A Monopoly Of Violence, or, Why the Era of the Martial Civilian is More Prescient than Ever, by NC Scout

The concept of the Citizen-Soldier is one of American originalism. Two hundred years prior to the Articles of Confederation and later the Bill of Rights, every Man’s task was security and maintenance of order in the colonies, not just those of the British, but the French and Spanish as well. The New World was a hostile, feral place. Rival civilizations sought to eliminate the others’ presence and the brutality of the era was well documented. Like all things, it is a reality relegated to history books, a thing which modern civilization fancies a complete separation, and one which we are rapidly revisiting. The world is the same as it ever was, no matter how fancy the Potemkin village we pretend exists may be.

In parallel to this is an interesting animal some mistakenly call the Vet-Bro, or, GWOT Vets that exited early and took up their grift married to their previous jobs in one way or another. The irony of most of them is that their mission, and by proxy, their oath, was to the Constitution and thus the American People. We like to believe the Boomer myth that the military and in particular the Special Operations community nebulous is a bastion of Right wing thought. Not so. Their loyalty is to a paycheck, the top of that heap being K street. One would assume, and many do, that these would be the most Patriotic of Americans, thus the sting of those letdowns is made even more so when the mask slips, either accidentally or with purpose.


Of the missions of many in their previous assignments and qualifications would include training a marginalized populace. The strongest of cases is found, furthering the irony, here at home. A political structure which openly marginalizes free speech, has simultaneously given a free pass and in some cases open support to one side while murdering another. However while such behavior is visible to anyone with the eyes to see it (including the International community in many cases), a certain segment of the Vet-Bro community, both the clown-show and the more professional class of talking head grifters, would rather content themselves with open ridicule of those at least having an open moral argument for advocating the Martial Civilian at face value. Theirs is the comfort zone of monopolized violence.


Now, Jack is simply one example of the mask slipping. Having a solid career, he began to go off the deep end when the indoctrination of Georgetown and the K Street bandits began to take hold. Never mind the fact that the thinking promulgated by that crowd has done nothing but place America in decline, the hubris of the institutional inbreeding is nearly insurmountable. He and his breed were removed from the failures of Libya, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, west Africa and beyond, more content to seek those paychecks as special guest panelists on CNN, MSNBC or Fox. Never mind the fact that the entertainment telesector grift left some time back and continues to be in steep decline, relegated now to interviewing has-beens with book deals where they’ll sell 100 copies to drooling groupies. Its akin to interviewing the team that lost the Super Bowl again and again. That market is rapidly declining and even more so as Ukraine continues to founder, and the SOF Vet-Bro grifting market ain’t what it once was. But that of course doesn’t stop SOFREP, so long as you pay them…for whatever it is they do. Its a dollar-tree StratFor, perused only by those too dumb to realize what it is. Nice couches though. That community is perfectly happy to define you and yours as “terrorists” and have done so repeatedly. And I am quite content labeling them domestic enemies. By the number of my books sold, my opinion matters a bit.

This brings us to you, the Martial Civilian. Collectively, since I left the .mil world due to my own injuries and in turn started a training company after adventures in academia, I can say some of the most badass, ruthless and tactically cunning people I’ve met and had the honor of training have zero military background. Its not a requirement, despite what many in the aforementioned community may say, to be extremely dangerous to the machine. In fact to the contrary I’d say that a minimal influence of military doctrine in lieu of a major focus on objective-based training and original thinking is far more applicable in nearly any case I can think of for a prospective Guerrilla force. And yes, that’s how I view the American populace, for good or bad, going into the future. The era of the Martial Civilian is upon us. And while I do believe that the original qualification for the trainer himself is documented experience, this is only in relation to understanding and defining relevance in the professional space. This is why this works, and I did it at this point. This is a concept that the Vet-Bro grifter crowd above can neither fathom or understand; wars only happen on other people’s soil, not ours. Despots, at least how they define them, only occur in other people’s shithole countries, not the shithole created here at home. Its business as usual, now on to the next gravy train. After all, the guy the FBI just smoked in Utah probably deserved it. Ask them, they’ll tell you.

But those Martial Civilians above, coming from literally every walk of life, from general contractors, brick masons, plumbers, artists, musicians to engineers, bankers, doctors and lawyers, treat their training just as serious as the Rangers of early Colonial America: as a matter of life and death. In fact, at least in my opinion, their attitude embodies the motto Sua Sponte (of their own accord) at least as much as anyone I worked with and in many cases, more. For them its not a paycheck, training is self funded, and for most, it damn sure ain’t playing dress up in the woods. What’s more, the community that I see growing around those training is what’s even more impressive. In nearly every class I have at least a couple of people who know one another from a previous class somewhere else. That aggregate level of knowledge, experience and competence, is a damn fine thing to see. Many Americans know full well the precarious state the country is slipping into and they’re doing something about it. Social, and the resultant political movements, don’t exist in a vacuum but absolutely do require a trained populace, and make no mistake one is fomenting.

I would also be remiss to point out that it is not a fight that anyone seeks. Anger, yes. Justification, absolutely. But seeking it, no. Civil wars, the one fomenting currently, are a most uncivil affair. There are those of us who’ve seen, all too often in our misadventures overseas, the tragedies that occur when the halls of power are challenged. The winds of social change, however, are not ours to control. What we do control however is the preparation for the coming storm as best we can. And take solace in knowing many are in fact doing so. It is one based on love of country, not in spite of it.

Don’t let the Vet-Bro grifter crowd fool you, they sold their soul for a place at the table, never even realizing what they are…hired help; the errand boy, having n