Survival Retreat Consulting: How to Lead your Family to a Secure Homestead in Rural America, Part One – Introduction


Have you grown tired of the insanity today? It may be time to consider fleeing the city far from left-wing immoral public indoctrination centers, high local and state taxes, corrupt politicians, rampant property and violent crime, loss of self-defense and firearm rights and the stench of the sanctuary cities.

In these uncertain and turbulent times, both domestically and internationally, it’s essential to be prepared. Owning a sustainable and defensible rural homestead, also known as a ‘survival property or rural homestead’ means being well-prepared to not only survive but thrive in both good times and in the aftermath of any potential short-term emergencies or longer collapse scenarios.  It functions as a practical life insurance policy that can be cherished for numerous years while generating everlasting memories for your family.

Imagine watching your homeschooled children playing with siblings and friends in a meadow, reveling in nature’s gifts, and acquiring the knowledge of our forefathers through gardening, animal husbandry, hunting and firearms training to protect their home is an unparalleled experience. Witness their growth into young men and women and future leaders of our great country. Take action and become the catalyst for change.

This comprehensive four part guide will provide you with valuable information as you contemplate and embark on the journey of purchasing and retrofitting a rural property. It’s important to note that while some may be content with a small piece of land with RV hookups to begin their new lifestyle, others may have the means to purchase a home on a larger plot and gradually make improvements over time. Regardless of your financial situation, there is always a way to escape the confines of overpopulated urban areas and find freedom in the rural parts of America.

Our hope is that this guide will equip you with the necessary knowledge to start your journey. However, if you require further assistance or expertise, feel free to Contact Us to discuss a custom consulting package that can be tailored to your specific needs.

Situation Report

The global elite banking cartels and media corporations influenced by the state continuously spin a carefully constructed narrative on multiple fronts to stir up confusion, fear, and division among the public, diverting their attention away from their multifaceted agenda and weakening the mental and financial resilience of the masses.

As the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding. We are witnessing more engineered wars, accidental and deliberate train derailments that pollute our air and freshwater, fires that ravage food processing and distribution facilities, restricting food supplies, domestic terrorism and covert attacks on our power grid, sudden hikes in interest rates that devastate real estate and financial markets, resulting in the loss of equity and retirement savings (inflation of durable goods and deflation of assets), voter fraud, school shootings and moral concerns in public schools, racial tensions, defunding of law enforcement, and a range of other manufactured operations that aim to instill fear and division among us.

From this, they present their solution, the Great Reset, which invariably requires the relinquishing human rights (including all Constitutional rights) and adopting further control measures employing increasingly sophisticated surveillance technologies as time goes on.

As an illustration, the current and continuing bank failures are being exploited as a covert means to vilify and oversee cryptocurrencies, with the ultimate goal of prohibiting them and introducing a centralized bank digital currency (CBDC) that can only be networked and traded within the unlawful ‘federal reserve banking’ framework, which, as we are aware, lacks any ‘federal’ legitimacy and violates Constitutional law.

A brief investigation would reveal that the rescue plan for the distressed banks and their customers mandates that they sell off all their cryptocurrency holdings and management.

While abolishing the Federal Reserve and reinstating the Gold and Silver standards would address the economic problems facing our nation and the world, we recognize that such a solution is highly unlikely. Therefore, as ordinary citizens (or ‘peasants’), preparing for an economic collapse is the only practical remedy available to us.

Globally, they are utilizing events to mobilize the military-industrial complex (MIC) now that the “pandemic” has subsided, and the pharmaceutical-industrial complex has been financed for now. It should come as no shock that irrespective of which administration holds power, war is always promoted as a solution.

Private Banking Cartel + Military Industrial Complex = Chaos and Control

We are being manipulated and have been for more than a century, starting from the passage of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913. After withdrawing from the Middle East, the military-industrial complex, which President Eisenhower cautioned us about, began seeking a new revenue stream. Whenever the political and financial objectives of the elite and the MIC align, a war is manufactured.

Without taking offense, we must acknowledge that had Trump assumed office, it’s a given that the right would have been urged to support Ukraine, along with its absurd financial and material assistance, while the left would have taken to the streets in protest. This is all part of a ‘wag the dog’ spectacle that relies on CIA psychological operations protocols. Our best course of action for now is to recognize this ploy and anticipate the next move so that we are better prepared.

Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge that owning a sustainable homestead in a small rural town in any part of the country can offer various advantages such as the ability to homeschool your children, cultivate organic produce, rear animals and generate alternative sources of energy. This can ultimately result in greater independence, allowing you to liberate yourself from the shackles of control and tyranny.

We strongly urge our clients to launch a home-based enterprise (side hustle) to acquire cash and goods that can be utilized in an underground barter economy, both presently and in the event of a collapse. This could also provide additional funds for buying provisions or enhancing the new rural property to achieve self-sufficiency. Think beyond convention and prosper.

As a final note as we move into this informative guide; Under no circumstances should we relinquish our arms. Ever.

Balanced Rural Relocation

When considering moving to a homestead, understanding the needs of all family members is crucial. It’s important to consider access to basic services, family activities away from home, employment opportunities, and recreational options in order to maintain a balanced approach to choosing the right safe locale for the family. Being more than 30 minutes from a small town can be difficult, especially for homeschooling families with children attending activities off the homestead.

