetime.”

“The only crime that I’ve committed is to fearlessly defend our nation from those who seek to destroy it,” Trump told a crowd of hundreds in his Mar-a-Lago club ballroom. “The criminal is the district attorney because he illegally leaked massive amounts of grand jury information, for which he should be prosecuted — or at a minimum, he should resign,” Trump added.

The ex-president did not confine his ire to New York DA Alvin Bragg alone.  “The FBI and DOJ in collusion with Twitter and Facebook” worked to downplay first son Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, he said, referring to now-confirmed reports. That information, he said, “exposes the Biden family as criminals.”

Trump also took time to tout his own telephonic perfection. “In the wings, they’ve got a local racist Democrat district attorney in Atlanta who is doing everything in [her] power to indict me over an absolutely perfect phone call  — even more perfect than the one I made with the president of Ukraine,” he said.

Trump also spoke of how people who have worked for him or in his administration have been “harassed and hounded,” a matter that could be a concern to Republicans going forward.

Trump hit a broad array of targets in his 25-minute speech, but he was far from alone in scrutinizing the unprecedented proceedings.

“The shameful arrest of President Trump is an unprecedented and chilling chapter in the Left’s weaponization of the justice system against their leading political opponent,” fourth-ranked House Republican Elise Stefanik of New York said in a statement.

El Salvador President Nayib Bukele even got in on the act, tweeting, “Think what you want about former President Trump and the reasons he’s being indicted. But just imagine if this happened in any other country, where a government arrested the main opposition candidate. The United States ability to use ‘democracy’ as foreign policy is gone.”

Former Attorney General William Barr, who has clashed with Trump in the past, said in a Fox News interview Tuesday afternoon that Bragg had brought what “appears to be just a pathetically weak case.”

Bragg, for his part, said at a press conference after Trump’s arraignment that “we cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct” — even though, as the New York Post noted, the progressive prosecutor has come under fire for downgrading more than half of felony cases to misdemeanors.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer have issued demands that Bragg testify on Capitol Hill about the politically motivated investigation.

In related news the same day, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ordered Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels, to pay Trump an additional $121,972 in legal fees stemming from her unsuccessful 2018 suit against him.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. Rick April 5, 2023 at 08:35

    Well Trump, guess you should have enacted that executive order to lock it down after the election and arrest all those criminals in government. Good luck winning the next election because the midterms showed that regardless of electoral fraud the actual voting populas hates you enough to continue allowing the democrats to bleed us slowly.

  2. Ghostmann April 5, 2023 at 09:29

    What is amazing is that people think giving legitimacy to rigged, fixed elections and projecting their good natures on demonic liberals and communists is going to fix this.

    What else do you need to see?

    For the Republican politicians who read these comments, you have failed us and failed the country. You have chosen to protect and conserve your wallet, instead of protecting and conserving the Bill of Rights. You have chosen to act as governors to our movement, like the way a governor on a car stops it from going over a speed limit. You acquiese and enable neo liberal tyranny on one end, and turn a blind eye to communist street violence on the other. You are active participants in the destruction of the country at worst, and just greedy industrialists at best.

    For the alternative media who read these comments, your arrogant and snarky responses to people who rightfully point out that you can’t negotiate with rapists (“Just move to Montana and visit a ranch”, that’d be you Harrison Smith/Infowars) and the disgusting way you refuse to acknowledge elections are rigged (That’d be you, Jesse Kelly) is doing more to black pill people than anything the communists could do. You are starting to become their best asset in many respects. Again, just like the Republican politicians, you have made it a point to protect your wallets over those who have put their trust in you. You insist on pacifism in the face of murderous psychos, while demanding people take their mobile devices to large crowds to get infiltrated and God only knows what else. You have turned you back on the second amendment completely, and have made it a point people shouldn’t organize because “everyone’s a fed!” in your eyes. Your reporting on news and current events is pretty solid, but your solutions that you demand we do are inviting in the global satanic government you swear you are against. But are you?

    For the grass roots who read these comments, the fix was in for 2024 when Katie Hobbs was installed as governor of AZ and Josh Shapiro was installed as governor of PA. They didn’t even need the WI supreme court seat. Without PA and AZ no Republican candidate – whether it’s Trump, a symbol of populism.. or Nimhrata Haley, the industrialists prefered designated loser – will get 270 electoral college votes. It’s math. The solution isn’t to run for the school board and wait 50 years. No, the solution is to get yourselves in the best shape you can, make sure your stuff is organized, and for the love of God stop trying to organize on Twitter and Facebook. It needs to be face to face, people you know, and those bonds have to be built now. Right now.

    Did you see what happened in Chicago? Does anyone really think the people of that city voted for Brandon? If you do, perhaps you should just take the chip, eat the bugs, and follow Klaus Schwab’s directives when he says them, how he says them, and don’t deviate one bit.

  3. KBYN April 5, 2023 at 10:48

    Trump is just as much a willing performer in this fraudulent legal circus as Fat Alvin Bragg is.

    If Trump was serious about fighting “the swamp,” he would have sat on the patio at Mar-A-Lago with a Diet Coke and a cheeseburger, looked at the cameras surrounding him, and challenged New York to come and get him. Desantis was prepared to block any extradition requests. Trump had the leverage to make a strong power play.

    But no. He decided to surrender himself and try to score victim points. Now he’s going to fundraise and sell t-shirts.

    It’s a damned clown show. All of it.

    Psalm 146:3-5 comes to mind:

    Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish. Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God

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