NATO members may send troops to Ukraine, warns former alliance chief

Original article here.

A group of Nato countries may be willing to put troops on the ground in Ukraine if member states including the US do not provide tangible security guarantees to Kyiv at the alliance’s summit in Vilnius, the former Nato secretary general Anders Rasmussen has said.

Rasmussen, who has been acting as official adviser to the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, on Ukraine’s place in a future European security architecture, has been touring Europe and Washington to gauge the shifting mood before the critical summit starts on 11 July.

He also warned that even if a group of states did provide Ukraine with security guarantees, others would not allow the issue of Ukraine’s future Nato membership to be kept off the agenda at Vilnius.

He made his remarks as the current Nato chief, Jens Stoltenberg, said the issue of security guarantees would be on the agenda at Vilnius, but added that Nato – under article 5 of the Washington treaty – only provided full-fledged security guarantees to full members.

The US ambassador to Nato, Julianne Smith, said: “We are looking at an array of options to signal that Ukraine is advancing in its relationship with Nato.”

Rasmussen said: “If Nato cannot agree on a clear path forward for Ukraine, there is a clear possibility that some countries individually might take action. We know that Poland is very engaged in providing concrete assistance to Ukraine. And I wouldn’t exclude the possibility that Poland would engage even stronger in this context on a national basis and be followed by the Baltic states, maybe including the possibility of troops on the ground.

“I think the Poles would seriously consider going in and assemble a coalition of the willing if Ukraine doesn’t get anything in Vilnius. We shouldn’t underestimate the Polish feelings, the Poles feel that for too long western Europe did not listen to their warnings against the true Russian mentality.”

He said it would be entirely legal for Ukraine to seek such military assistance.

His striking suggestion that some states may regard the stakes as momentous enough to use their own troops could be seen as a warning to countries that the risks, including the threat to Nato unity, do not only come if Ukraine is provided a quick path to Nato membership, or powerful security guarantees. Germany remains wary of going too far, fearing it would provoke Russia.

Rasmussen said it was imperative that Ukraine should receive written security guarantees, preferably before the summit, but outside the Nato framework. These need to cover intelligence sharing, joint Ukraine training, enhanced ammunition production, Nato interoperability and a supply of arms sufficient to deter Russia from a further attack.

He said that “after a slow start, momentum was now building behind these ideas”, including in France.

But he warned that security guarantees would not be enough.

He said that “some Nato allies might be in favour of the security guarantees to actually avoid a real discussion on Ukraine’s membership aspirations. They hope that by providing security guarantees, they can avoid this question. I don’t think that is possible. I think the Nato issue will be raised at the summit in Vilnius. I’ve spoken with several eastern European leaders, and there is a group of hardcore, eastern central European allies that want at least a clear path for Ukraine towards Nato membership.”

He said history showed it was dangerous to leave Ukraine in the Nato waiting room indefinitely. Even if an invitation to Ukraine to join Nato could not be provided at the Vilnius summit, the possibility of extending an invitation in Washington next year could be referenced. That path to membership, he said, should exclude setting preconditions such as a Nato membership action plan, something neither Sweden nor Finland have been required to adopt as part of their membership path.

“Anything less than that would be a disappointment to Ukraine,” he said.

He rejected the argument that Ukraine could not be offered a path to Nato membership until the war was over, saying this would provide Putin with a veto.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. T June 8, 2023 at 09:17

    The publicly stated position is that the Ukraine is too corrupt to join NATO and which has not been corrected. Now U.S. supplied munitions sent to ukraine are showing up in growing numbers in conflict areas in Africa and now in Mexican cartel hands and our glorious leaders ignore that as well. What is it going to take to make them all wakethefuckup: an exploding Delta commercial liner or a theme park? Or will the .gov just get a bigger backhoe to dig a deeper hole to evidently stick their head in while pushing the sacrifice everything for ukraine line? I cannot keep up on the b.s.

  2. Centurion_Cornelius June 8, 2023 at 10:43

    T makes great points.

    Send NATO troops to UKR? It will become a NATO Graveyard.

    For at least eight years (2014-2022) NATO has been training and equipping the UKR military. Even teaching them NATO tactics and maneuvers, How’s all that NATO training, AFU?

    RESULT: Mountains of UKR skulls. Cities, villages, farmland, and infrastructure all laid waste. Not to mention civvie deaths. Very soon, the nation which once was called UKR will cease to exist. Way to go, NATO.

    Has RUSS triumphed in UKR? No–but more often than not, it wins. RUSS strategy is to bleed the AFU white–it’s succeeding. Recent vids of the integrated RUSS ISR in action–chilling. As one NATO cheerleader said: “RUSS is countering all NATO moves and equipment, while NATO learns NOTHING. QUIT TRAINING RUSS Troops!”

    NATO has dumped all it can into this proxy war to the extent that even the USA’s stockpile of weapons and material are now hurting.

  3. Irish-7 June 8, 2023 at 11:47

    NATO troops in Ukraine is a precursor to WWIII. I cannot fathom how the Baltic States can afford to send ANYONE or ANYTHING to Ukraine?! Don’t they need every soldier, tank, cannon and aircraft to defend their own territory from Russian attack?!

  4. boss21 June 8, 2023 at 15:00

    NATO troops will be in ‘Ukraine’ when Poland, Hungary and Rumania get their provinces back. ‘Poland is the hyena of Europe’ – Churchill.

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