BREAKING: California Bill Would Charge Any Parent Who Doesn’t Affirm Transgenderism With ‘Child Abuse’

A recently amended California bill would add “affirming” the sexual transition of a child to the state’s standard for parental responsibility and child welfare—making any parent who doesn’t affirm transgenderism for their child guilty of abuse under California state law.

AB 957 passed California’s State Assembly on May 3, but a co-sponsor amended it after hours in California’s State Senate on June 6.

Assembly Member Lori Wilson, D-Suisun City, wrote the bill and introduced it on Feb. 14. State Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, co-sponsored it. Wilson’s child identifies as transgender.

Originally, AB 957 required courts to consider whether a child’s parents were “gender-affirming” in custody cases. Wiener’s amendment completely rewrites California’s standard of child care.

AB 957 post-amendment “would include a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child,” altering the definition and application of the entire California Family Code.

California courts would be given complete authority under Section 3011 of California’s Family Code to remove a child from his or her parents’ home if parents disapprove of LGBTQ+ ideology.

By changing the definition of what constitutes the “health, safety, and welfare of [a] child,” schools, churches, hospitals, and other organizations interacting with children would be required to affirm “gender transitions” in minors by default—or risk charges of child abuse.

AB 957 could also expand which organizations provide “evidence” of gender “nonaffirmation” to California’s courts.

Because of the addition of “gender affirmation” to the qualifications of California’s standards for “health, safety, and welfare,” California’s courts would now be able to accept reports of gender “abuse” from progressive activist organizations—as long as they claim to provide “services to victims of sexual assault or domestic violence.”

In essence, a boy could report his parents to his local school’s Gay-Straight Alliance club or other LGBTQ+ organization, who could then report the boy’s parents for child abuse.

Incredibly, the bill provides no definition whatsoever of what would qualify as “nonaffirming” to a child’s gender.

As Susannah Luthi of The Washington Free Beacon points out, “The bill makes no distinctions regarding the age of a child, how long a child has identified as transgender, or affirmation of social transition versus medical sex-change treatments.”

It remains unclear what law or precedent California courts would be able to cite in determining whether a parent was affirming—much less to define a standard that applies to all situations.

AB 957 isn’t Wiener’s first foray into legislating transgenderism for children. Last year, Wiener authored bill SB 107, making California the first state to establish itself as a sanctuary for minors’ transgender treatments and surgeries. Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, signed the bill into law in September.

In March, Advocates for Faith and Freedom sued Newsom’s administration in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California Western Division.

Parental rights advocates and experts lambasted Wiener’s amendment that would upend the California Family Code.

Jay Richards, the Director of the Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family at The Heritage Foundation, calls AB 957 a “grotesque violation.” (The Daily Signal is Heritage’s multimedia news organization.)

While more and more European countries pound the breaks on ghoulish gender medicine for kids, California has decided to mandate it. They not only want to make sure that any child with discordant feelings toward his or her sexed body gets fast tracked to cross-sex hormones and sterilizing surgery, state Democrats want to go after parents who might otherwise hesitate. This is a grotesque violation of both children’s and parent’s rights. Decent Californians on the Left, Right, and center should be outraged.

Nicole Pearson, founder of the Facts Law Truth Justice law firm and civil rights advocacy group, condemned AB 957’s unconstitutionality in an interview with The Daily Signal:

This bill makes law that failure to affirm your child’s identity is child abuse. This will be a final, legal determination without any evidence in support, or a hearing with notice or the opportunity to be heard. Assemblywoman Wilson and Senator Scott Wiener are not doctors. They can’t make this determination for every single child aged 0 to 17 in the state and, yet, that is exactly what they’re trying to do here.

If a parent or guardian is unwilling or simply not ready to affirm their 7-year-old’s new identity—as they transition from Spongebob to Batman to Dora the Explorer—they can be found guilty of child abuse under AB-957 if it passes into law.

