Houston, America has Fallen, by Scipio

The world and the USA are in crisis.  Disintegration is accelerating. It’s like Wile E. Coyote is leaning over staring into a bottomless pit, and unknown to him, the Road Runner is right behind him with his foot raised poised to give him a little push.  That’s America today.

What are American’s Concerns?

Talk of a severe recession or even financial ruin dominates the financial headlines.  Talk of the twin pseudo sciences of manmade climate change and gender change consume conversational headlines. Politics has not only divided the nation, but it is becoming increasingly hostile, especially from the progressive side. Justice has become a two-way street; one for the rich and politically connected and the other for everybody else. Americans no longer read for themselves but mindlessly believe everything they are told by their chosen source of disinformation.

America’s Once Unified Culture has been Obliterated

The relatively united American culture that existed just thirty years ago is gone in a tidal wave of multiculturalism, book and idea burning (cancel culture), loss of freedom of speech and freedom of association, and pervasive corruption is in every institution in America rotting from the head. Reason and millennia of cultural experience has been turned on its head by “wokeism”

Death of the American Dream & Birth of its Nightmare

The middle class has been decimated.  Americans who are lucky enough to have meaningful work have to run like a hamster in a circular cage trying to get somewhere.  The American dream has turned into an American tragedy as wealth inequality, drug epidemics, homelessness, rampant increase in mental illnesses accelerated by COVID lockdowns, and major cities in the troughs of rampant unrestrained crime.

Big Business Makes a Deal with Big Government

Big business struck a deal with the government to be allowed to stay open during COVID. They were to be deemed “essential” while small businesses offering the same products were shut down. Their customers were forced to go to the big businesses driving up their profits all the while bankrupting the little guy.  In exchange for the government’s COVID “essential” designation big business suddenly embraced “wokeism” in their advertisements.

Blatantly Woke Advertising

Not only did businesses start putting LBGT+ in their commercials, but they featured them, and created special ones all the while enraging the average traditional American consumer. Thankfully, Budweiser has paid the price though they have not changed their position internally.  They only produce word salads for the public in their so-called apologies.  Budweiser is not owned by Anheuser-Busch shareholders, but by the puppet masters pulling the strings in the background.

Narrow and Weak Pushback

Unfortunately, the needed push back against other more dangerous ideas has not forthcoming.  The pushback message so far is this; “You can pollute our minds with totalitarian propaganda, you can have our children, you can take away the rule of law and protections of the Constitution, we will even live on beans and rice, but don’t insult our beer!”

American Culture Where Are You?

The broadest definition of culture is; predominately common language, predominantly common religion, predominately common beliefs, spiced up with distinctive food and art, and having a common boarder.  Cheeseburgers is about the only American culture left although the meat in the burger is under attack.  America no longer has any of these cultural characteristics.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page: http://bit.ly/BrushbeaterStore


  1. Vagabond July 17, 2023 at 11:40

    Insightful, succinct and relevant – as always. Meaning, you set a high bar and high expectations, good on you.

    It’s debatable when the actual cultural dissolution began depending on how you want to analyze it, but in my lifetime, I can attest to a few key indicators that hinted at ‘the process.’ The process as I see it is like some kind of societal alchemy: reduce everything to a solution, add heat, stir the pot. What I can’t see is what will emerge, but I expect a tech-tyranny where everyone and everything is a digital worker unit with offsetting consumption-production values to be controlled as a ‘resource.’

    We get society into a solution by dissolving everything – separate the races, sexes, institutions, values and above all families – unbolt everything from everything. Distribute immigrants everywhere, including middle America. Seed leftists everywhere. Then add heat by pissing everybody off. Trust dissolves, community dissolves, values melt. Poof: everything is now a messing solution. Finally, at the right time provide the ‘correct’ way out.

    Back to the indicators. In the 60’s when I was waaaay little, hate everybody over 30, destroy the black family through the Great Society and pay people to have kids out of wedlock, start the whole immigration thing. In the 70’s turn Christmas into ‘Xmas.’ In the 80’s start using classical music for retard level commercials. In other words, start the Cultural Erasure through mockery and linking the sacred, serious and traditional with consumerism on one hand and make it reprehensible by linking it with ridicule.

    in the 90’s PC. In the 2000’s destroy music and market only rap, hip hop or ME ME ME songs. In the 2010’s start the soulless architecture, then pronouns. All along portray Dad as a fat retard, white males as simpering soy-men but every black man as GQ sports studs. Then destroy gender.

    Meantime, the only way out is to buy – or to subscribe to more crap, forever, and get more meds. And attack your own roots.

    Therefore agreed – Game, Set, Match. The lucky amongst us have parallel communities of capable people already intact. Prayers for those who don’t.

  2. Ironhorse Breaker July 17, 2023 at 17:02

    Traditional values have crashed. Church attendance is low. Judeo Christian principles are openly mocked. “Disinformation ” is another buzzword that means nothing. Hopefully a few thousand sensible people are left in every state when the smoke begins to clear from our inevitable implosion. We are circling the bowl of Communism and the speed and water volume are increasing along with the moral filth and rot. God help us all.

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