Radio Contra Episode 262. Thanksgiving with the American Partisan Crew

Episode 262. I’m joined by Johnny Paratrooper, Madman Actual and Patriotman to talk Javier Milei, Canadian border shenanigans, and idiots handing out awful tactical advice online. Happy Thanksgiving!

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. Ghostmann November 23, 2023 at 08:17

    A lot to digest in this podcast.

    First off all, Happy Thanksgiving to you Scout, and the entire team at AP.


    Mitt Romney and Benjamin Netanyahu were both at Bain Capital. Now, if anyone wants to dig, there were certain alt media people who were in pictures with Bibi.

    The DeSantis crowd doesn’t realize…. Trump is a symbol. Always will be. Whether you whine about it or not, no one cares. The power structure is frightened of the symbol because that symbol is a gateway to an American Millei, or Franco. Not unlike how Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera was in Spain prior to the Generals Coup. Trump isn’t effective and he’s bought off at this point, and you know what… it doesn’t matter. If you think Nimrata, or Ron, are going to fix or do anything… yeah ok man. And Caitlin Jenner is a woman.

    For team MAGA and team DeSantis, ever stop and think for a minute that the financial interests behind the candidates themselves, and the ones behind the power structure (which overlap) actually are pushing a lot of the stupid division you see? People like Florida Dad, DC Draino, Jack Posobiec, are just ugly versions of JoJoFromJerz. At the grassroots level, if someone supports the other candidate, they seriously aren’t your enemy. You think Antifa and BLM give a fuck – they see you as a target!

    For Conservatives… you have to be willing to hurt the enemy. You have to impose your will on them, and cause direct negative effects on them. See, you all, most of you, want to keep playing by the rules. Playing clean. 360 wins. No, this doesn’t work and is 100% why things are as they are. Because, our enemies – the jacobins, and the power structure – play to win. You don’t even want to be in the ring, and they are in the ring with brass knuckles and a homie outside the ring with a pipe ready to cheat their ass off.

    Tell me something, Conservatives… when your employers said no jab, no job, did you in a dignified way voice your concern, then obey and get it? Or did you make it clear you would take them down with you if they wanted to play that game? Judging by the data, most of you went out and got it. 70% of you got at least one jab. After all, being dignified and playing by the rules wins, amirite?

    As far as people complaining about the training.. you know what… the most effective are the basics drilled relentlessly. Not knowing 100 techniques but can’t apply any of them consistently. Basics applied with agression and planning go far further than a bunch of theoretical crap.

    People are how you win. Having something to offer to someone.

    Now, I’m sure I have a few upset at the comments above. Good.

    Now have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. T November 23, 2023 at 12:42

    I live about 40:00 minutes from Niagara Falls border crossing. The video of border check point with suspect car going airborne in background immediately before the explosion was indeed Dukes of Hazard worthy(borrowed that from Chrisky). The car was well over 100 mph to catch that much air. Gov. Hochul saying this was not a terrorist attack? She is not only batshit crazy but she’s an idiot.

  3. Oughtsix November 23, 2023 at 13:10

    Thanks, Ghostman. A bucket of cold, wet reality in the face of specious reasoning, poor planning and denial.

    It will come to killing… Give the other poor dumb bastard every chance to die for his false idols and ideology.

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