Hundreds Of Fighting Age Chinese Males Are Entering The Country Each Week – We Have No Idea Why

Guest Post by Sam Faddis

Border Patrol agents encountered more than 4,200 illegal migrants from China between October 2022 and February 2023, compared to roughly 1,900 in all of fiscal year 2022, according to CBP data. The Border Patrol believes that number is going to continue to rise and has warned its agents to prepare.

“Chinese national apprehensions will continue to rise across the SWB [Southwest border]. primarily in Yuma and the Rio Grande Sector, as more Chinese nationals successfully reach the United States to request asylum and information about routes becomes more accessible.”

“CBP reporting suggests that given the apprehensions in RGV [Rio Grande Valley], it is unlikely that a new smuggling route were [sic] created, but that the recent uptick is indicative of an overall surge across the entire SWB [Southwest border].”

The Daily Caller


A Border Patrol agent speaking anonymously to the Daily Caller noted that Chinese nationals often pay between $15,000 and $30,000 to get to the U.S. border. “[The] majority of them have thousands and thousands of U.S. dollars,” the agent said. “FBI has been called down several times now.”

According to the Daily Caller, one route documented by the Border Patrol involved a group of Chinese who were brought to Istanbul, Turkey, where they obtained Mexican visas. The group flew to Mexico City posing as fake couples and then split off. Three men in the group flew to Reynosa, Mexico, while three women flew to Tijuana, Mexico.

The Border Patrol apparently believes all these Chinese are fleeing religious persecution in China. Is that really the answer? Or is that what Chinese citizens entering the country are told to say because it will resonate with U.S. authorities?

The most common route Chinese citizens are taking to the United States involves flying to Ecuador visa-free. From there they proceed north through Panama’s Darien Gap. Guides detailing how Chinese citizens can travel illegally to the United States are openly available online.

Texas Land Commissioner Dr. Dawn Buckingham doesn’t think all this is happening by coincidence or without the direct involvement of the Chinese government. “The Chinese plan is clear,” Buckingham said on the “Just the News, No Noise” TV show. “They typed it out a long time ago. They’re playing chess. This is ‘an aggression’ when Chinese nationals are coming across our border. It’s only with the permission of their government. They’re not just rowing away in a boat somehow and magically getting here.”

Michael Yon is America’s most experienced combat reporter. He is also a former Special Forces soldier. He has spent decades embedded with U.S. forces in dangerous places and spends most of his time these days south of our border tracking the flow o