If you missed part one, read it by clicking here.


It was famously said at the end of World War I, “The lights of Europe are going out to never be seen again.”  What was meant by that was the reign of monarchies were now relegated to the dust bin of history. A new post World War I order emerged led by neoliberal democracies. Currently we see the US at the zenith of the neoliberal world order created after World War I.

The 19th century was the age of European Colonialism dominated by Great Britain.  Later, the 20th century was an age of Neo-Colonialism. In particular, US neo-colonialism was manifest in its application through the IMF, USAID, UNICEF, United Nations, NATO, NGOs, US Military, and the CIA.

The counter party Soviet System during the first half of the 20th century was neither Colonial or Neo-Colonial but one of ideological slavery.  Its fundamentally flawed confiscatory Marxist basis resulted in self-cannibalization of everything it controlled. Enforcement of its ideology was by brutal mass murders and exterminations. By the end of the 20th century communism was an abject failure.  Its flag ship citadel, the Soviet Union, had collapsed.  Its dependent satellites in Eastern Europe and Central Asia followed shortly.

Communist ideology is no longer a significant factor shaping international alliances today. Paradoxically, just as communism was collapsing worldwide toward the end of the 20st century, it began to grow rapidly in the USA. It currently flourishes in the American Democrat Party.  On the other hand, there is a rise in authoritarianism worldwide; witness Putin, Xi, and Turkey’s Erdogan’s long held control of power in their respective countries.  Yet this is not to equate to a rising tide of authoritarian communism.


Piggy backing on the “lights going out” after World War I theme, so are the lights of neoliberal democracy going out in the West. Perhaps at some future date, students will study neoliberal democracies the way they do monarchies today; an anachronism of the past. Where American style democracy stands in the future is anyone’s guess given its current demise.


Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently aptly summarized the manifestations I have described above. He said (paraphrasing), “…in addition to becoming an empire abroad in post WW II, the US has simultaneously become a police surveillance state domestically”.  (The police/domestic surveillance state is a topic for another time).


The New World order of Klaus Schwab, the WEF, the Devos crowd, the Bilderbergers, etc., is a guppy compared to the whale of the new developing multipolar world. Yet, that WEF guppy will swallow the rudderless and fragile West unless it rapidly reverses course. Regardless, the rest of the world moves on to other things.


If you were a blacksmith in 1908 and you saw the growing trend in motor cars after Henry Ford’s Model T started hitting the roads, you would have been wise to learn the new trade called “auto mechanics”. There are more job opportunities today as an auto mechanic (technician) than there are farriers. If you were stuck in a stifling tenement in a crowed east coast city of the 19th century, you would have been wise to heed Horace Greeley’s New York Tribune headline, “Go West Young Man. Go West!”  AI is shifting the ground under many traditional jobs.

Just as in Henry Ford and Horace Greeley’s time, opportunity knocks in the form of uncomfortable world formational changes.  The upheaval is far greater than Henry Ford or Horace Greeley’s time. Besides, the direction has changed today, its “Go East!” Remember, these are historical times we live in.


Like the collapsed empires of old, America will be sacked just as the Goths, Visigoths, Vandals, and Barbarians did Rome.  It is already happening as millions of vandals and clandestine terrorists cross America’s north, south and coastal borders daily.  The Fentanyl epidemic in the USA make’s China’s Opium Wars look trivial in comparison. Major US city streets are flowing with human manure. Meanwhile, their schools are graduating high school students where 100% cannot function at grade level and will be doomed to low paying jobs at best, or a life of crime on the streets or on your front door at worst. Top universities and employers have lowered standards of competencies for their professions to meet arbitrary social engineering goals. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is raising theirs.  America has lost its wars on so called weapons of mass destruction, poverty, drugs, crime, and hunger.  Shockingly, when Obama became President he proclaimed, “We are going to fundamentally change America”.  That process is well underway.

The average American is not fully aware of the extent of their own looming demise and the shape of the new multipolar world and how it will affect their liberties and standard of living. They can either catch the wave of the new multipolar world or be drowned in its wake.


The rest of the world looks on in disbelief, Americans look on in bewilderment. The time for “looking” is over.  It’s time for preparation followed by action.  Ignore the daily circus of distractions, petty rabbit trails, and time bandits.  Pray for direction.

Proverbs 27:12 “The prudent see danger and take precautions, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.”

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page: http://bit.ly/BrushbeaterStore


  1. Kulak Acres Ranch June 1, 2023 at 11:17

    No one said Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 would be easy.
    Being on your own in uncharted territory isn’t as scary as it seems.

  2. Sam Brady June 1, 2023 at 11:29

    I can’t think of any better words than the scripture you closed with .

  3. Patrick June 1, 2023 at 12:42

    Mike Shelby advises “Create a first world zone within the third world nation “… Solid reckoning from such a young fellow. Most of us reading the associated material are older, and are driven to such information out of not wanting to lose what we’ve worked so hard for. If you’re beyond “door kicker” age, and have prepped adequately… expanding your education and setting an example through stress inoculation will be of great help to those around you. There’s a thousand ways to be a “go-to” guy or gal!

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