Majority Of Muslim Americans Believe Hamas Was ‘Justified’ In Its Terror Attacks Against Israel

Original article here.

A new poll released late last week found that the majority of Muslim Americans believes that Hamas was “justified” in committing terrorist attacks against Israel.

The poll from Cygnal surveyed over 2,000 people from October 16-18 to gauge the public’s overall awareness and attitudes about what was happening in Israel.

A majority overall, 50.6%, have a positive opinion of Israel compared to only 12% who have a negative opinion while 37% were neutral. The two groups that had the highest negative views of Israel were Muslim Americans at 36.5% and Democrats at 15.7%. The groups that had the largest positive views of Israel were Jewish Americans at 85.1% (vs less than 5% negative) and Republicans at 64.9% (vs less than 9% negative).

The results showed that Muslim Americans were far less educated about numerous aspects of the atrocities committed by Palestinian terrorists than Jewish Americans. For example, only 10.8% of Jewish Americans were “not aware” of the fact that Hamas had decapitated babies compared to 34.1% of Muslim Americans who were “not aware.”

Overall, the overwhelming majority of Americans strongly — about 84% — said that Israel had the right to defend themselves against Hamas terror attacks. About 75% of Americans said that Hamas was not justified in attacking Israel.

The survey found that Hamas is viewed by the majority of Americans as the same as Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and ISIS. Muslim Americans mostly agreed but “they slightly over-index for saying Hamas is not as bad as each of the other three terrorist organizations,” the report said.

One concerning finding was that the majority of Muslim Americans, 57.5%, said that they agreed that “Hamas was justified in attacking Israel as part of their struggle for a Palestinian State.”

More than 1,400 Israelis were murdered during the attacks, entire families were wiped out, dozens of babies were decapitated or burned so badly they could not be identified, and women were raped so violently that examiners found that many of their pelvises had been broken.

Despite these atrocities, a plurality of Muslim Americans still had a positive view of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, 38.6% viewed him positively vs. only 34.5% viewed him negatively.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:

One Comment

  1. Just Gotta Say It October 23, 2023 at 15:16

    One problem with the idea of a palestinian state is when does stolen or colonized land become rightfully yours?

    If I were to drive a christian family off their land, and squat on the land for a year, should the land legally become mine?

    What about if ten years went by? What about a hundred? Does the title expire if something was wrongfully taken or if there was not force to take back something wrongfully.

    If you steal it, then someone else steals it from the thief, who does it belong to, the original owner, the previous thief, or the current thief?

    Dozens of previously christian countries had all their christians driven out to become almost entirely muslim, and once a certain minimum percentage is muslim the takeover never stops.

    Muslims believe something theyve taken by force or conquest once is theirs forever, which is why they wanted to get back into spain since being kicked out by king ferdinand in 1602 or so.

    What is called palestine is just one of the fronts of muslim conquest in that area who drove out other people, even if everyone was removed from there to go be in some other arab country it would be akin to some ethnicity losing some small corner of their country – it’s in no way the moral equivalent of driving 100% of an ethnicity off of their millenium-long homeland when they exist nowhere else. 50+ nation-states are muslim territory, whats the square footage of gaza vs those nations put together? It”d be like italy losing a few square miles or something.

    The problem is that no other arab country even wants them back, not even one – they would rather have them stay and die in palestine so they can scream about being martyrs rather than offer then a place to stay in their countries and use it as an excuse for islamic supremacism and further conquest ie rioting in europe and the US which is already happening. Nobody in the arab world cares about palestinians when alive, israel pays their bills giving them free power and utilities, and nobody in the arab world cares to prevent them from dying, if they did, why aren’t we hearing something like “egypt is opening it’s doors for unlimited aid letting anyone who wants to come over be here”?

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