The future MSM news will not be the empty talking air heads we see on TV today.  Instead, it will be unbiased (try not to laugh) CG talking air heads AI algorithmic generated news. Of course, we know algorithms are programable so the end product will be the same “garbage in/garbage out” with today’s computer programing. Nothing will change. It will only seem unbiased when in fact it will be more so.

We all know how well economist’s computer models at the Commerce Department have predicted eight out of the last two recessions, and the department is full of Ph ds.  Then there is military intelligence, obviously an oxymoron.  They have told us since March Russia was running out of ammo while last week Joe Biden and the Defense Department admitted Ukraine was running out of ammunition while Russia has almost doubled it artillery rate of fire since Ukraine’s anemic counter offensive two months ago.

We also have it on good authority from none other than the head of the Department of Defense during the Vietnam War, Robert McNamara, that S3 intelligence was always underestimating the enemy’s strength and sending our guys into harm’s way with wrong intel. But I digress.

Then there is the personal experience we have all had with “The Science” and COVID.  How accurate and predictive was that?  Initial forecasts of 3.3 million deaths in the US was based solely on a (you guessed it) a flawed computer model from Imperial College London reported in (the once) prestigious medical journal “The Lancet” which is massively funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation BTW. The “Cleantech” initiative at Imperial College London has significant funding by the Gates Foundation also.  What a coincidence?

One of the great quotes I have taken great comfort in my whole life came from humorist, actor, and author Will Rogers. Among a group of people, he was once introduced to President Franklin D. Roosevelt.  After the introduction, Rogers asked, “Excuse me what was your name again?” It cracked FDR up.

I have often found myself at a loss while in the prescence of people who know things about stuff, I had heard of but knew no details about, or I wasn’t even aware they existed.  I felt inferior at those times.  Then I ran across Will Roger’s famous quote on intelligence, “We are all ignorant, just on different subjects.”  Then it hit me, I know stuff other people don’t know and vice versa.  It was reassuring that I will never be able to know it all, and I should not feel inferior because there were things I did not know.

That brings me to today’s AI news story.


The absurdity of this AI fact check is easily refuted with tens of millions of people knowing first hand the document was hand written by men in 1787 and ratified in 1789. But what if AI verified something that was, according to Will Rogers, written on a topic you were “ignorant” about?  Would you know the truth?  Easy answer. No

The greatest danger of AI, in my opinion, is people will think they are getting unvarnished truth compared to today’s media biases, when in fact they may be getting stronger lies, computer-generator media narratives, and “misinformation” that will be harder to detect and refute.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:

One Comment

  1. Vagabond July 20, 2023 at 09:40

    Agreed. And as things unfold judges, juries because AI will be unerringly fair, and finally an AI version of the Golden Calf that all will worship because of its intellect, might, and humanistic virtue. Idolatry high-tech style.

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