Germany is preparing for Putin attack against NATO in 2025: Leaked secret plans reveal step-by-step how Russia will escalate conflict to all-out war in 18 months

Germany is preparing for Vladimir Putin‘s forces to attack NATO in 2025, according to leaked secret plans.

Secret documents from the German Ministry of Defence reveal a step-by-step doomsday guide on how Russia will escalate the conflict in Ukraine to an all-out war in just 18 months.

The leaked plans, published by German newspaper Bild, reveal in detail the path to a Third World War with Putin using Belarus as a launching pad for an invasion – as he did in February 2022 for his war in Ukraine.

The release of the terrifying documents come just days after Sweden‘s civil defence minister warned that his country could soon face the prospect of war and urged citizens to join voluntary defence organisations in preparation for a Russian attack.

And Germany’s defence leaders are also taking the threat from Moscow seriously, with the Bundeswehr preparing for a hybrid Russian attack on NATO’s eastern flank by the summer of 2025.

The secret ‘Alliance Defence 2025’ document details how Russia will mobilise another 200,000 soldiers in Russia before launching a spring offensive against Ukrainian forces in Spring this year.

By June, amid dwindling Western support and weaponry, Russia would achieve success on the battlefield and make significant advances through Ukraine, according to the leaked documents.

Germany is preparing for Vladimir Putin 's forces to attack NATO in 2025, according to leaked secret plans

Germany is preparing for Vladimir Putin ‘s forces to attack NATO in 2025, according to leaked secret plans

Ukrainian soldiers on the frontline take part in a medical training in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine on January 14

Ukrainian soldiers on the frontline take part in a medical training in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine on January 14

Russian and Belarusian tanks attend joint exercise on 21 February 2022 in Belarus - a day before Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. According to leaked plans, Russia could use Belarus as a launching pad again - but this time to attack NATO allies

Russian and Belarusian tanks attend joint exercise on 21 February 2022 in Belarus – a day before Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. According to leaked plans, Russia could use Belarus as a launching pad again – but this time to attack NATO allies

Taking advantage of this success, Putin would in July launch cyber attacks in the Baltics at the same time as inciting violence in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania by claiming that ethnic Russian minorities are being targeted.

This tactic has already been used by Putin’s cronies to justify their attack on Ukraine in 2014 and again in 2022 when Russia launched its full-scale invasion.

Clashes would occur in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as a result of Russia’s interference and Putin would use this as an excuse to launch a large-scale exercise with 50,000 Russian troops sent to Belarus and western Russia by September.

A month later, Putin would go one step further and move troops and medium-range missiles to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, which is nestled in between Poland and Lithuania.

At the same time, Putin and his cronies would continue their sabre-rattling and claim that NATO is preparing to attack Russia and a threat to their national security.

But Putin’s main aim will be to attack a narrow strip of land known as the Suwalki Gap. Poland and Lithuania have fought for control of the area, but today it is part of Poland and is the only land border between mainland Europe and the Baltic States.

Even a small attack on the area – sandwiched between Poland, Lithuania and Kaliningrad – could cause huge problems for NATO and potentially spiral into a Third World War.

Fears of a Baltic invasion have risen since the Ukraine war began, and if Putin were to attempt it then blocking the Suwalki Gap would likely be his first move, as detailed in the leaked secret documents.

Though thousands of NATO troops, including UK soldiers, are currently deployed to the Baltics, they are only intended as a ‘tripwire’ force. Their role is to hold up any invading force until the main NATO army can arrive.

By December this year, Moscow would dispel fake propaganda about a border conflict and ‘riots with numerous deaths’ in the Suwalki Gap, according to the documents.

But Putin's main aim will be to attack a narrow strip of land known as the Suwalki Gap. Poland and Lithuania have fought for control of the area, but today it is part of Poland and is the only land border between mainland Europe and the Baltic States

But Putin’s main aim will be to attack a narrow strip of land known as the Suwalki Gap. Poland and Lithuania have fought for control of the area, but today it is part of Poland and is the only land border between mainland Europe and the Baltic States


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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:

One Comment

  1. Chris January 16, 2024 at 01:00

    All the West had to do was Honor it’s Agreements. But, as usual…..Nope.
    It Crawled Right UP the Bears Ass, Straight on up and in!!
    Wanting all that Money from those MONEY making Natural Resources. Gas, Oil, REE and Global Power.


    Secret documents from the German Ministry of Defence reveal a step-by-step doomsday guide on how NATO, NATO will escalate the conflict in Ukraine to an all-out war in just 18 months.

    That is a more Realistic Version of what could very well happen unless the People of the West AND Europe….Just Say NO!! (Did that on purpose)

    No, we ARE NOT participating in anyway, building your weapons, moving your gear….
    Providing Fodder…etc etc etc.
    Matter of fact, we are going to get in your way.

    Thats about the only power the people have.

    A bad Richard Pryor Movie Script.

    No one shows up for the war or at least to reinforce the inevitable Mass Loss’s ALL will incur.

    Cause the Powers That Be are 100% Committed, won’t back down because Gov’t doesn’t understand Humility and don’t have the Integrity as Men and Women to say…

    Yeah, we screwed Russia and the pooch.


    Had Putin Stormed across the entirety of krainelandia in a week or a month, taken minimal loss’s of bodies and gear, had the pipeline not been destroyed by (ORCA🧐🧐🧐) or other western/NATO/American means, had he not lost Any Ships, had he Conquered it Decisively and Brought the Proverbial Hammer Down with a great Russian Bear Thud upon the People of Kraine…..
    Ok, maaaaybe… this Fairytale that Bilder and UK provided would come to pass.

    But NO, he took HUGE loss’s across the board according to NATO, The Swamp Monsters and The Begger of a Used Car Saleman.

    And Still is, has a Failing Economy and Steals Chips out of Western Sex Toy’s, Washing Machines and Pooh the IoT childs toy.
    And Begs for Missiles and Arty from the Norks.

    IMO this…”LEAK” 😂😂 is
    WESTERN/NATO/American projection, gas lighting, tells……..The PLAN. Call it what you will.

    It’s Insanity and BS, imo.

    But what do I know, I’m just a civi with no war’ing experience.

    End rant.

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