Experience a new mindset in Rural America

Make sure to involve the whole family in the process of learning about your sustainable and off-grid lifestyle. Gain knowledge on essential practices such as food production, animal husbandry, woodsman skills, hunting, fishing, medical skills, and self-defense. This will not only motivate everyone but also contribute to the overall happiness of the family.

Once you arrive at your new location, the possibilities are endless. You could start a family farm and sell your goods at the local farmers market, open a small local business, establish a trading post, start a homeschooling group, enroll your children in local sports or music lessons, join the local volunteer Fire/Ems department, integrate into a local church or faith- based entity of your choice, or whatever it takes to engage in the rural small-town community of your choice.

Individuals who are self-employed or can work remotely have an advantage in being able to make the transition more quickly. However, not everyone can afford to move to a retreat immediately, and it’s important to consider securing new employment based on the skillsets of working household members and the potential locations for the new homestead. While commuting in the city may take over an hour each way, finding employment closer to the homestead can provide a sense of security and peace of mind that may be more valuable than the financial benefits.

Intended Purpose of Property

There’s no completely safe place on Earth, only safer places based on your threat assessment. Prepare for potential scenarios based on your assessment and decide on a balanced location that balances services and safety for your retreat.

Rural homesteads are for permanent residence with access to basic services, while bug-out properties are for temporary survival during emergencies and can be located remotely. Understand the difference and seek a secure rural location that balances access to services and safety when searching for a survival property.

Rural Homestead: A ‘Rural Homestead’ is a fully functional and sustainable family farm that includes a garden or greenhouse, livestock, chickens and other animals, and is secure when the family is away. It must meet the four basic requirements of a primary water source, grid and/or alternative energy, year-round food production, and reasonable defensibility based upon location to a small rural town. In some cases, a caretaker may be necessary to maintain the property when the owners are away.

Retreat under construction in the American Redoubt region of the Pacific Northwest (not owned by client)

Survival Retreat: A ‘Survival Retreat’ is a property that serves as a secure shelter with basic supplies that can be accessed in case of an emergency. This property does not include a working garden, live animals, or any other means of sustained living in process. The infrastructure for these practices may be installed and ready for use. Upon arriving at the property, security is always a concern. The four essential requirements for this type of property are primary and secondary water sources (well and spring, pond, stream, river or lake), a form of alternative energy (solar, hydro, generator), long-term food storage (not production), and a high level of defensibility based upon location, topography and foliage.

A true Bug-Out Property can range from a simple mountainside cave in a small valley to a well-equipped mountaintop retreat. The key factor is that all essential supplies are kept in a fireproof and waterproof safe room on the property or integrated into the secure home. The first step in the process of a Secure Rural Relocation plan is to complete your own personal threat assessment.


In Part 2 of the Secure Relocation Guide we will cover your Personal Threat Assessment where we will help you take a deep dive into the threats to consider when determining the best course of action for your rural relocation.


SRC is here to help you in all aspects of your rural relocation process. Please visit Survival Retreat Consulting for more information!

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. Tilford McEevers May 3, 2023 at 11:25

    Southern Oregon is the best bet for no viable military targets nearby within hundreds of miles.
    GAE will grow to be hated, there will be no combatant/civilian distinction.
    The Pentagram predicts war with China by 2025 and they are just that Colonel Bat Guano.
    Rural has no free gibs and locals will decide if you assimilate.
    That will keep out most comrades and if they do come to forcefully redistribute, meet them with a hail of lead.

  2. Centurion_Cornelius May 3, 2023 at 15:00

    Good ideas. ONE TIP from me: we HAD a rural retreat–way up in the hills–free natgas, river, pond, and spring water, plenty timber, great productive cropland, deer and turkey galore.

    Only issue: we were NOT there 24/7. Just drove there on weekends, holidays, and unannounced times. It was a two hour drive each way. After getting there, busting your hump fixing things–you were exhausted facing a two-hour ride back “home.” Feel asleep a few times on the Interstate driving home. I still pray to my Guardian Angel for his helps.

    Even by treating neighbors like Family (“pls keep an eye on our place, ok?) and asking the local Deputies and Game Warden to just drive by and eye ball the place in exchange for some Holiday Cheer:


    Meth-heads, dopers, drunks, pirates, thieves and robbers were constantly about. Busted into the barns, buildings, even chopped down walnut and cherry trees and trucked them off. Destroyed crops and tillage with ATV rides, 4 WD ‘rodeos,” and the like.

    The “classic.” I trucked in heavy steel girders to build an unbreachable gate to the place. Dug holes for them, cemented them in. Locks and hinges. Came back next weekend–they were all TORN OUT like a bad tooth! Scrap steel prices were good then, I guess.

    Glass windows in the place busted and shot out.

    Sheriff response: get us evidence, witnesses, proofs–or we can do nothing…

    Locals never saw “nuffin’.” Nobody wanted to get involved. Plus–we were the “newcomers” there–hadn’t lived there for generations–it was like we were from Mars.

    Sold the place and moved on. Moral of story: scope out the locale, neighborhood, neighbors, and law enforcement where you plan to retreat to. Electronic gizmos? Cameras, sensors…might help.

  3. Sam Brady May 4, 2023 at 09:21

    no matter where you choose to relocate to…. You are never going to be from there and if you don’t live there for an extended period of time prior to “The Event ” ( whatever the hell that might be ) , you are nothing more than a target of opportunity . Without personal bonds with the Locals and Locally generated “Bona Fids ” which take years to evolve you are living a dream that will turn into a Nightmare in short order. Not what everyone wants to hear but just my observation of they way it really is .

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