This is a horrifying bill for children, and for parents and guardians not just in California, but across the country. Gavin Newsom is gunning for president in 2028. If he signs this bill into law, here, it will be headed to every state if he wins.

AB 957 has a scheduled hearing in the State Senate on June 13 at 1:30 p.m. Pacific Time.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. Ghostmann June 14, 2023 at 09:51

    So, a CA GOP state senator came right out and said to parents in the hellhole that is California that they need to leave the state now. Not as a threat, but as a warning that this is going to get rammed through.

    There won’t be one single CA Law Enforcement Officer who will go “oathkeeper” and refuse to serve those warrants. Not one. Just you remember that when you think “backing the blue” is somehow a solution.

    This is a huge red line btw… to be honest this is a situation that pacifism needs to be thrown right out the window. Lest you let yourself be taken to jail, to prove “moral superiority” or some other nonsense, you know Gandhi bullshit, while your child gets turned into a fucking science experiment.

    • wwes June 14, 2023 at 10:14

      The only place anyone, LEO or not, enforcing this madness needs to be backed is straight onto a stainless steel slab with a toe tag. Anyone who stands by and allows their children to be taken without fighting with every fiber of their being is a despicable individual.

  2. CPUSA Occupied Zones June 14, 2023 at 12:51

    My cousins stay there for some reason, it is home, I guess.
    One started from driver and wheeled to CEO of trucking company but got out recently due to fruits and nuts laws and regulations of the CPUSA crown jewel CA.
    An uncle went there in the 1960’s and became rich beyond wildest imaginations with a chain of high end restaurants, he was shocked by the state of Los Angeles after coming back from yachting around the world.
    The commie cancer will spread from Commiefornia.

  3. Paulo June 14, 2023 at 14:41

    Parens Patria and Loco Parentis is what the
    pervert weasels go by.

    “For the sake of the children”

    No wonder the home schoolers have gone
    from 5 million to over 50 million and counting…

    “The law (jus) is the rule of right; and whatever is contrary to the rule of right is an injury”
    Jus est norma recti; et quicquid est contra normam recti est injuria. 3 Bulstr.313

    “Every man to his family and his possessions”.

    • wwes June 14, 2023 at 14:56

      “loco parentis” is one of the few things I remember from my Ed. Psych. classes in college. The way our professor taught it, and the way I have always taken it, is that it is my job to care for, and care about, my students the same as if they were my own children.

      The evil woke crowd in Kaliforniastan has certainly bastardized the meaning of it.

      • Paulo June 14, 2023 at 16:35

        Yeap, Kaliforniastan have gone locos & locas
        en la cabeza en toto wwes.
        Other localities in other States too.

        Totally alien to how I and others grew up back in the days.

        Keep up the good works (thumbs up)

        • wwes June 14, 2023 at 19:18

          Yes sir, it is a cancer and it is all over the US, we’re just a few years behind Ca.
          I was having a conversation with a left leaning coworker today who was appalled that a nearby county has instituted mandatory reporting for when a student tells a staff member that they are trans or changes their “pronouns”. They didn’t quite know what to say for a few moment when I told them that I thought it was a wonderful move in the right direction, and then their jaw about hit the floor when another vocational teacher said that they agreed with me.
          There are still some of us who won’t bow to the woke agenda :)

  4. Oughtsix June 14, 2023 at 16:07

    How much degradation and insult, now much predation upon children, how much EVIL TYRANNY before we admit we are at war with a pitiless inhuman enemy… and finally decide act accordingly.

    Why is the weinerweasle still walking around? Are there no actual men left in califukonya?

  5. Olguy June 14, 2023 at 17:20

    If…i still had kids young enough to be caught in this….State Sponsored Sexual Abuse..

    It would be MY …Red Line.
    That is ALL, I will say.

    imo..the average american is easily…”Nudged”
    Especially if LE sticks its fucking nose in like the ol’hag it is.

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