Nashville Trans School Shooter Wanted to Kill ‘Little Crackers’ With ‘White Privilege’ According to Leaked Manifesto

Original article here.

The Nashville trans school shooter was motivated by an intense, murderous hatred of affluent, white (cracker) children, according to a leaked manifesto that was written in a spiral notebook.

“Wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little faggots w/ your white privileges f—k you faggots,” Audrey “Aiden” Hale allegedly wrote.

Three pages of Hale’s chilling diatribe was reportedly obtained by Louder With Crowder’s investigative unit “MugClub Undercover.”

Hale, 28, targeted the Christian Covenant School on March 27, 2023, killing three children and three members of the school’s staff before being shot dead by responding police.

Following the shooting, Democrats and the Biden regime reacted by calling for more gun control, while conservatives demanded that Hale’s manifesto be released.

Her racially-charged writings were submitted to the Davidson County Chancellors chambers last May, after multiple lawsuits were filed to make the materials public.

On one page—dated 2/3/23 and titled “Kill those kids!!!”—Hale displayed both Marxist class hatred and anti-white racial hatred by raging against affluent white children and their “white privilege.”

“those crackers… going to fancy private schools with those fancy khakis + sports backpacks w/ their daddies mustangs + convertibles,” she wrote. “F—k you little sh-ts.”

Hale added: “Wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little faggots w/ your white privileges f— you faggots.”

On another page of the leaked documents,  Hale meticulously planned the attack on her former school, laying out the day’s schedule, which was to start at 6:30 a.m.

The day was to began with getting dressed, having breakfast, and doing something with her “stuffed animals & possessions.”

Hale wrote that at 9:30 she would “pack up special belongings in backpack(s).”

At 10:20, Hale expected to “gear up & set up guns in trunk (assembly) & get out vest (w/mags inside).”

She planned to make a “final video tape” at 11:20 a.m., although the existence of such a tape has never been mentioned by authorities.

Fifteen minutes later, at 11:35, Hale planned to leave for the Covenant School.

Finally, at 12:35, she wrote that she would “open fire,” and then it was “time 2 die.”

On a yellow post-it note, attached to the page, Hale added: “Lunch may be around 11 am–1 pm?”

Hale got an earlier than scheduled start on the day of the shooting, arriving at the school at 9:54 a.m.

On that day, she wrote  “DEATH DAY” on another page of the leaked documents, which included drawings of a crosshair target and a pistol.

“The day has finally come!” Hale wrote. “I can’t believe its [sic] here. Don’t know how I was able to get this far, but here I am. I’m a little nervous but excited too. Been excited for the past 2 weeks.”

Hale indicated that she had been planning the attack for years, writing: “There were several times I could have been caught especially back in the summer of 2021. None of that matters now. I am almost an hour & 7 minutes away.”

“Can’t believe I’m doing this, but I’m ready,” Hale wrote. “I hope my victims aren’t.”

She noted that her only fear was if “anything goes wrong.”

“I’ll do my best to prevent anything of the sort,” Hale wrote, adding a little prayer in parentheses: “(God let my wrath take over my anxiety).”

The 28-year-old indicated that she was ready to die, and wrote that she hoped it would be over quickly.

“It might be 10 minutes tops. It might be 3-7. It’s gonna go quick,” Hale wrote. “I hope I have a high death count.”

She added, “Ready to Die nana” and signed it Audrey.

At 10:11 a.m., armed with two rifles and a pistol, Hale shot through a set of glass side doors and entered the building.

By 10:27, 14 minutes after the initial 911 call was made, Hale had been shot dead by police.

According to Steven Crowder, MugClub Undercover has corroborated the pages from the manifesto as authentic.

Nashville Mayor Freddie O’Connell (D) has reportedly launched an investigation to find out who leaked the manifesto.

The mayor’s office confirmed Monday afternoon that they are working with Metro’s Law Department to determine how the materials were released.


Crowder discussed the leaked manifesto on his show “Louder With Crowder” Monday morning.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. RP November 7, 2023 at 09:59

    Mr. Gunsngear had it up on his channel as well, which is where I saw it. Of course he does stuff with Crowder as well.

  2. Chris November 7, 2023 at 19:33

    Gender Pretenders evidently don’t have Mirrors😂😂😂

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