I have been at a loss trying to identify the ideology behind what is happening in America in particular and the West in general.  Australia and Canada seem to be even further down the road to totalitarianism.  One person referred to this new ideology as “soft totalitarianism”.

Trying to define it, however, is similar to the six blind men in India who had never seen, although they couldn’t see, an elephant.  One day while standing on the side of the road, they were told that an elephant had stopped in front of them.  The asked the animal’s handler if he would let the animal stand still so they could examine it.  One of the blind men stepped forward, felt the elephant’s side, and announced that an elephant was like a wall.  Another stepped forward and touched one of the elephant’s tusks and exclaimed, no, he’s like a spear.  A third one grabbed its tail and said it was like a snake.  The tallest among them reached up and touched the elephant’s ear and proclaimed an elephant was like a fan. The sixth one wrapped his arms around its leg and proclaimed the elephant was like a tree.

They were all correct but they were also all wrong because they didn’t see the totality of the animal, just its parts.  That is the way “soft totalitarianism” looks today, we see the parts but have not yet grasped what the totality of the animal is.

I want to point out what can be seen of it.

  1. We see elements of socialism.

Most American don’t know what socialism is, but they think it sounds good. A young man sitting beside me on my plane from LA to the East a while back talked about how great he thought socialism was.  I gave him example, after example of socialist failures throughout history during the whole flight. Having a master’s degree in history, I bombarded him for over four hours with historical examples. When the plane landed and we prepared to disembark, I reminded him socialism was not a workable solution to the ills facing America.  His final words to me chilled me to the bone.  He said, “I know you are right, but socialism just sounds good.”

FDR’s New Deal was a massive social experiment and we see its foundational programs like Social Security and Medicare starting to crumble. Old goat Bernie Saunders and waitress turned politician Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez are the high priests of American socialism pushing to pillage those that have and give to those who have not.

  1. We see elements of communism

Everywhere you look you see the penetration of communist policies and indoctrination.  Divisions are driven between every imaginable group.  The 1% are demonized.  Whites are marginalized with tools like CRT, imaginary “white privilege”, and reverse discrimination (Supreme Court just said so). Hispanics are simply ignored except during elections when they are enthusiastically embraced with offers of “trinkets” like the early American settlers’ unfair trade with the native Americans exchanging their valuable products for cheap European trinkets. Redistribution of wealth is the focus of reparations for slavery.  It has nothing to do with settling old grievances. Rather its intent IS to stir up old grievances because a realistic solution is impossible.

  1. We see elements of fascism

Everywhere you look, businesses and media are given their assignments by big brother.  Without search warrants or probable cause banks and other companies voluntarily gave personal information to the Federal Government, sometimes without being asked.  Thank you, Bank of America. Media outlets were told what to say.  Notice how all the MSM had the same talking points, often word for word. The government outsourced its censorship through social media companies to avoid violating the Constitution, Twitter being one the most egregious outlets.

  1. We see elements of capitalism

Corporations have jumped on the woke, transgender, DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion), ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance), cancel culture band wagons even going so far in some cases dictating proper “pronoun” usage at work. Some corporations, like Exxon, were forced to take environmental positions in opposition to their core business objectives when the massive investment funds of Vanguard and Blackrock bullied Exxon to put three pro “climate change” activists on its board.

  1. We see elements of good old fashion totalitarianism

COVID was (is) a chilling example of absolute control over people’s freedom of movement, livelihood, reputation, and isolation yet all the while denying decades of infectious disease best practices and silencing anyone who pointed out the upside-down world of “The Science”.  Contradicting narratives were changed on the run and never any explanation why, and no one was allowed to ask why.

  1. We see elements of authoritarianism.

There seems to be a thirst among government entities ranging from local school boards to the halls of Congress to ram rules and regulations down people’s throats while ignoring the unconstitutionality of their actions or the efficacy of their policies.

  1. We see elements of transgenderism

One thing transgenderism does is destroy the dilemma of which came first, the chicken or the egg? Transgenderism says both and neither.  Silly, it depends if the egg wants to be a chicken and vice versa, duh.  There, the confusion is cleared up.    woke/


  1. We see elements of Satanism

Unknowingly, the controllers themselves are being controlled by dark malevolent forces

The end result of all these cobbled together “isims” is an ideology that is a Chimera nightmare.  According to Greek legend, a Chimera was a monster made of disparate parts; a body of a lion, head of goat protruding out of the back of its neck, and a snake for a tail. Where else would communism and fascism live comfortably together?  Where else would monarchies allow their wealth to be dispensed by socialists? Where else would authoritarianism live among liberal democracies?

This monster, like COVID, had to be designed.  It could not have evolved from something else like the Bill of Rights evolved from the Magna Carta.

This “Soft Totalitarian Monster” has the body of an octopus with eight tentacles. One tentacle is for endless taxation, another for endless regulation, another for endless wars, another for endless social conflict, another for rigged political systems, another for a two-tiered judicial system, and another for endless lies. Like a reptile, if you cut off one tentacle it just grows back another.

It has the head of the Greek Goddess Medusa who turns to stone all those who oppose her. The monster is also a shape shifter. Every time you try to pin it down it shifts to another form making it hard to hold on to, identify, and destroy.

What makes this “ism” different from the rest is that its objective is not control, but destruction.  It even has many elements of nihilism in modern dress. It wants to tear down all existing institutions and ways of life and replace it with a Utopian dream.  The (WEF) World Economic Forum spells out their plan in plain sight.  Like all Utopias this one will end in failure like all the rest.

One needs only to take cognition of the Greek definition of word “utopia”.  It literally means “nowhere”. Although the new oppressors will tell you their objective is not utopia, it really is.  They think if they rename it, spruce it up with 21st century rhetoric it changes it. Well, it doesn’t.  Besides they think they have the hubris to make it work when those in the past were not as smart as they.  The only thing difference in this “soft totalitarianism” is the magnitude its impact will be when it dissolves. Mix your “isms” with your “opias” and see what you get.

Unfortunately, we know each of these “isms” have their dark kinetic side, and we have, unfortunately, seen that manifestation from time to time in “mostly peaceful demonstrations” and selective enforcement teams showing up at 4:00 AM to people’s homes to arrest school board protestors.  But if this monster keeps getting its demands with “soft” power, force will not be needed as much as similar “movements” of the past. That means ISIS, Antifa, BLM, ATF, and the FBI will just have to wait in the shadows until called upon again.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. vagabond July 25, 2023 at 09:29

    One heck of a synthesis…..(nice work as always).

    • Scipio July 25, 2023 at 11:27

      Thanks….(as always). You write/post good stuff as well.

  2. RD Jr July 25, 2023 at 20:21

    It seems to me that everything in this article is baked into communism, but then again, I am blind, or, not very educated. One thing That comes to mind as I watch this fundamental change of the United States occur in real time in our lifetime is the willfull ignorance of the U.S. general population. Either out of laziness, multigenerational comfortableness, being busy running in circles of the ratrace / corporate slavetrade, denial, or because if most folks were to get brutally honest about this fundamental change of the United States and this new borderless world, the outrage would be so great they would loose thier shXt. Afterall, who is funding it all ??? I suppose its just a matter of time at this point. One thing I sense is that there are many of us out here that desire to be a part of the solution, but, arent sure just what that is.

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