RED ALERT: US vows ‘unwavering support’ for Guyana over invasion threat from Putin’s pal Maduro as Brazil deploys troops to border

AMERICA has vowed its “unwavering support” for Guyana after Putin’s dictator pal Nicolás Maduro threatened to snatch more than half of the country and take its oil.

Guyana‘s tiny army is on full alert for an invasion from Venezuela, and Brazil also moved troops to the area amid fears a conflict could spill over the border.

Putin's pal Nicolás Maduro revealed his plans to incorporate more than half of Guyana's territory into Venezuela
Putin’s pal Nicolás Maduro revealed his plans to incorporate more than half of Guyana’s territory into Venezuela
Brazil is also set to deploy troops and armoured vehicles to its northern border with Venezuela and Guyana
Brazil is also set to deploy troops and armoured vehicles to its northern border with Venezuela and GuyanaCredit: EPA

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with Guyanese President Irfaan Ali late on Wednesday and reaffirmed the country’s backing for Guyana‘s sovereignty, the State Department said.

Tensions between Venezuela and Guyana over the oil-rich region of Essequibo have been rising, as the 61,600-square-mile area makes up to over two thirds of Guyana’s total land mass.

Maduro – a good friend of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin – has ambitions to seize the oil supplies in Essequibo.

A referendum took place in Venezuela on Sunday, which saw more than 95% of voters supporting the government’s claim to Essequibo, the BBC reports.

It comes as Brazil said it is also set to deploy troops to its border with Venezuela.

Some 28 armoured vehicles and around 150 soldiers will arrive at the country’s northern border with Venezuela and Guyana in the coming weeks, Brazilian defence said.

A possible incursion by Venezuela into Guyana by land would necessarily have to pass through Brazil, which shares a border with both countries.

A source from Brazil’s Military High Command told Globo the referendum results prompted the deployment to avoid the conflict from bleeding into the country.


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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. boss21 December 7, 2023 at 10:09

    ‘Unwavering support’ – that’s Guyana fucked so. Btw , this is another British time bomb. Back in the day the Brits reneged on a border at the river with Venezuela. The ‘seizing’ of Venezuelan gold in London was another grievance. And the ‘dictator’ Marduro put this to a referendum. When was the last time we got to vote on matters of state and war?

  2. Damn_Yankee_Rebel December 7, 2023 at 22:46

    Yeah, that USSA “unwavering support” is working out well for Ukraine. More like the kiss of death.

  3. Ghostmann December 8, 2023 at 05:14

    Um… a Venezuelan referendum is about as honest as the 2020 election was here.

    This is about BRICS controlling physical resources to back their new international currency. This is the test of hegemony for them. Can they realistically project power into the western hemisphere via Venezuela?

    If the answer ends up being a decisive yes, then that speeds up the death of the dollar, among other issues.

    This also raises a bunch of other questions… such as the Venezuelan fifth columns that are already pipelined here.

    Venezuela can also provide another lesson though. How has voting harder worked for the Venezuelan conservative opposition?

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