Key Gunpowder Factory Mysteriously Exploded, US Production of the Chemical Now Totally Offline

Original article here.

A mysterious explosion at a gunpowder factory in Louisiana in 2021 that destroyed the facilities highlights a serious problem in America’s military supply chain that makes us all less safe in the face of growing threats from China and our other enemies.

As the Wall Street Journal pointed out on Wednesday, “Fewer weapons manufacturers, shortages and ‘single source’ contractors limit the Pentagon’s ability to ramp up production—including when the sole maker of a crucial type of gunpowder stopped producing.”

The explosion occurred two years ago at a gunpowder plant in Minden, Louisiana, when what the paper called “an errant spark” destroyed the entire facility in a plant that the Department of Defense relies on to produce bullets, mortar shells, artillery rounds and Tomahawk missiles.

The company made black powder.

While the explosive is a very old form of munitions — used during the Revolutionary and Civil Wars — it also has uses in modern military applications. It also can’t be replaced by other substances for these applications.

Exacerbating matters? The Louisiana factory was the only such maker in North America.

Even though the explosion that destroyed the facility occurred two years ago, the plant is still off line and is not producing the vital substance and has been unable to deliver the much-needed supplies to the Pentagon.

The fact that there is no back-up to supply the chemical to our military is a problem that has been growing for years as the U.S. military supply chain has contracted to a smaller and smaller number of manufacturers.

“Military suppliers consolidated at the Cold War’s end, under pressure to reduce defense costs and streamline the nation’s industrial base,” the Journal reported. “Over the past three decades, the number of fixed wing aircraft suppliers in the U.S. has declined from eight to three. During the same period, major surface ship producers fell from eight to two, and today, only three American companies supply over 90% of the Pentagon’s missile stockpile.”

“Lower-tier defense firms are often the sole maker of vital parts — such as black powder — and a single crisis can bring production to a standstill,” the Journal warned.

A lone crisis is just what happened with the black powder mill in Louisiana.

It all highlights a major problem America has in regard to its military readiness. America’s issues with military readiness is only being compounded as Joe Biden continues to send so much of the country’s munitions and supplies to Ukraine for that nation to put up its opposition to Russian invaders.

As it happens, the surplus stocks that should be used to keep America safe are dwindling and the country’s capacity to manufacture more is not something that can quickly or easily be replaced.

One shudders to think what would happen if America had to ramp up in an emergency for a major war.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. Centurion_Cornelius May 1, 2023 at 14:54

    All you need to know right here:

    “This also means that many of the country’s supplies are being bought from foreign manufacturers and putting the U.S. at the mercy of foreigners.”

    …just buy the needed Black Powder from China–so’s ‘the Big Guy” gets his 10% cut, eh?

    Dollar to a donut the QC for ANY of this foreign sh** Uncle Sam buys is faked. Scuttlebutt about the Army’s ‘chopper blades being bought from “foreign [China] sources” lets you know why choppers are crashing.

    In my earlier iteration, I worked machining in a certified US Defense Plant. Armed guards at each entrance/exit. Show your badge one-by-one, get face ID, then enter. Even the mice there were inspected daily by FED GOV Plate Inspectors. THAT was centuries ago–worked to the millionth of an inch.

    On the flagpole outside our massive factory beneath a huge “Old Glory” flew our proud “NO DEFECTS” banner. Redstone Arsenal’s Saturn rockets crafted with pride.

    Each actual launch was piped in to the Teams working on it. Weren’t a dry eye in the place watching these. Thought my heart would burst with pride seeing these:

  2. GK May 2, 2023 at 11:40

    Here’s the big rub; at some point we will have to utilize one of those “Private/Public partnerships. (fascism).” The corporation that will be awarded the contract will be run by a bunch of progressive jackoffs, because of the progressive bureaucratic agency that awarded it. They will supply only the government, thus severing our ability to resupply and reload our “Arms.” It will be hailed (on the short term) the greatest thing to save humanity! It don’t get more NAZI than that…

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