A Reprise of Government Created Societal Destruction

Original article here.

Every facet of our lives has been attacked by the leeches of socialism. The last phases are upon us. Christians cannot adopt children in Massachusetts or Oregon. Do these socialist anti-cultural decrees originate from a genetic or prescription caused mutation in these bureaucrats?

A firm set of non-governmental societal standards and morality is required to save a people from total subjugation. Sadly we have none to be found. Our Christian foundation of society has dissolved almost completely in the past 60 years. Families attending church are the minority in our country. What belief system is left to support our lives?

The bellweather in our culture for the test of its’ well being is the black community because it is the most fragile. Various governmental programs have affected blacks more quickly and negatively in the past 60 years. The US had two almost parallel economic societies in the ‘60s. The wealthy, the middle class, the working poor and the destitute were about proportionate, black and white. The welfare laws quickly began to undermine the growth of the black middle class by eliminating male family responsibility. All of their financial and societal self-developed progress peaked and began a rapid deterioration.

I was reared by a black lady in the South 60 years ago. She ruled the entire roost. One day when I was about five, I had become a unruly and she sent me outside for a switch. I came back to the kitchen and received a well justified exchange of opinions. My mother appeared in the doorway to see what I was screaming about. She saw the situation and turned and left, for she had been in the same spot 25 years before. The black lady’s neighbors used similar methods with positive results. That functional system is sadly gone today.

There was no Child Protective Service to inhibit discipline of the next generation. Now a child is taken and given to a foster parent who receives healthy checks for their trouble. Maybe I could get that switch and go to CPS and…… Perhaps one switching for every bureaucrat would be in order!

There have always been people who tried to press the segregation buttons for personal profit. They were called “race hustlers” by the great Walter Williams. The majority of the black people worked and added sweat and talents to the community and did not allow the rabble of their community to disrupt their lives. The self serving propaganda dished by these race hustlers has contributed greatly to our separation which contributed to our governmental dissolution.

The black middle class shop keepers, mechanics and professionals began their descent into the mire after the 1968 riots. There is one eerie similarity between the BLM and the rising of the blacks after the murder of MLK. The black middle class business districts across the country were burned out and they will not return. This created more government dependence for the community and more money for the politicians.

The previously segregated large department stores opened their doors to everyone and the black shop keeper was forced out of business permanently. Their small financial size and political influence made them easy targets for the bureaucratic positions opened by the new programs. Today the memories of the financial independence and dignity of their grandfathers has faded into a government check, which they pay back through the ballot box as required.

K-Mart, Walmart and Woolco began the gradual process of eating white middle class shops as well. The socialist Long March through the patriotic middle class basis of our culture had begun. The experiment worked on the black community, why not try again?

The final nails of corporate control were driven in during the Plandemic. As we all remember the small businesses were kept closed and the big boys were unimpeded. The reason for this is pretty obvious. Controlling millions of small companies would be impossible and independent people cannot be allowed in the New World Order.

A few calls to corporate suites are very easy. Disney, Kellogg’s’, Coke, Target and Budweiser are easy meat. These companies are the symbols of our bondage but just to make sure that the little independent people are intimidated, 75K IRS agents are out there armed and on commission.

The destruction of the black family unit through a government replacement of their men has released a level of primitive criminality that had been banished by our social system. Drug prohibition creates criminality, monetary kickbacks and political issues for use by the politicos, it will never be decriminalized.

The governmental policies of forcing desegregation have been ineffective of course. The Civil Rights Act was more destructive than the system it replaced. The government can never be wrong so a new boogey man had to be found. The Department of Education complex was created and brought into the spotlight. It was rather easy since the teachers’ union always contributes to democrats creating mutual political and financial support.

The educated class determined in the ‘60s that racism in schools was the cause of the degradation of the black community. The answer was obvious to them. Black kids were bussed for an hour twice a day to sit next to white students. I suppose that sitting with white kids created education by osmosis. How did that work out? We now are reverting to the previous program by creating a racist segregation plan to save the black kids from evil white racism. Short memories are essential for socialistic simpletons for their failures are continual and are constantly replayed. A great example is the progression of sexual perversion acceptance. The next step will be bestiality.

Trillions of dollars later, we are worse off than 60 years ago and only have more bureaucratic pensions and debt to show for it. We need a new path for survival.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page: http://bit.ly/BrushbeaterStore

One Comment

  1. Milo Mindbender August 26, 2023 at 06:32

    Back in the beginning of bussing I was living in southern California, and got caught up in that net. I and my 2 brothers were bussed from a school we could walk to to a better neighborhood. We jumped off the bus and looked like everyone already there. The majority of the other children on the bus were obviously not from that area, and stood out. It seemed pointless back then, before computers in classrooms was a thing, and still seems kinda silly.

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