Watching Emotionless Detached DOJ and FBI Officials Lie, Deny, Ignore, and Twist Investigative Committee Questions like Pretzels, by Scipio

America, we have a problem.  Duh. The highest-ranking law officials in the US responsible for enforcing the laws are themselves the most corrupt criminal syndicate the nation has ever seen.  Tweed Hall, move over. Huey Long, you are small fish. Nixon, you are comparatively honest.  If this WD-40 soaked level of criminality is corrupting the nation’s top law enforcement agencies, and it surely is, and if there is hard evidence and testimony against the DOJ, the FBI, as well as other alphabet agencies’ chicanery, but then there is no action against them, where do you go for enforcement?  Where do you turn?

Where do you go to get justice? If the law is criminalized, then it is no longer legitimate law, it is fiat. If it is fiat, it has no legitimacy, no standing. Then it’s nothing but a whim of the current enforcer. It is dictatorship disguised as a legal system. It then is a mockery to any civilization based on order because law is the basis of order and without order there is no civilization.  This criminality at the highest levels of government swings wide the door of chaos in every aspect of a person’s life. This form of “law” is in fact lawlessness.

These agencies are supposed to be the administers of justice. Instead, they are enforcers of state oppression.  Instead of being agencies people can run to when victimized by crime, they are the agencies to run away from.  They use their powers in selective enforcement using bogus charges against their political enemies while ignoring real crimes of their supporters.

On a smaller scale, the scenario is eerily reminiscent of the time in the 1960’s when a young student at a small Southern college was coming home for the weekend.  His car was forced off the road by another vehicle just as he crossed his home county line. Two burley men came to his car, one on each side, each with their hands on their side arms and threatened the young man and his passenger because of the driver’s known civil rights activities.  The young man recognized the larger of the two men as a well known KKK member in the county.

After being threatened to “shut up or else” the young man proceeded home to tell his parents what had just happened.  He didn’t need to; his father already knew about it. It seems that within the previous hour his dad had gotten several phone calls. One was from a state trooper, another by a local constable, and a third from a city police officer telling him that his son’s life was in danger.  They gave no further details, and refused to identify themselves.  The father recognized the voice of the police officer, however.  In addition, the officers recommended his son not come home again anytime soon.

Upon hearing this the young man was even more furious because the two Klan members who stopped him were also both police officers in uniform! He thought about going to the police chief, but the police were the problem.  Where do you turn when law enforcement (LEO) are the criminals?

What’s happening today on a national level is similar but on a far grander and significant scale. Law enforcement criminals in the highest LEO positions in the nation are themselves the scum of the criminal landscape.  Most criminals haven’t sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution like these clowns have. That makes them even more despicable. They are an embarrassment and disgrace to the many sworn officers of the court who do uphold the law.

In the story above, given the circumstances, the young man chose to leave town and never come back.  That is why he is still alive today.

I know, because I was that young man.

Where does America go now?

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. Hedge May 29, 2023 at 08:19

    So basically you have been fighting for the world we live in now for a long time. Fucking Boomer ass hat.

    • Patriotman May 29, 2023 at 13:19

      That is what you got out of the story?


      • Oughtsix May 29, 2023 at 14:22

        P-man, you are too kind.

        Boomer Derangement Projection Syndrome is a serious mental defect. That’s as kindly as I can put it.

        • Patriotman May 29, 2023 at 16:39

          Look, I rag on Boomers as well for legitimate gripes that, while they can be argued, at least have some merit in discussion.

          Something as fucking brain dead as this comment makes me just shake my head. He forgets many of the Boomers died in Vietnam et al.

          Are there legitimate issues with what boomers have let occur? Absolutely, and people can argue with me all day about it.

          But to suggest that someone like Scipio is the problem – from someone who obviously has not read his other writings – is just fucking stupid.

    • RP May 29, 2023 at 15:41

      That’s funny Hedge. Scipio has likely never been the problem to begin with. However by the sounds of it, your parents and/or grandparents likely were and maybe still are the problem.

  2. RP May 29, 2023 at 09:17

    Part of that is that you also do not have an honest media to call the LEO’s or DOJ out for their BS. The PATCON stuff is disgusting as well, this has been getting worse for years.

  3. Oughtsix May 29, 2023 at 14:17

    What do we do now? Where do we turn for justice? I think most of the readership of AP knows very well what the answer is… Remember that an Oath before God, or even before your Brothers, has no expiration date. And, as far as I know, there can never be a statute of limitations on treason, murder and vile abominations so…………

    Our enemies will not stop until we stop them. We are presently and forever Absolved for that which we must and will do in defense of Life, Liberty and Property.

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